Chapter 455

“The Story of Hachiko” is indeed a very touching movie. If Qin Zhong chooses to shoot this movie, there will be absolutely no problem, and the cost of this movie is not high, and there is no need for special effects. .

The season at this time is winter, which can match the climate in the script.

“Qin Zhong, what are you staring at?”

Nolan was stunned when he saw Qin Zhong, and asked quickly.

“It’s okay, do you have any dog ​​handlers you know? Akita is best,” Qin Zhong said.

“What do you want your Akita dog for, do you want to keep a pet?”

“Of course not, it is used when shooting movies.” Qin Zhong said.

“Making a movie about dogs?”

Nolan frowned and asked.

It’s not that Nolan is upset, but that the current animal-themed movies are not so good at the box office.

Maybe a lot of time was wasted, not to mention, the box office will be mediocre by the time, then the gain is not worth the loss.

Qin Zhong didn’t want to explain too much to him, and said directly: “If you believe in my ability in 08, just do what I said and find the Akita dog for me.”

“Of course I believe it, just look for it.”

When Nolan finished speaking, he strode out of Qin Zhong’s office.

Just when Qin Zhong thought Nolan was gone and was about to buy “The Story of Hachiko” in the system mall, this guy came in again and surprised Qin Zhong.

“Qin Zhong, I want to ask if I can be the director when it’s really filming?” Nolan asked cheeky.

This is probably the so-called real incense law. I just said that this type of movie is not good, and I will be a director later.

“You will find the Akita dog for me first, give you half a day, and I will see the dog at night.” Qin Zhong frowned.

“Well then, I’ll be as soon as possible!”

This time Nolan really left, and Qin Zhong bought the script from the system mall with confidence.

It’s a pity that the system mall can’t buy the small protagonist Akita Inu of this movie, otherwise it will save Qin Zhong a lot of things.

The Akita actor who Hachiko needs puppies and adult dogs, Nolan has already looked for it, but I don’t know when I can find it.

Qin Zhong read this script again and feels good overall.

As long as the Akita dog can accept the order correctly, the filming may be completed in a few days.

It doesn’t matter how many instructions the puppies can accept, the focus is on the role of the adult Akita.

Nolan did not disappoint Qin Zhong, and brought one person and one dog before dark.

A yellow-haired man in his fifties is holding an adult Akita dog in his hand.

“Is it okay to bring the puppy to your office?”

Nolan asked after coming in.

“No problem at all.”

Qin Zhong glanced at the Akita dog standing on the ground. After entering the office, he appeared calm, standing on the ground neither yelling nor yelling.

“Hello, this is dog trainer Gide. This Akita is called General Huang.”

This 50-year-old dog handler introduced to Qin Zhong.

“Hello, this is Qin Zhong.” Qin Zhong nodded.

“Qin Zhong, I checked it for you personally. This Akita is very healthy and obeys orders,” Nolan said.

“Of course, General Huang is one of the most obedient adult dogs in our studio.” Gide said.

“I want General Huang to shoot the movie. Nolan should have told you about it?” Qin Zhong asked.

“I have said, and I think, as long as your company wants to let General Huang make a movie, then it can be free to your company.” Gide said.

Ji De is not a fool. As long as Wushuang is such a well-known company, as long as you get on the line with them, you can easily become famous.

General Huang’s performance fee is really not much, and Jidd has a number in his heart.

It’s better to give up the performance fee, get more goodwill from some Wushuang companies, and promote their studios.

“It’s not necessary to be free, it will give you satisfactory rewards.”

Qin Zhong rejected Ji De’s kindness, he never thought of taking advantage.

“In addition, Akita puppies, should you be able to find one for me?” Qin Zhong asked.

“This is naturally no problem, you can buy one at will.” Gide said.

“That’s good. I can finish filming the movie in one month. During this time, you can follow the crew of our company and look after General Huang. I paid it one million for the film, and your service fee. Here is two hundred thousand.” Qin Zhong said to Ji De.

“Oh My God!”

Gide was almost taken aback by Qin Zhong’s offer.

Even if the whole dog of General Huang was sold, it might not be worth a thousand yuan, but Qin Zhong directly offered a price of one million yuan?

It’s just the pay for movies that are made within a month.

And Jidd’s service fee is even more exaggerated, a full 200,000, Jidd is afraid that it will not be able to save this money in ten years.

Gide was indeed shocked by Qin Zhong’s offer. It took him a long time to get over. He thanked Qin Zhong, “Thank you so much for offering such a generous remuneration, thank you very much!”

“Don’t thank me, just behave well,” Qin Zhong said.

“This is the script?”

Nolan had seen the script on Qin Zhong’s desk a long time ago, so he picked it up and looked at it.

The script hasn’t been copied yet, only the one in Nolan’s hand.

Well, I guess General Huang is clever and can’t understand the script, so Qin Zhong will be in charge of the filming.

“Let’s sign the contract now. You will come to Wushuang Company tomorrow morning and I will make the shooting arrangements.” Qin Zhong said to Ji De.


Qin Zhong signed a contract with Ji De, and Ji De left Wushuang with satisfaction. .

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