Chapter 500

Su Ling simply said something here, and at the same time she was thinking inside.

At present, I am not afraid of being known by Xiang Jia. The only question is how to let them know.

Go directly to the person showdown with Xiangjia?

Su Ling had thought about this, but always felt a little embarrassed and couldn’t do such a thing.

Guoba also said: “If that’s the case, don’t waste time. Everyone will show the card directly, just to solve this matter.”

“If you wait for them to find out, you don’t know when you have to wait, and don’t look at them high.”

In Guoba’s tone, it seemed that he didn’t believe in Xiang Jia very much.

After all, after investigating for a long time, there was no result.

They went to Su Ling’s father only because of suspicion. They had doubts, but they didn’t find anything real.

If you really let them check, Su Ling thinks it can still be found, but it will take time.

Xu Yong nodded and said, “Indeed, I think Su Shao’s time is more valuable. There is no need to waste time here with them.”

Su Ling thought that it was true. She was fine. After all, home is here, and it’s okay to stay at home for a few more days.

But Xu Yong and the others were all from outside, so they couldn’t be allowed to stay in Lucheng forever.

Even if they didn’t say it themselves, Su Ling knew in her heart that she was definitely not used to it.

If this is the case, let’s make a quick decision.

Su Ling muttered to herself: “Then how do you let them know, deliberately show your feet?”

I really didn’t expect that I have this day, and I have to deliberately expose flaws when doing bad things.

Su Ling had already figured it out a little bit in her heart, this is not a difficult task, just let Lao Bai watch the operation by herself, a little bit of flaws appeared, I believe Lao Bai should be counted.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Qian Ning said, “Isn’t this easy? Isn’t the person from Xiangjia who doesn’t have long eyes is in hospital?”

“Shall we go to the hospital to see him?”

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone instantly understood what this meant.

A group of people stood in front of him sarcastically, wondering who did it? This is unlikely.

As soon as Xiang Qingshu knew, didn’t the entire Xiang family know it.

Don’t tell me, this Channing looks unreliable, but the idea at the critical moment is still okay.

Su Ling also felt that there was no problem, so she said, “No problem, this is a pretty good idea.”

Just listen to Su Ling’s words: “Then I’ll ask my friend, to find out which hospital you are in.”

Which hospital is hospitalized in, I believe it is not difficult to investigate.

There is no need to let Lao Bai take the shot. It’s purely overkill and a waste of time. Isn’t this Wang Kun’s presence?

Ask Wang Kun yourself, I guess he knows it.

Su Ling made a call and said politely: “Have you eaten?”

“It’s almost two o’clock, can I stop eating, what’s the matter?”

Wang Kun was also a little surprised. Obviously, he knew that Su Ling was looking for him, but it was not as simple as asking if he had eaten before.

Su Ling directly said, “You should know which hospital Xiang Qingshu is lying in?”

“What are you doing, Su Ling?”

Wang Kun was shocked when he said this.

Hearing what Su Ling meant, I was going to find Xiang Qingshu, and it all sounded scary.

And Wang Kun really couldn’t understand what Su Ling wanted to do.

You got everyone in the hospital. If you are reasonable, you shouldn’t be careful during this time. Don’t be found by Xiang Jia.

Wang Kunming had nothing to do with this incident, and was worried all day, for fear that Su Ling would be found out.

As a result, Su Ling did well. She planned to take the initiative to find Xiang Qingshu. What did she intend to play?

Is Su Ling to admit counseling? It shouldn’t be so naive. As far as the current situation seems, it is useless to admit counsel.

Wang Kun somewhat understood the virtues of Xiang Qingshu.

It can be seen from his dealing with Su Ling’s father that Su Ling didn’t offend him, and neither of them even knew each other.

As a result, this person can act because he is jealous, and he is obviously a careful person. ,

Su Ling made him so miserable this time, it is obviously impossible to expect him to forgive.


But Wang Kun shook his head quickly.

Speaking of understanding Xiang Qingshu, Wang Kun just heard and analyzed some things he did.

It is his brother Su Ling who really understands.

With Su Ling’s character, he dared to retaliate like this, how could he take the initiative to subdue him? It’s impossible.

“Could it be…”

Suddenly Wang Kun’s eyes widened as if thinking of something.

He thought of a terrible thing, Su Ling didn’t want to go to the hospital to kill Wang Kun.

If it were so crazy, then something really happened.

Just listen to Wang Kun hurriedly said: “Su Ling, Xiang Jia is getting angry now, don’t be impulsive anymore.”

Su Ling smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not that kind of person, I just went to visit him.”

“I know it in my heart, and I have a certain degree of certainty.”

This sentence made Wang Kun a little relieved, and Su Ling probably thought of something.

Otherwise, it can’t be so swaggering past.

Wang Kun knew that it would be useless to stop him, so he proactively said: “Okay, wait a moment, I’ll help you ask.”

“You don’t need to hide it, just ask, the sooner the better.” Su Ling said and hung up the phone.

It is no secret where Xiang Qingshu is hospitalized, which ward is on which floor.

In their circle, many people know it, because many people have visited.

In this way, the information is naturally no secret.

Wang Kun is also a member of the circle, and his relationship with Xiang Qingshu has naturally not reached the point where he needs to visit.

But it’s easy to ask a little bit.

Soon after hearing the specific news, Su Ling took the three brothers with him after receiving it.

At present, the best private hospital in Lucheng, Bo’ai Hospital.

This hospital still has a great reputation, mainly because it can be done privately. This is not easy.

Su Ling also pretended to buy a fruit basket and carried it up.

Xiang Qingshu lived in, naturally, the best VIP ward.

After coming up, the environment was quiet and there were no people in sight.

In the 1342 ward, there were two men who looked sturdy at the door. They seemed to be more careful, and the bodyguards were arranged.

“Come and see Shao Xiang!”

After arriving at the door, Qian Ning took the initiative to speak.


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