[Why is Ye Feng so angry? Directly angrily criticize the program team?】

【His mentality must be a bit broken! Judging from Ye Feng’s reaction, is he also interested in Reba?】

【It’s hard to say, normal boys will have some mood swings when they hear that a girl doesn’t like them, but I think the possibility of it being interesting is very high!】

【Damn it, Ye Feng is just my mouthpiece. I have long thought that this thing about birth, old age, illness and death is a bit disgusting. I can’t even cry. Is the show crew dead?】

【It’s true to hear Ye Feng say this! Birth, old age, illness and death are a heavy topic, and this simple experience is of no use at all!】

【You think these two people are like this, can this show still be recorded?】


The two guests obviously didn’t want to cooperate with the recording, so the photographer had no choice but to call his superiors for instructions.

In view of the special situation of the two, the chief director Yan Ming thought over and over again and finally made the decision to suspend the recording in Live Room 5.

At this time, Ye Feng was lying on the bed, playing TIMI with the rich woman Maple Leaf.

Of course he also received the news that the recording of the show was suspended, but he didn’t pay attention.

If the program team wanted to abandon him because of his remarks, he would probably just call it a day.

It’s just a few million, it doesn’t matter if you don’t earn it。

“Little brother, you are so weird today! ”

Maple Leaf’s iconic childish voice came from the mobile phone。

“What’s wrong? ”

Ye Feng said doubtfully.

He thought that he was no different today than usual.。

“No, no, I’m just asking……”

Maple Leaf whispered: “I just feel that you played so fiercely today, little brother. I chased five of them by myself and I didn’t feel as calm as usual.”……”


Seeing her say that, Ye Feng thought about it and realized that it seemed true.

Normally, even if he doesn’t like the arrangement of the program team, he won’t say it out loud. After all, he knows that he is here to make money, and whatever the sponsor says will be done.

But I don’t know what’s going on today. I feel uncomfortable wherever I look. Compared to the deliberate layout in the game before, now I just go up and kill them as soon as I see them.

If it weren’t for my excellent reflexes, I would have almost lost several games.。

“Little brother, what’s on your mind? ”

Hearing this, Reba’s appearance suddenly appeared in Ye Feng’s mind.。

“If you have anything on your mind, you can tell me! ”

Maple Leaf’s voice was very gentle.

Ye Feng quickly controlled his thoughts, shook his head, and said to himself: “Women will only affect my speed of drawing the sword. ”

Maple Leaf:“???”

In the love house in Haidai City, Chen Duling looked confused.

What woman can only affect the speed of drawing a knife?

What is Brother Ye Feng talking about?


At the same time, Reba’s room。

“You’re just a dork, you know that? Are you stupid? Who asked you to sacrifice for Jiahang?”

“Why are you so stupid? Don’t you ask me before making a decision? Do you still have my sister in your eyes?”


The sweet voice of Damimi’s logo came from Reba’s mobile phone, but anyone could hear the annoyance in her tone.

Reba curled up and didn’t say anything. He looked at Da Mimi on the phone screen, his eyes full of loneliness.

Seeing her best friend’s appearance, how could she say the reprimand that Damimi originally wanted to say?

Taking a deep look at Reba, Damimi sighed helplessly.。

“Reba, let me ask you, do you like Ye Feng?”

“I…I don’t know……”

Reba shook his head.

She really didn’t know if she liked Ye Feng. She only knew that the last smile Ye Feng showed to her in the car today was like a sharp knife, piercing directly into her heart, making her unable to breathe in pain.

She subconsciously wanted to hide and didn’t dare to see Ye Feng again.。

“You…forget it. ”

Reba is unusually slow in some aspects. She no longer expects Reba to have any high consciousness.

Da Mimi took a long breath and said with a serious face: “Reba, I am not acting as my best friend now, but as my best friend. In the name of the boss of Jiahang, I solemnly inform you that Jiahang does not need you to make any sacrifices for the company!”

“If Jiahang’s prosperity is based on the fact that my best friend is unhappy, I would rather this company collapse directly! ”

Hearing this, Reba was stunned, and a warm current surged in his heart.。

“Well, I get it…Mr. Yang!”

“Silly girl……”

Damimi shook her head helplessly, her originally serious face gradually softened, and said softly: “Reba, you have to think clearly, if you don’t like Ye Feng, that’s it. If you like Ye Feng, you must find an opportunity.” Tell him clearly, otherwise your behavior today will hurt others’ hearts!”


Reba nodded timidly.

Seeing this, Da Mimi didn’t say anything further.。

“By the way, one more thing!”

“What? ”

Reba raised his head。

“I have helped you sign a contract with Aden。”

“Was it signed so quickly? ”

Reba was a little surprised.。

“right! ”

Da Mimi nodded, with some doubts in her heart.

The signing of the contract went very smoothly this time, and even the other party’s boss Bai Xiaoxuan personally called to negotiate. You

know, the person responsible for connecting with Jiahang is usually Aden’s publicity department. The manager, Bai Xiaoxuan, has never personally intervened.

He signed a contract for nearly five years in one go. Not to mention the length of time is exaggerated, and the cost is much higher than before.

But correspondingly, Bai Xiaoxuan also made a very strange request – —To

inject capital into Jiahang, and also hold part of the shares!

This makes the big secret a bit confusing.

Given the huge size of Aden, if you want to enter the entertainment industry, you can just open one yourself, and there is no need to inject money into Jiahang. This is a second-tier company with little future.

But since the other party proposed it and promised that it would only parachute one shareholder and would not interfere with her decision-making power, Damimi simply agreed. Without further thinking

, Damimi smiled and said: “Congratulations, you are the long-term spokesperson of Aden~ I will reward you with delicious food when I come back!””

“good! ”

This is the only thing that can make Reba happy now.


At this moment, Reba suddenly received a mission message from the program team。

【Please invite the female guests of each group to go to the director’s station to receive the last task of this issue! 】

Looking at the content of the message, the female guests in the other four groups should have received the same task.

After all, the show wasn’t over yet, so Reba packed up her mood and walked out of the room.

When passing by Ye Feng’s door, Reba took a deep look with a complicated expression.


There was a sound of closing the door, and Ye Feng didn’t pay attention. Just when he was about to open the next one, he heard Maple Leaf say slightly apologetically: “I’m sorry, little brother, something happened to me suddenly. Let’s fight next time!” As he said

, Directly transferred tens of thousands to Weixin。

“OK! ”

Ye Feng was not polite, and quit the game directly after collecting the money.

It was getting late outside, and Ye Feng went to bed after watching short videos for a while.

As for Reba’s reason for going out late at night, he was too lazy to worry about it.

At the same time, the five groups The girls among the guests have all arrived at the corresponding director’s station.

This director’s station is actually a place for the on-site staff to rest. Although it is not convenient for them to appear directly in the love house, if there is any temporary accident in the show, they will be there. When they were shining.

According to the address given by the program team, Reba had arrived at the station at this time, and met the female director who brought them here every time, and also met the photographer who was resting. After simple

greetings Afterwards, the female director announced the next temporary tasks on behalf of the program team。


The whole night, Reba did not return to the love house.

The situation of the other four groups of guests was the same. All the female guests disappeared overnight. Wang Hedi and the others were quite calm. They knew that the program team was doing something, so they didn’t pay too much attention.

Cai Xukun was the only one who was so panicked that he even wanted to call the police. After being stopped by the photographer, he said with a dazed look on his face: “My good memory is gone.”……”

It made the water friends in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

But having said that, after “Tropical Ji Feng” had problems, this group of CPs was the most stable in the entire show and attracted a lot of popularity.

Because today is the last day of the second recording period, the photographer came to the love house early to take pictures.

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