Chapter 69 The second substitution, Song Yuqi's heart value rose wildly!

All the guests of the two inns have already boarded the carriage and rushed to the location of the members of this exchange——

Chao Tian Yong said.

The four people of Shanyang Station watched Sha Yi slowly leave~.

"Brother Sha, there you go." Bai Lu had already waved his hand - farewell.

Yu Guang noticed Ye Xuan, and Bai Lu didn't hold back on the spot - glared at Ye Xuan.

Thinking that she was deceived by Ye Xuan, if she could exchange her mind for Ye Xuan, she would probably replace Ye Xuan in the first place.

However, Ye Xuan's identity is already well known.

For the guards, as long as they ensure that Jing Kehe leads different teams, it will ultimately be the victory of the guards' camp.

At this time, even if they knew that Ye Xuan was an envoy, as long as they knew that Ye Xuan was not Jing Ke, it would be a safe card for them!

Bai Lu could only continue to grit her teeth and continue to glare at this guy!

If his gaze could turn into a sharp arrow, I am afraid that Ye Xuan would have been stared out of several holes by Bai Lu!

Feeling Bai Lu's gaze, Ye Xuan raised his eyelids and teased with a chuckle.

"I know I'm handsome, so you don't have to look at me all the time, do you?!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Lu almost rolled her eyes out of thin air.

Why is this guy so narcissistic?!

On the other end, the five people from Shuiyang Station also arrived at Yongdao.

Just as Song Yuqi, who was selected for exchange, was about to leave, he saw Zhou Sheng striding forward one step ahead.

"You are a prisoner bird, what are you walking?!" Zheng Kai grabbed Zhou Sheng and seriously "condemned" Zhou Sheng's bad behavior.

Unable to sneak away, Zhou Sheng, who was caught on the spot, suddenly showed an unloveable look, and could only touch his head with a wry smile.

"Let me pass! Let me pass! "

Zhou Sheng shouted while watching Song Yuqi's figure gradually disappear, almost shedding tears of envy.

He and Yang Ying obviously knew so much news!

Can you be stunned that you can't exchange it?!

Heavenly reason!

Just when the two teams had different minds, the exchange personnel of the two teams finally met in Chaotian Yongdao.

Song Yuqi saw the black-robed figure in the distance, and already waved his hand excitedly.

"Brother Sha, I finally see you."

She has learned from her teammates that Sha Yi is the last Jing Ke.

When I saw my teammates, I was as excited as seeing my relatives.

Sha Yi's mouth on the other side was also grinning.

"This day, we finally met! I also went back, and I returned with a full load! "

Thinking of the information he learned from Ye Xuan's mouth, Sha Yi touched the secret letter in his pocket, and the corners of his mouth grinned to the back of his head.

Even if Ye Xuan exposed his identity at that level just now?

Now they already know the true identities of the three guards.

Just go back and open the secret letter, and he will know the final clue!

The smile at the corner of his mouth could not be hidden, and before leaving, Sha Yi even patted Song Yuqi's shoulder.

"You can go back with confidence."

They made the courtiers camp and won!


With the smooth exchange of members of the two parties, the guests on both sides had already looked at the guests who walked towards them in the distance in the darkness.

"I feel that it is the right choice for us to send Brother Sha away, and there is still a possibility that Brother Sha is Jing Ke."

Watching Sha Yi slowly leave, Bai Lu let out a long sigh of relief.

"Anyway, Ye Xuan has already tested it, and he is definitely not Jing Ke." Li Chen followed and nodded.

"The only thing we need to confirm is whether the new player is Jing Ke." Hou Minghao added equally seriously.

For the guard camp, as long as it is not Jing Ke, anyone is a safety card!

Ye Xuan on the side took in the conversation between the three.

The final victory or defeat depends on the next substitution.

Looking up, his eyes sharply saw the identity of the person coming, and Ye Xuan had waved his hand for the first time.

"It turns out that Yuqi is back."

His eyes moved slightly, and Ye Xuan quickly guessed the thoughts of his teammates in the opposite camp.

The envoy's final task was to lead a team of Jing Kehe.

Through Song Yuqi's exchange, the envoy camp on the opposite side had obviously learned that Zhou Sheng and Yang Ying were not the leaders of the guard camp.

Then the leader must still be in the Shanyang Inn.

In other words, the envoy camp would definitely find a way to send Jing Ke to the queue of the Shanyang Inn.

It seems that Yuqi has become a pretense for Ming Huang.

At this moment, compared to Ye Xuan's reaction, Li Chen's expressions immediately differed.

After all, in their imagination, an envoy would definitely be sent from the other side.

And this envoy is the most likely Jing Ke.

After all, it's all in the last round.

Could it be that Song Yuqi is the last Jing Ke?!

Thinking of this possibility, the expressions of Li Chen and the three also sank.

In this way, Song Yuqi, who came from a distance, saw Ye Xuan waving his hand to welcome him from a distance, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily hooked.

"Didn't you expect me to come back?! Aren't there any welcome ceremonies?! "

Song Yuqi's words were originally ridicule, after all, she came to the Shanyang Inn with more people in the hostile camp.

It's just that unexpectedly, just as her voice fell, she saw Ye Xuan salute extremely politely, just as a gesture to welcome Song Yuqi.

At this moment, Ye Xuan was dressed in a black robe, his hands were together in his sleeves, and he made a simple salute, stunned to see his amorous temperament.

Song Yuqi couldn't help but take a few more looks.

In this way, the voice of the system in Ye Xuan's brain sounded again.

【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host Song Yuqi for the 10 points of heartbeat! 】

After simply harvesting a wave of heart value, Ye Xuan heard Bai Lu's voice sound.

"Yuqi, are you Jing Ke?!"

Seeing that Bai Lu directly played the name card, Ye Xuan and Song Yuqi quickly glanced at each other and smiled at each other.

How can you admit that it is at this time?

People only believe the conclusions drawn by their subjective speculations.

The more critical the time, the more you have to deny your identity, the more you can increase the degree of suspicion of Li Chen and the three.

After figuring this out, Song Yuqi shook her head for the first time.

"How could I be Jing Ke?! I'm certainly not! "

Song Yuqi looked like he was not Jing Ke, but he was already shouting in his heart.

Suspect I'm Jing Ke!

Suspect I'm Jing Ke!

Just when Song Yuqi casually denied it, Ye Xuan had also heard Song Yuqi's subliminal meaning.

Only by making the three suspect that Song Yuqi is the real Jing Ke, Li Chen and the three will not hesitate to send Song Yuqi out again in the next round.

In this way, the next round of ironclad in the opposite camp will continue to choose Shayi.

Only if Sha Yi and Li Chen get together can the envoy camp win the final victory.

In this way, Ye Xuan also followed Song Yuqi's angle to help round the conversation.

"If she is Jing Ke, if she is sent out by you, won't we lose the next game?"

Ye Xuan's words nominally seemed to say that Song Yuqi was not Jing Ke.

But if you look at it the other way around, it makes it difficult for the three of them to ride the tiger all of a sudden.

Li Chen's brows were obviously knotted.

Obviously, he had put his suspicions about Jing Ke on Song Yuqi.

If Song Yuqi is Jing Ke, then the next game must be sent.

But if Song Yuqi is not Jing Ke, the opposing camp will definitely send Jing Ke over in the next game.

Hou Minghao and Bai Lu, who were standing next to Li Chen, also fell into deep thought.

Taking in the expressions of several people, Ye Xuan noticed that a drizzle had fallen from the sky, raised his hand, and signaled everyone to get into the carriage first.

"It's raining, let's go back to the inn first, right?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's voice, Li Chen and Hou Minghao, who were closer to the carriage, took the lead in stepping forward and lifting the curtains on both sides of the carriage.

Seeing the two female guests following one after another, Li Chen and Hou Minghao even pulled the curtain one by one, left and right, ready to let the two female guests enter the carriage and put it down.

When he noticed that Ye Xuan was still standing next to the horse body and did not get into the car, Li Chen asked curiously.

"Ye Xuan, hurry up." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xuan, who was in front of the meeting, nodded lightly, and suddenly showed a smile.

"You two guards, they really look like guards."

If you draw the curtain left and right, isn't it a guard?!

At this moment, Ye Xuan's mocking tone was highly praised as if guiding the work.

As soon as the words came out, Song Yuqi and Bai Lu, who had just entered the carriage, suddenly laughed.

The two guards are quite guards?!

What kind of brain-opening words are these?!

And Li Chen and Hou Minghao, who were pulling the curtain, looked at each other, and also couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

This guy!

Since revealing his identity, he didn't pretend at all, right?!

Soon, Ye Xuan followed into the carriage and sat next to Song Yuqi.

With the click of horses and the rolling of wheels, everyone rushed back to the Shanyang Inn.

However, just as he was about to arrive at the Sanyo Inn, the wheels of the carriage seemed to have just stepped on the stones.

In this way, the carriage, which had been swaying non-stop, obviously experienced a violent shaking.

Song Yuqi didn't notice for a while, and the whole person stumbled towards the inner wall of the carriage.

Ask for flowers

When he noticed that the inner wall of the carriage was full of hard wood, he realized that the center of gravity of his body was unstable, and Song Yuqi hurriedly closed his eyes when he panicked, ready to bump.

However, in the next instant, Song Yuqi suddenly felt a powerful arm suddenly pull over his shoulder.

As soon as the downward center of gravity was retracted, Song Yuqi fell into a warm embrace.

Opening her eyes again, Song Yuqi raised her head stunned.

I saw that my whole person was half lying in Ye Xuan's arms.

His gaze happened to meet Ye Xuan's eyes, and Song Yuqi only felt that his gaze was attracted by the deep light in those eyes.

In an instant, Song Yuqi's brain was blank, and she almost forgot to get up for a while.

"Are you all right? Are there any bumps? "

Until Ye Xuan's gentle voice sounded again.

Song Yuqi's brain had fallen into the shutdown mode, and only then turned on the machine again and reacted little by little.

Seeing that he was still lying in Ye Xuan's arms and did not get up, Song Yuqi's little face turned red into a big tomato.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay!"

With a sudden, Song Yuqi immediately sat up straight.

Banzheng's waist rod seemed to be going to raise the national flag in the next second.

At this moment, only Song Yuqi could feel how fast her heart was beating in her heart.

Knock knock...

Fang Cai's scene, Brother Ye is so handsome!

It's so sharky!

How can she break this boyfriend's powerful scene too easily?!

In this way, Ye Xuan on the opposite side suddenly felt the voices of the system in his brain sound one after another.

【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host Song Yuqi for the 10 points of heartbeat! 】

【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host Song Yuqi for the 10 points of heartbeat! 】


Why did this heart rate suddenly explode?!

Didn't he just pull Song Yuqi?!

Although he didn't understand, Ye Xuan accepted this result.


On the other side, Sha Yi returned to the queue of the Shuiyang Inn.

"It turned out to be Brother Sha?!" Zhou Sheng's tone was full of regret.

"My heart is going to break." Seeing Sha Yi return, Yang Ying suddenly showed a look of disappointment.

Doesn't it mean that the news of the two can't be conveyed at all?!

It's just that compared to the two, Sha Yi, who passed through the long Yong Road, was called elated.

As soon as he saw his familiar teammates, he did not reduce his voice in the slightest, and swaggered about the clues he had learned.

"Zhou Sheng and baby Bailu are ordinary guards, and the commander must be on the opposite side."

As soon as the words came out, Zhou Sheng and Yang Yingyu turned their heads at the same time.

"Is the news hidden from us now?" Yang Ying's little face wrinkled.

"Do you need to say it so loudly?" Zhou Sheng also had a question mark on his face.

Faced with the bitterness of these two people, Sha Yi patted his chest, which was called a full of confidence.

"After all, this is my home turf! Can brother not scream?! "

When they returned to the Shuiyang Inn again, everyone was obviously happy and worried.

"Back to the original starting point, the letter can't be sent, it's almost suffocating." Holding the secret letter that had never been handed over, Yang Ying couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"In vain, we have been imprisoned here." Zhou Sheng also felt flustered.

Leaving aside the two members of the guard camp, the three of Shayi also reunited.

"I have already obtained the secret letter from Ye Xuan."

As he spoke, Sha Yi had already taken out his secret letter and read out the above content.

"Jing Ke, the maid Chuntao has been lurking for many years, showing her identity and sword, you can ask her for news."

Sha Yi immediately found the key.

"Chun Peach!"

After calling Chun Peach from outside the door and showing his sword, Sha Yi quickly learned a new clue from Chun Tao.

"Lord Hou Minghao was not reused because he offended the officials of the imperial court, so he must be an ordinary guard."

As soon as the voice fell, Sha Yi and Zheng Kai on the side, Li Yunrui immediately glanced at each other.

Combined with the news given by Ye Xuan before, if Zhou Sheng, Yang Ying, Bai Lu, and Hou Minghao were all ordinary guards, there was naturally only one left.

Sha Yi said the final conclusion.

"Li Chen is the last leader!"

Just after the two sides returned to their respective inns to rest for a while, the sound of the radio sounded again.

"It's getting dark, please go to the Night Banquet Palace."

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