Chapter 260

After the release of “Iron Man”, how to continue to promote it? Qin Zhong has already handed this issue to Marvel.

Now Qin Zhong is going to create a “Resident Evil” series of movies for Monica.

After all, we have to do what we say.

The preliminary preparations for “Resident Evil” have already been prepared. Whether it is clothing design or makeup, Qin Zhong has already prepared its staff.

At the same time, Qin Zhong promoted the “Resident Evil” series of movies.

There has never been a zombie type movie in this world, only the legendary werewolves, vampires and the like.

This idea of ​​Qin Zhong makes many people feel novel. Qin Zhong explained the setting of “zombies” clearly on the Internet, and stated that Monica will be the starring role, and Donny will be one of the supporting roles.

In the first part of “Resident Evil”, Qin Zhong has no idea to participate.

In the future sequel, Qin Zhong may participate in the show, but in the first part, Qin Zhong did not find a suitable role for himself.

After completing the preliminary preparations for Resident Evil, Qin Zhong began to arrange for Monica to shoot.

Monica’s temper, Qin Zhong likes it very much. The two have no pressure on communication, especially Qin Zhong is Monica’s idol, and they both feel very happy when they are together.

In the evening at Qin Zhong’s house, Monica was sitting on the sofa drinking red wine. Ever since Monica came to Qin Zhong’s house for the first time, she often sneaked into Qin Zhong’s house at night.

Qin Zhong didn’t have any comments on this. Monica didn’t feel that Qin Zhong was a big deal about being sneaky at this time.

He himself relied on his acting skills to mix in the entertainment industry. No matter what scandals or other news appeared, it had no effect on Qin Zhong.

“Qin Zhong, we will start filming tomorrow, don’t you plan to play a role? I still want to be on the same screen with you.” Monica asked.

“Of course there will be opportunities in the future, but for this movie, I don’t have a good role to play.” Qin Zhong said.

“You are too strict, just play a role at random.” Monica said.

Qin Zhong shook his head and said, “I’m not strict, I just like to play the role I like. The shooting of Resident Evil is more difficult. Every time you shoot a scene, you need a lot of actors to make up. It’s too long.”

This is also a question that Qin Zhong is more concerned about. Qin Zhong is not in the mood to spend his time shooting Resident Evil all the time.

Resident Evil not only needs special effects to produce, but also needs to make up those group actors into zombies, which is very time consuming.

After Qin Zhong finished speaking, Monica sighed helplessly: “If this is the case, wait for the next time.”

In “Resident Evil”, not being able to perform on the same screen as Qin Zhong is also a pity for Monica.

“It’s late, don’t mention this, go to sleep.” Qin Zhong waved.


The next day, “Resident Evil” began filming. Because this subject appeared for the first time, the crew did not know the genre very well, and Qin Zhong had to personally supervise it for a few days.

But also because of the special theme, many film and television companies began to imitate this theme during the filming of “Resident Evil”.

Subjects that have not appeared before, plus the filming, if they rush to the front of “Resident Evil” and shoot this type of film first, then they can make some money.

In less than two weeks, many companies began to release their company’s biochemical films.

Without human guidance, these films will inevitably be unscrupulous, but they can also make some money at this time.

The audience is looking forward to the “Resident Evil” series. When it hasn’t been released yet, they can also watch other movies to enjoy it.

For Qin Zhong, there is actually no pressure. Even if other companies started shooting biochemical movies, Qin Zhong believed that they could not surpass “Resident Evil”.

At that time, a comparison will give Qin Zhong even more points for the movie “Resident Evil”.

One month later, one third of the production of the movie Resident Evil was completed. In order to allow the movie to be released as soon as possible, Qin Zhong will ask Weita to produce special effects first.

During this period of time, there have been no fewer than five biochemical zombie movies that have been screened.

This does not include those movies on the Internet that are not eligible for release. There are more than 20 movies in total.

After the results of “Iron Man” came out, many companies wanted to invest in Qin Zhong’s new movie, but Qin Zhong refused.

I have the ability to invest and issue, and there is no need to involve other companies.

But a company’s new movie has made Qin Zhong very interested.

That was the DC company that was as famous as Marvel in the comics before.

DC is planning Batman’s Dark Knight trilogy, and the first “Batman: The Mystery of Shadows” is being prepared for shooting.

The movies in this series are Qin Zhong’s favorite genre in his past life, especially the Joker in “Batman: The Dark Knight”. Qin Zhong likes this character very much.

Since Qin Zhong has become a major shareholder of Marvel, it doesn’t matter if you spend some money on DC to acquire some shares.

After Qin Zhong was free, he brought people to the DC company.

When Qin Zhong explained his intention and wanted to buy the shares, he was rejected.

“Mr. Qin Zhong, you are an excellent actor and a qualified boss, but our company will not sell shares.”

Leipowitz, the boss of DC at this time, said to Qin Zhong.

Marvel is a company with the same name as DC. Qin Zhong has become the majority shareholder of Marvel. From DC’s point of view, there is no need to sell shares to Qin Zhong.

After all, the two companies are rivals, and they don’t want to see a situation where the two companies will merge in the future.

“You can think about it again. A 20% or less of the shares will do.” Qin Zhong said.

At this time, DC’s hottest heroes are Superman and Batman, and the situation of DC is much better than Marvel. If they really don’t plan to sell shares, they will not sell it no matter how much money the other party pays.

After Qin Zhong finished speaking, Lebo Weitz said: “Sorry, Mr. Qin Zhong, with all due respect, our company can run our movies on its own, and there is no need for other companies to join.”

Qin Zhong can still negotiate if he only buys shares in DC Company in his own name, or buys shares.

But Qin Zhong has its own company and is also related to Marvel, so they will naturally not let Qin Zhong buy shares. .

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