When they arrived at the door, the trucks carrying the things had just arrived. He Yuliang was busy moving the things into the house...


After all the hassles, He Yuliang took out his cigarettes and offered one to each person: "Thank you for your hard work! Thank you for your hard work! Have a cigarette! Have a drink of water and take a break!"

"You're welcome! You're welcome! Look at the money for the truck..."

Four trucks, including the help in moving the things into the house, cost a total of eight yuan. He Yuliang paid the money happily, and the four people left with a smile.

This kind of deal is not something you can come across every day.

"Brother! You bought so many things? How much money does it cost? You can't make ends meet? If you ask a carpenter to make these things, it would cost at most more than 200 yuan, less than 300 yuan. How much money did you spend?"

He Yushui felt distressed. How much money did you spend in vain!

Looking at the house full of furniture, He Yuliang nodded. Silly Shui, what do you know? Just this room full of furniture, decades later, you'll be dumbfounded, right?

Your furniture, which costs more than 200 yuan, will be too smoky to burn when the time comes. My room can be sold at a sky-high price if it is made into beads!

"Okay, isn't this convenient! Go heat up the dishes, and I'll go call the aunt and the old lady to have lunch..."

"Lunch? You're not at work, why do you want to have lunch? Ask the aunt if she has had lunch?"

He Yushui looked at He Yuliang strangely.

"Don't you want to have lunch?"

"Who in the compound has lunch at noon? You're not at work, so you're not afraid of being laughed at for eating at noon!"

He Yuliang...

"I don't care, I have to eat at noon anyway, three meals a day, this is a must! Go heat up the food!"

"Okay! I'll go right away!"

"I'll call the old lady and the aunt!"

"It's useless to call you!"


After a while, He Yuliang sat opposite He Yushui with a stinky face to eat, and He Yushui laughed so hard that he couldn't even pick up the dishes!

Not only did He Yuliang fail to call the aunt and the old lady, he was also lectured by the old lady.

They said He Yuliang was like an old man who was very particular. He didn't work but still ate three meals a day. He wasn't afraid of eating up all his luck...

In the end, He Yuliang used hot water to make two bowls of malted milk for the old lady. He gave one bowl to the aunt and one bowl to the old lady. He ran away while the old lady scolded him for being a spendthrift...

"Stop laughing! Eat your meal. When you leave, remember to take the things with you!"

"Brother, you should leave some at home!" Although He Yushui took all the things to his room, he was afraid that the Siheyuan thief would take them.

"No need. I'll buy more if there's nothing left at home! You can take them all!" He Yuliang waved his hand and made the decision!

Chapter 29 Going to the Steel Rolling Mill

He Yushui went to work. He Yuliang used the Bingxixi sales system to evaluate the things in the house.

Not bad, not bad. The cheapest one can be sold for one or eight hundred thousand. These furnitures are considered to be a big profit!

People are refreshed when they are happy! Lang Shining's paintings are hung up and sold for tens of millions!

At this price, you must spend it in advance. Pull out millet and rice from Bingxixi and pour them into the rice jar. In this year, millet is considered a coarse grain, which makes He Yuliang overjoyed!

This stuff is much easier to swallow than corn flour!

Put white flour in the chest of drawers, and corn flour on top. Although there are many delicious things, you have to hide them when you eat them.

There are still people who are hungry in this year. If you eat white flour buns every day, people will report you.

Peanuts, this is a good thing. Get a bag and put it in the cupboard. When you have time, let Erzhuzi fry it...

After a meal, I finally filled up everything! After filling it up, He Yuliang suddenly remembered~

What's the point of putting them in my room? I don't cook here...

"Auntie! Auntie! I'm going out for a while. Please take care of the dishes in the room and wait for Zhuzi to come back and cook!"


Turn right out of the compound, Red Star Supply and Marketing Cooperative!

"Do you have a Forever bicycle?"

"Yes, we just got a new one, 175 yuan, and 12 industrial coupons."


He Yuliang paid the money happily, took the coupons and went straight to the repair shop...


For 50 cents, all the screws were tightened, and the back seat was removed. For one dollar, a basket was installed. He Yuliang rode the bicycle and went straight to the steel mill!

The bet with He Yuzhu needs to be planned, otherwise he will lose a lot!


"Comrade, I am the new instructor and security captain of the Red Star Police Station. I am here to find your security manager. Who should I look for?"

He Yuliang came to the gate of the steel mill and asked the guard at the gate.

"I don't know about this either. You have to ask the head of the security department!"

"Head of the security department?"

"Yes, over there in the Little White Building. You can see it at a glance. I can't leave here for the time being. There are no workers passing by here, so I can't show you the way."

"It's okay! I'll go in and ask! You're busy, I'll go first! Thank you!"

He Yuliang rode his bicycle and walked inside...


Little White Building, a three-story building, for the convenience of management, the offices of all leaders of the steel rolling mill are here!

The offices of small leaders and dispatchers are on the first floor, the offices of accountants and technicians are on the second floor, and the third floor is the office of the director and deputy director.

He Yuliang locked the car and stepped up to the third floor~Head of the security department? What the hell am I looking for him for? Is he at that administrative level?

He is just a cover. The police station has already put up a name for who to cooperate with the work!

Moreover, this time I have another thing...



As He Yuliang walked along, there were a few people coming in and out, but looking at the police uniform on He Yuliang, they didn't say anything.

He Yuliang had to lament the importance of skin!

Hearing a deep voice inside, He Yuliang pushed the door open and entered!

"Excuse me, are you Director Yang, Yang Weihong?"

"I am Yang Weihong, this comrade, you are..."


He Yuliang salutes alone!

"Report, originally, He Yuliang, commander of the third platoon of the 55th Division of the Southwest Military Region, the 154th Regiment, the 9th Company, would like to say hello to you!

This is a letter from our leader to you! "

He Yuliang took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Director Yang. Director Yang responded with a gift and took the letter...

Coincidentally, He Yuliang's group leader was somewhat related to Director Yang of the steel rolling mill.

It's a pity that He Yuliang was demobilized. He was about to be promoted to company commander three times. The first time was because of the ambush. The wind blew a cigarette butt into his ambush pit. .

The second time was because in order to improve the food for the soldiers, he ate the ownerless cattle on Asan Street.

The third time was even worse. A group of angry prisoners suddenly appeared, but they were immediately demobilized!

So when he was demobilized, all the leaders wrote letters to those who were relevant, gave money and tickets to those who were not, and said farewell to him!

Director Yang’s is one of them!

After reading the letter, Director Yang looked at He Yuliang with admiration: "Where have you been assigned to, you demobilized? Do you want to come to our rolling mill?"

"Oh, Director Yang, no need, I'm assigned to the Hongxing Police Station, and the director takes good care of me.

I also want to start work as soon as possible. This steel rolling mill is the largest factory within the jurisdiction of the Hongxing Police Station, with more than 10,000 workers.

Being able to communicate with you smoothly will save at least half of the worries of the Hongxing Police Station. I don’t want to take the leader’s letter and come here to pay homage to the mountain and look for my relatives! "

He Yuliang scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

"You, you, what's the matter? Your temper is nothing like the firecracker mentioned in the letter!"

"After so much experience, it's time to grow up!"

"It's good to grow up, but you still have to keep a pure heart. I don't think you need my help at all!

Come on, I'll take you to Deputy Director Li. The security department and personnel issues are all under his control. You can get to know each other so you can start working!

If there is any joint arrest or secondment in the future, we can start the work.

He Yuliang, right? This name sounds familiar! "

He Yuliang smiled and shook his head: "Director Yang, of course you are familiar with this name. You know He Yuzhu, the chef of your factory, that is my brother!"

"Silly Pillar?"

"Yes, Silly Pillar!"

"Oh no, no, it just clicked for me! He Yuzhu is your brother? My biological brother?"

He Yuliang nodded.

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