Zhou Yang smiled faintly, "You should have no objection to which song I play, right?"

Liu Yang sneered, "Whatever you want."

Zhou Yang smiled faintly, and slowly said, "In that case, let's play this song "Let's Dance Together"."

After that, Zhou Yang picked up a pen and paper, and began to write down a string of English letters, and then handed the paper to the staff.

"Okay." The staff scanned it and handed the paper to Liu Yang.

"Hmph! Mystifying."

Liu Yang snorted coldly, then took the note and immediately opened his mouth and read it out: Are you willing to dance with me..."


After Liu Yang finished reading, many people around him burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... So it's this song, I was wondering, how could Zhou Yang play this song."

"That's right, I thought it was a high-end skill, but it turned out to be just a song."

"Zhou Yang, you are doomed to lose this time, your song is no match for Liu Yang's. "

"That's right, you even wrote your own songs. Do you really think everyone is as good as you?"

Everyone laughed at him.

Liu Yang also showed a proud smile.

Songs written by yourself are not something that everyone can create. It requires inspiration and talent.

As for Zhou Yang, he can't do anything except bragging.

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhou Yang with some concern: "Zhou Yang, are you really okay?"

"What can happen to me?" Zhou Yang shrugged and said: "It's just this song. It's not difficult. You just wait and see."

While speaking, Liu Yang had already held the guitar in his arms.

"Okay, let's get started." Liu Yang smiled.

"Well! "Zhou Yang nodded.

Liu Yang narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhou Yang carefully.

He knew that Zhou Yang would definitely be crushed by him, but he didn't want Zhou Yang to win too easily.

So, he had to go all out.

Moreover, this was the best opportunity. If he could surpass Zhou Yang and win Yu Xiaoxiao's heart, he would make a fortune.

After all, Yu Xiaoxiao was so beautiful that she had countless suitors.

If he could catch up with Yu Xiaoxiao, his life would be completely reversed.

Imagining his future life, Liu Yang couldn't help but show a hint of expectation.

"Let's start."

Finally, Yu Xiaoxiao mustered up the courage to say.

Liu Yang took a deep breath and locked his eyes on the speaker.

Immediately, he closed his eyes, calmed down, and began to brew his emotions.

Soon, he got into the state, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I have been preparing this song for two years! "

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and shouted to his companions in the audience.

"Two years, two years, I have been practicing hard, just waiting for the day when I can work with Xiaoxiao, and then..."

On the side, Li Haichuan frowned.

Zhou Yang looked calm.

He believed that he could play this song better than Liu Yang.

Moreover, he also had the ability.

"Tonight, I want to dance with Xiaoxiao, and I want to sing for her. I want to tell the world that I, Liu Yang, like her."

Liu Yang muttered to himself, and then pressed the keys.

"Hua La! "

Instantly, the strings vibrated, making a clear and pleasant sound.

Immediately, a melodious melody flowed from the piano.

"You are the one I love most

We once had a beautiful dream together

You said you would hold me in your hands

We will grow old together..."

The distant and gentle singing voice floated in the air, intoxicating.

At this time, Liu Yang slowly opened his mouth, took a step, stepped on the beat, and immediately began to sing.

"This is the birthday gift you gave me. I really like it. Thank you."

Yu Xiaoxiao, her cheeks flushed.

It was only at this time that Zhou Yang realized that Yu Xiaoxiao was a very traditional girl.

And Liu Yang took the opportunity to tease her.

Sure enough, Yu Xiaoxiao's pretty face showed a hint of shyness, and her heart began to thump.

"Good, good, good!"

"Wonderful, wonderful! "

From the audience, there were voices of praise.

But at this moment, Liu Yang did not hold back.

Because he knew that this kind of performance, as long as he persisted, would win applause.

Sure enough, soon, the people in the audience could not help but cheer.


"Keep going, keep going!"

At the same time, Zhou Yang frowned.

He did not expect that Liu Yang would dare to add drama.

Although the song he just sang was indeed simple, the effect of Liu Yang singing it in this way was much worse.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, there was a round of boos from the audience.

"Go, Liu Yang, what are you doing? What the hell are you singing?"

"Liu Yang, don't embarrass yourself."

"Just admit defeat."

Many people shookhead.

Liu Yang's face flushed.

He didn't expect that these people were so disgusted.


Liu Yang snorted coldly, then turned and walked off the stage, leaving only the whole room laughing.

"Zhou Yang, I advise you to withdraw from the competition quickly and don't waste time." After Liu Yang left, Li Haichuan came over and sneered.

Zhou Yang shook his head and said, "Don't worry, a song of this level can't stump me."

"Haha, then I'll wait and see!" Li Haichuan sneered again.

Soon, Yu Xiaoxiao and Zhou Yang each sat in front of a guzheng.

"Yu Xiaoxiao, which one do you choose?" Liu Yang asked.

Yu Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment and pointed at Zhou Yang: "I'll choose this one."

Liu Yang raised his eyebrows and said: "Are you sure that the song I chose is more difficult."

Yu Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and said: "Zhou Yang, you start first."

Hearing this, Liu Yang snorted coldly and said: "Since you are looking for death, then you can't blame me."

"This song "Anxiang", even if I am at my peak level, I can perfectly show it."

"Your level is really impressive, but it is still a little behind me." Zhou Yang smiled faintly.

A cold light flashed in Liu Yang's eyes, and then his fingers fell on the guitar strings.


The melody sounded, and a strong sense of rhythm burst out instantly.

"Not bad."

Zhou Yang nodded, and then his fingers fell on the strings.

In an instant, the originally noisy venue suddenly became quiet.


As the rhythm symbols were played one by one.

A wonderful atmosphere began to spread.

And this kind of breath is exactly the theme of the guitar piece "An Xiang".

After this breath appeared, Zhou Yang played faster and faster.

And with the rhythm of the music, the audience gradually immersed in it.

It was as if they had entered a mysterious realm and forgotten the noise around them.

"Fuck, this song is so great!"

"Too awesome, worthy of Zhou Yang."

"I think Zhou Yang plays better."

People around exclaimed.

Even Yu Xiaoxiao widened her eyes.

This song seems to be really better than Liu Yang's.

And at this moment, Liu Yang suddenly stood up and angrily said: "Why can he play this song so well."

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