Chapter 302

They are old rivals to Qin Zhong and have been observing Qin Zhong’s movements.

However, “Zhu Xian” received such praise shortly after it was aired, which naturally made Disney feel uncomfortable.

I don’t want to allow Wushuang to develop smoothly. After seeing Wushuang’s success, Disney is also trying to deal with it.

Of course, Qin Zhong’s Wushuang company will not cause much loss to Disney. It can allow Qin Zhong’s company to develop smoothly, which all the other five major companies in Hollywood don’t want to see.

Originally, when Wushuang Company had not become one of the six major companies, their six companies were in a competitive relationship.

At this time, Qin Zhong surpassed Paramount and became the new six major film and television companies. Of course, it was also in a competitive relationship with them.

Fighting opponents is what they have to do.

Qin Zhong didn’t know that the success of “Zhu Xian” had already made him uncomfortable for so many companies.

Qin Zhong just wants to let “Zhu Xian” play as usual. The performance of this TV series even surpasses “Tomb Notes” and “Game of Thrones.”

Because the reputation of Qin Zhong Wushuang Company lies there, they all believe in the quality of TV dramas.

Under the influence of praise, the performance of this TV series has become more and more popular.

But Qin Zhong also felt the pressure. After “Zhu Xian” is finished, what should I continue to do?

“Zhu Xian” only has more than forty episodes in total, and according to Qin Zhong’s plan, it can be played in more than one month.

And Hollywood still has Marvel movies to be shot, and Qin Zhong doesn’t have to worry about it at all.

The shooting plan for Spider-Man 3 has not yet started, and Qin Zhong doesn’t have to worry about this.

As time passed, when the TV series “Zhu Xian” was half finished, Qin Zhong didn’t think of what he was going to do in the future.

In “Resident Evil 4”, Monica’s scenes have all been filmed, just let the rest of the actors film it.

But for Qin Zhong, the pressure at this time is the greatest.

“Qin Zhong, you seem to be in a bad mood recently.”

The person who knows Qin Zhong is of course Monica.

Monica has seen that Qin Zhong seems to be under a lot of pressure in the past two weeks.

At this time in Qin Zhong’s villa, Qin Zhong was still sitting in front of the TV in the middle of the night, not knowing what he was thinking.

“No, I just don’t know what movie I’m going to shoot next.” Qin Zhong smiled bitterly.

In Qin Zhong’s system, there are indeed a lot of film and television scripts, but for Qin Zhong, those ordinary commercial movies, even if they are shot, are of no use to them.

What really makes Qin Zhong progress is creative movies.

“Qin Zhong, I feel you need to rest for a while.” Monica said softly.

Qin Zhong is just an ordinary person. After Monica and Qin Zhong met, Qin Zhong was basically busy with the movie every day, and did not take a few days of rest at all.

If this continues, everyone will feel a headache.

Perhaps Qin Zhong is under too much pressure.

“Take a rest? I think it’s better to forget it. I do have the idea of ​​taking a break for a while, but the company is not able to handle it.” Qin Zhong said.

Qin Zhong really wants to rest for a while, he and Monica can choose a place for vacation.

When Qin Zhong feels better, he will come back to deal with the movie.

But Qin Zhong has always been responsible for Wushuang’s affairs. If Qin Zhong leaves, then some things will be troublesome to deal with.

“You can leave it to your assistants, just let the two of us go on vacation.” Monica said.

There are several assistants of Qin Zhong. If Qin Zhong goes on vacation, all matters here can be handled by his assistants.

Qin Zhong thought for a while and asked Monica: “Do you really want to go on vacation?”

If Monica has this idea, Qin Zhong can also find a way to spare some time.

“Of course, we have known each other for so long, have we ever traveled together?” Monica asked.

“No…” Qin Zhong replied embarrassedly.

Qin Zhong was a little embarrassed to be mentioned by Monica.

After people talked about their girlfriends, it’s normal to travel and vacation together.

But Qin Zhong talks with Monica about the movie all day long. Qin Zhong feels that Monica must have some resentment in her heart, but she didn’t just say it.

Qin Zhong scratched his hair and said, “Then let’s find a way to go on vacation, how about going to Hawaii?”

“That’s right! Then I will book a plane ticket to Hawaii now. You have to arrange the company’s affairs before going to bed…” Monica said.

“Okay, I will deal with it now.” Qin Zhong smiled.

Monica is still very anxious about this. Qin Zhong will let her book air tickets first. Qin Zhong will come to think about all the things that need to be handled in the company and list them on a piece of paper.

For these company matters, let his assistants do it first. As for what they do, Qin Zhong is not in the mood to take care of it.

Within an hour, Qin Zhong had already arranged all the company’s affairs in writing, and Monica had also booked a flight to Hawaii tomorrow.

Qin Zhong felt a lot more relaxed at this time, and after stretching his waist, went back to the room to sleep.

The next morning, Qin Zhong told his assistants about going on vacation.

The assistants of Qin Zhong didn’t expect that Qin Zhong directly gave them a walk-and-go trip.

What will they do if Qin Zhong leaves?

However, after seeing Qin Zhong’s written arrangement, they were able to temporarily accept it.

As long as you do what Qin Zhong said, there shouldn’t be any problems. When something big happens, call Qin Zhong again.

The assistants have no opinion on Qin Zhong’s vacation, which is a good thing.

After Qin Zhong and Monica took care of the company’s affairs, they took a plane to Hawaii.

The weather is very good at this time, and it is a kind of enjoyment to basking in the sun by the sea.

Qin Zhong and Monica are relatively low-key when they came here, but both of them are too famous.

Even at the beach, try to wear a baseball cap and sunglasses to make it easy to be recognized.

This has had a big impact on their so-called vacation, anyway, the two have been in Hawaii for a week, and they don’t have a good time every day.

Had to gritted his teeth and returned to Hollywood from Hawaii.

It was expected that the vacation from half a month to a month would be over in only one week. Both Qin Zhong and Monica felt very depressed.

The happiest ones are the assistants of Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong just left for a week and they felt big.

I usually contact Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong doesn’t use his mobile phone very much. Whenever something big happens, they feel desperate. .

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