Chapter 438

The security guards set up outside the hotel do not allow people without invitations to enter, especially those media reporters. Those who want to go in for filming have long been stopped by the outside security guards.

In the hotel, after Qin Zhong and Monica had selected the boxes, they went to toast at various tables with Monica when the banquet was about to go.

Originally, weddings abroad did not have this habit, but Qin Zhong felt that it might be better to follow this method.

As a Chinese, this will make Qin Zhong feel more grounded.

Qin Zhong and Monica were toasting at each table, and the drinks were also selected Chinese liquors.

This was enough to be festive. After Qin Zhong and Monica finished toasting, they both drank a little too much.

Monica complained to Qin Zhong: “It’s ok to use red wine when toasting, my God, I feel uncomfortable after drinking your white wine.”

“This is not a habit. When you are used to drinking liquor, you won’t feel uncomfortable.” Qin Zhong laughed.

“It’s okay, I don’t feel much anyway.”

Monica frowned and said, “I just want to sleep now.”

“We haven’t fallen apart yet. Why are you walking in such a hurry?” Qin Zhong smiled: “Why have to wait until they all fall apart before we can leave here, otherwise it would be unruly.”

“Well, let’s stay here first, but let’s say yes, I don’t want to continue drinking white wine.” Monica said.

“Okay, then don’t drink, we can stay here together.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“You have to be optimistic about Qin Wushuang, my parents have drunk, a little too much.”

Monica’s parents also drank a lot of wine today, and her face looked very ruddy.

It’s just that they are too old for alcohol, Monica is worried that Qin Wushuang will be taken care of by them, and there will be accidents.

“It’s okay, I can just look after Qin Wushuang.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“Are you all right? Son, just leave it to me to take care of you. You have a rest first, and we will leave later.” Qin Zhong said to them.

Monica’s parents obviously don’t want Qin Zhong to look down upon him. How long have they been here? They don’t drink a lot of alcohol at all. Why do they drink too much with such a small amount of alcohol?

“We are okay, we can take care of the children. You can go and chat with your friends first. We can go anytime.” Monica’s mother said.

Monica’s father was also a little dissatisfied with Qin Zhong’s words, and said to Qin Zhong: “I drank when I was young, but you have never seen it. I drank ten bottles of vodka and it was all right. This is just a few sips of wine. ?”

“Haha, you are fine.”

Monica’s parents said so, and Qin Zhong had no choice but to let them continue to look after Qin Wushuang.

And Qin Zhong is fine in this box. It’s all from Qin Zhong’s own family. Qin Zhong wants to go to another box to see.

The person who drinks the most here is probably Li Heyi. After this guy came here, he was very excited, and Qin Zhong couldn’t help him.

This guy doesn’t drink much. When I ate with Qin Zhong before, he looked like this. When he got drunk, he started talking nonsense.

At this time, Li Heyi was in his box and started to be the same as before. After drinking some wine, he didn’t know what his surname was. He began to brag about his Yuhuashi company with the stars and directors of Hollywood.

For example, what kind of strength his company has, how good its relationship with Qin Zhong, and how many scripts he has obtained from Qin Zhong.

After Qin Zhong came to his box, he couldn’t stand it anymore when he heard his bragging words.

If this goes on, I don’t know what else he can say.

“Okay, stop blowing.”

After Qin Zhong entered, he waved his hand to Li Heyi and said, “It’s enough. There are so many bosses here. One is more capable than one. You have said so much, it is just a joke.”

“What kind of joke? Qin Zhong, do you say that my company is not strong?”

“Strong, very strong.”

Qin Zhong didn’t know how to answer Li Heyi’s question. This guy was drunk, and Qin Zhong didn’t want to be familiar with him.

I had to let this matter go, and the band would let someone send Li Heyi to his resting room.

Li Heyi obviously doesn’t want to care about Qin Zhong. After being drunk before, he has bragged enough with Qin Zhong. Now he only wants to brag about what he did with these people abroad.

Although Li Heyi was somewhat famous when he was in China, as the boss of Yuhuashi Company, many directors and celebrities would give him face.

But what about in Hollywood? Obviously Li Heyi became nothing.

In the past, Li Heyi also wanted his company, Yuhuashi Company, to develop in Hollywood.

In any case, Hollywood is the place with the best film quality. No country or place can compare with Hollywood in terms of movies.

The same is true in China. Li Heyi’s Yuhuashi Company can walk sideways in China, but in Hollywood it is obviously nothing. .

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