To be honest, from the very beginning of the trailer of "Bright Sword", he felt the high-quality and detail-oriented style.

And when the first episode was officially broadcast, as expected, Zhou Yang completely made this TV series into what he wanted!

Although his "Bright Sword" is very different from the original plot!

However, the shooting perspective and narrative structure have completely changed. Not only has the casting become more reasonable, but also professional soldiers have participated in it and made it unique, belonging only to Zhou Yang's "Bright Sword"!

And with the success of Zhou Yang's drama, the deputy director can also imagine that this drama will definitely be popular at that time, and it will be a mess, even more popular than "The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils".

After all, this anti-Japanese military-themed TV series has set a precedent for anti-Japanese war-themed TV series in the mainland of Yanhuang.

The role of Li Yunlong is also destined to be recognized and known by countless audiences, and some of the plots are destined to be classics forever!

Let's talk about Zhou Entertainment.

Zhou Yang and Zhou Xu sat there, watching "Drawing Sword" on TV. Zhou Yang looked calm, but Zhou Xu seemed particularly nervous.

After all, this was the second TV series managed by his department.

The ratings of the first broadcast of CCTV-1's prime time also affect the price of the second round of broadcast rights of the TV series!

Although the central media alone has made the company profitable, who doesn't want to make more money?

No matter how high a person climbs, he is still a person. He will also be stupid in times of crisis and let things go. There will always be only a few people who have independent judgment and can quickly analyze the interests. Zhou Xu is such a vulgar person, and naturally it is unavoidable!

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Come in!"

The door of Zhou Yang's office was pushed open just after the first episode of the TV series was broadcast!

Liang Qian walked in slowly in a pair of high heels and a black and white secretary outfit.

Before Zhou Yang could ask, Zhou Xu could not help but stand up and ask, "Ms. Liang Qian, how is the ratings over there?"

Hearing this.

Liang Qian looked at Zhou Yang.

After seeing the other party nod, she slowly said, "According to the news from the central media, the first trailer already had a 10% rating, and when the official plot began to be broadcast, it had reached 15%!"

"I estimate that after the first episode is broadcast, we can stabilize at around 18%!"


Liang Qian's face also had a touch of joy.

Such ratings have broken the best ratings record of TV series in the past of central media, setting a new record.

You know, in the past, it was extremely difficult for central media to have a 10% rating, and this 10% is not an average, but the ratings when the show was the most popular and the peak.

Of course.

To have such strong data on the first day, it still depends on the popularity of the previous drama, the publicity of the crew members, and the audience's doubts about Zhou Yang.

The combination of these three factors can create this record-breaking scene!

"Okay, Xiao Liang, you keep an eye on it at any time. Once there is new news from the central media, report it immediately!"

Zhou Yang waved his hand and said.

Zhou Xu didn't react until Liang Qian left the office.

Just now, he was extremely confused when he received the news from Liang Qian.

How good can domestic TV dramas be in 2005? The ratings broke 7 or 8, which was already a hit plot, but now, 10%, 15%, and 18%.

These three data are just like a dream!

How is this possible!

In the end, Zhou Xu, who couldn't explain it, could only attribute such an effect to his own coal boss, Zhou Yang.

Because he was the only one who couldn't explain it!

"Boss Zhou, we have finally succeeded this time!"

Zhou Xu said to Zhou Yang with excitement.

Because to be honest, Zhou Xu has been involved in this TV series for half his life, and he has already developed feelings for it.

The two are almost in a situation where one suffers and the other prospers.

If the TV series is not good, he may lose his position and his job.

If the TV series is good, the ratings will be high, and he will get a higher share and better benefits.

These two points are beyond doubt!

Hearing this.

Zhou Yang smiled and said nothing more. 、


Central media.

At this time, CCTV-1 was already shouting loudly, and countless employees, especially those in the film and television department, cheered for victory and excitement!

People who are familiar with them know why they are happy, but those who are not familiar with them just think that these guys are crazy.

Just now.

A group of leaders headed by the deputy director, all the wayThe road is like the appearance of the movie "Man Jiang Hong", with a hurried look!

When they arrived at the viewing room, all the men quickened their pace in an instant and came to a place where an old-fashioned computer was placed.

There was a little dust on it. A young man in his early twenties was sitting upright in front of the computer desk, clicking the mouse from time to time with his fingers, making a crisp sound.

"Xiaohu, immediately retrieve the real-time data of the current "Bright Sword" broadcast!"


After receiving the leader's order, Xiaohu immediately started to operate.

A few minutes later, the ratings page was called up by Xiaohu. As long as the confirmation button was pressed, the latest real-time ratings data could be clearly displayed on the computer.

Seeing this.

These elderly men, nearly half a century old, are like children at this time, with their fists clenched, and the whole person is nervous to death!


Accompanied by Xiaohu's thumb falling.


The picture turned, and a big number appeared.



"How can this be?"

"Is this a divination?"

"How can there be such outrageous data!"

"Eighteen percent, I can't even imagine it!"

"It's released, it's released, we're really going to release it this time!"

"As expected of Zhou Entertainment, the TV series it produces must be high-quality!"

"By the way, this is really filmed by that coal boss, this is a bit like a little cow going to the sky - it's awesome!"


After seeing the data, a group of senior staff showed disbelief and disbelief at the first time, but after the shock, everyone was completely ecstatic.

Because of such results, when you retire, you don't have to worry about retirement issues!

"Ledger, Zhou Entertainment?"

Just at this time.

The director of the TV series department looked at the director and asked cautiously.

"By the way, contact Zhou Entertainment immediately and tell them to start promoting "Drawing Sword" right away. We will fully cooperate!"

The deputy director tried to calm himself down and gave instructions to his subordinates!

"Okay, Director!"

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