The Voice’s mentor battle is over, and the pinnacle night will soon be won.

Dong Shuhan also made the cut, and she has been preparing for the peak night recently.

I chose a few songs, which did not feel ideal, and the treble was always not perfectly expressed.

everyone wants to play their best on peak night, but Dong Shuhan feels that she has hit a bottleneck.

there is only one week left now, if it goes on like this.

then she can only choose a random song to participate in the competition, but in that case, she is afraid that her results will not be satisfactory.

she thought of Lu Bai, she always felt that Lu Bai was the highest among the students in terms of songwriting and singing.

ask him if he asks him maybe he can break through this bottleneck.

but she and Lu Bai are both going to compete for the championship on peak night, will he help her?

After thinking for a while, Dong Shuhan just took the attitude of trying it out and sent WeChat to Lu Bai.

Lu Bai was practicing songs when he heard a message prompt on his mobile phone.

he stopped to turn on his phone.

it was sent by Dong Shuhan.

“Lu Bai, are you busy?”

Dong Shuhan sent a message so late, there must be something to find him, and he quickly replied to the message.

“Just practicing songs, is there anything wrong with this late?”

“Isn’t it almost peak night?” I looked for several songs and felt that they couldn’t play out. ”

“What songs did you choose?”

“Decent”, “Listen to the Sea…”

> Lu Bai felt that these songs were also more suitable for Dong Shuhan’s timbre, but they were not very suitable, and it was difficult to sing characteristics.

“These songs are not very suitable for you, and they will limit your singing skills, or else, I will write you a song.”

Dong Shuhan is also a very powerful singer, but there is no song suitable for her.

so her grades have not gone up at that stage.

if she could have a song that suited her, she would definitely rush to the top of the rankings.


Dong Shuhan couldn’t believe it, Lu Bai actually said that he would help her write songs.

“Is it still fake?”

In The Voice Trainee, he has a good relationship with Dong Shuhan, and helping her write a song is even a show of hands.

“How much do you write a song?” I may not have that much money for you yet, can I installment? ”

Although Dong Shuhan released her own album, it did not sell very well, and she did not make much money at all, and if the remuneration was really high, she did have to consider installments.

“Silly, don’t pay for writing songs for you, this time it’s free for you!”

Lu Bai also thought about receiving Dong Shuhan’s money.

Dong Shuhan was very moved, just a general friend, Lu Bai actually wrote songs for her for free.

“But if you mix well and continue to ask me to write songs in the future, you will have to collect money.”

“Haha, I know, thank you Lu Bai.”

“I’ll send you the song later.”



Lu Bai thought for a while, and a song appeared in his mind, this song should be very suitable for Dong Shuhan.

he took out a pen and paper to write a song.

Reba came in.

“Writing songs again?”


Reba took a look.

“This song is more suitable for girls, right?”

how Lu Bai felt that Reba’s tone was wrong today.

“It’s a girl’s song, shouldn’t you be jealous?”

“Speak quickly!” Who are you writing songs for!

Reba did not answer positively, but her tone had already betrayed him.

“written for a young girl.”

“ah! You…”

seeing Reba’s jealous look, Lu Bai wanted to continue to tease Reba.

“That girl is gentle and beautiful…” “Kill a thousand knives, dare to praise other girls beautiful in front of me…”

“54”> Reba was very angry, grabbed Lu Bai’s ears, her body was deliberately attached to Lu Bai, and most of her bears were pushed against Lu Bai’s chest.

“Am I beautiful or is she pretty?”

Lu Bai saw that the situation was not right, and if he continued to tease, Reba might force him to hand over his public grain.

just made it once shortly after dinner, and now he wants it again, he is not afraid that he can’t do it, he is afraid that Reba can’t bear it.

“Wife spares your life, I was just joking, how can the girl outside be as beautiful as you.”

“Which girl are you honestly writing songs for?”

“It’s the student Dong Shuhan of The Voice, ready to win the championship night, she encountered a bottleneck, just asked me, so I decided to write a song for her and sing this song on the peak night.”

“It’s just writing songs, nothing else?”

Reba’s vinegar is still very strong.

of course there is nothing else to do with it, don’t you still believe me? Just to amuse you. ”

Lu Bai hugged Reba with his backhand, and kissed her while she was not paying attention.

“Hmph, don’t you dare.”

Reba’s fingers made the signature motion.

Lu Bai panicked, “Of course I don’t dare.”

he hugged Reba, feeling her clinging to him tightly.

he knew that hot she must have thought again.

but he hadn’t finished writing the song yet, and promised Dong Shuhan to send it to her later, so he had to finish the song first.

“Baby, wait a minute?” This song is not finished yet, you are doing it for a while. ”

“Well, faster!”

“Got it.”

Reba got up and walked to the sofa next to him and sat down.

Lu Bai continued to write songs.

after a while, he sent the finished song to Dong Shuhan.

Dong Shuhan received it and looked at the song.

he hummed along with the score.

her first reaction was that this song “Waiting for the Next Dawn” was too suitable for her.

the lyrics are well written, this song is very demanding on breath, and it is a relatively difficult song.

but can reflect her emotions and singing skills.

she couldn’t hold back tears as she hummed.

too feeling.

she immediately sent a message to Lu Bai.

“This song is so good, I don’t know how to thank you.”

“Just treat me to a meal, come on peak night!”

“No problem, ten tons will do!”


Lu Bai glanced at Reba, then put down his mobile phone, walked next to her and picked her up.


“Well, the rest is over, now it’s time to get down to business.”

Lu Bai carried Reba into the room.

busy until late at night to get things done!


“Can you sleep obediently now?”

Lu Bai scratched the tip of Reba’s nose.

Reba’s cheeks were still crimson.

“I’m so tired, I can’t move soon, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get out of bed tomorrow.”

“So next time you dare to…”

“100”> “Don’t dare, husband!”


the next day, Lu Bai also began to choose songs for the peak night.

just as he was struggling with which song to sing, the news reported that a major earthquake had occurred in the Mokawa River.

The images of search and rescue on TV are very distressing, and many people have lost their homes and loved ones overnight.

there are still people whose lives hang in the balance.

scene after scene constantly touches the landing white.

he closed his eyes, already deciding which song to sing.

then write the song “Rice Fragrance” on paper!

Ps: Oh boys, please urge more, thank you.

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