Chapter 321

As a film and television company, there should be the minimum morals, right?

But things have reached this point. No matter what they say is useless, they can only help their president to organize the script, so as not to continue to lose face after Disney.

As the largest film and television company in Hollywood, Disney naturally cannot shoot movies in accordance with the practices of small companies.

If it’s a small company, and the content of the script crashes, it’s a big deal.

But Disney is different. If they can’t finish filming this series of movies, they just wait to be infamy.

Maybe Disney’s stock will plummet all the way.

All the senior executives of Disney were secretly studying the improvement of the script, and finally discovered that they were wrong from the beginning of one.

So I can only make mistakes again and again, and the script is completely scrapped.

Even if you find the best screenwriter in Hollywood to rewrite the script, you may not be able to save the situation.

“How much salary do you guys get? You can do nothing if you encounter such a trivial matter-no!”

The president of Disney screamed in the meeting room.

It was the basket he stabbed out, but these senior executives should help the company solve these problems with the salary of the company.

But when these guys face the script, they are like fools, which makes Disney’s president angry to death.

“President, there may be another way to try.”

At this time an executive stood up and said.

“What way?” Disney’s president frowned and asked.

“You said this script is a copy of Qin Zhong’s script, so let Qin Zhong adapt the script.” The senior said.

“You are joking?”

The president of Disney felt that this guy was stupid.

The fact that they copied Qin Zhong’s script has not yet been known to the media.

But once you ask Qin Zhong to adapt the script, don’t you tell others that Disney copied someone else’s script, and it’s still not correct?

It seems that Disney is an idiot.

“President, we can’t directly say that we want Qin Zhong to adapt the script. It should be said that he should give us a reference to the content of the script. If we say this, maybe other media think we are humble and easy to learn.” The senior said.

“It seems to make sense…”

The Disney president touched his chin and said.

This suggestion sounds good, but will Qin Zhong help Disney?

Knowing that they are rivals, Qin Zhong is eager for the Disney Company to go bankrupt.

“President, we can give Qin Zhong a little more money. We don’t believe that in the face of money, can Qin Zhong be unwilling? And we can also give a certain amount of box office income. If this is the case, it is difficult to believe Qin Zhong to refuse.” The senior said.

“Okay, then I will contact Qin Zhong, you should leave first.” Disney’s president said.

After the president of Disney returned to his office, he called Qin Zhong.

No way, I can only turn to Qin Zhong for this matter.

If you are ashamed, it is not the first time that their company has been ashamed.

Qin Zhong was filming “Spider-Man 3” at this time, and just received a call from Disney’s president during his lunch break.

“Hey, what are you looking for?”

Qin Zhong looked at the telegraph, and his tone became cold.

“Qin Zhong, I have something I want to work with you.” Disney’s president said.

“Haha.” Qin Zhong sneered unmoved: “You better clean up your “Scream Game” mess first, this matter is about to become famous in Hollywood.”

As the saying goes, good things do not go out, bad things spread for thousands of miles.

Disney’s failure in “Scream Game” has completely become a laughing stock in the industry.

Qin Zhong really has no interest in working with Disney, no matter what.

“Listen to me first, my collaboration with you is about the script of “Screaming Game”!” said the president of Disney.

“Oh? Since it’s this script, there is no need to cooperate. I really want to see you make a fool of yourself.” Qin Zhong laughed.

The president of Disney was already a little angry at this time. When people from any company spoke to them, they were not polite. Looking at Qin Zhong’s attitude again, the president of Disney felt insulted.

“I want you to serve as the script reference for “Screaming Game”. Of course, don’t worry about money matters. As long as Disney can survive this crisis, I will give you 10 million, plus 20% of the box office share. “The president of Disney said.

0 ········Find flowers···

In his opinion, the price offered is no small amount.

Even if Qin Zhong is the boss of Wushuang Company, he gets 10 million dollars in cash, plus 20% of the box office share of a movie, it is a windfall for him.

This is all counted on Qin Zhong, and Qin Zhong can spend it whatever he wants.

“I do feel a little bit moved. This money can buy another villa in Hollywood.” Qin Zhong smiled.

Hearing Qin Zhong’s words, the president of Disney felt that there was something interesting, so he talked about it with Qin Zhong again.

When it comes to cooperation, Disney’s president can be said to be eloquent.

“Okay, are you finished?”

After listening to him for ten minutes, Qin Zhong’s ears were uncomfortable.

… …. …

“Of course it’s over, do you think this matter is okay?” Disney’s president asked.

“The problem is big, do you think you want to buy me with your bad money? Go dream!”

Qin Zhong hung up after speaking.

The Disney president who was far away in the office stayed directly on the spot.

He never dreamed that Qin Zhong would talk to him in this manner.

And he talked to Qin Zhong for ten minutes and spent a long time. Qin Zhong just made him happy?

“Qin Zhong, wait for me! I don’t believe that I can’t cure you!”

The Disney president threw the phone directly to the ground, bitterly.

Qin Zhong responded to Disney’s president, feeling very comfortable.

I copied his script and want him to improve it?

Want to be beautiful!

Qin Zhong spat on the ground.

Naturally, Disney can’t put things down like this, and the script of “Screaming Game” still needs to be sorted out.

After all, this series of movies is about their reputation.

If Qin Zhong doesn’t want to cooperate with them, they can only continue to improve according to their own ideas.

During this period, some senior Disney officials also called Qin Zhong, and the prices they offered were higher and higher.

Their president and Qin Zhong have hatreds, but they have gone with Qin Zhong. I only hope that if the conditions set out satisfy Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong can help them improve the script according to what they said.

For such a call, Qin Zhong will hang up after receiving it. Ding.

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