Chapter 51 Brother Sha, isn't this a live self-casting?

It was only ten minutes before Song Yuqi and Guan Xiaotong formed an alliance.

First, both of them are Yanjing fellow villagers, and they speak with a sense of intimacy.

Second, when Song Yuqi checked her identity, she checked Guan Xiaotong's identity early.

In line with the idea of knowing oneself and knowing that the other party will not die, as soon as Song Yuqi confirmed the identity of the person in the mirror, she immediately found Guan Xiaotong to form an alliance.

Just when the two had just formed an alliance and successfully prepared to move forward together, without thinking, they happened to hear Ye Xuan's wonderful analysis.

At the moment, Song Yuqi's words of alliance are called sincere.

With such a smart person in front of him, isn't it fragrant to hug his thighs himself?!

Guan Xiaotong next to him also nodded, his eyes shining.

"Then if I want to become a human, don't I need to wear five hairs from others?"

Thinking of his unfortunate conversion task, Guan Xiaotong couldn't help but cry without tears.

It was obviously a good and dignified brand-tearing activity, but she insisted that she ask other members for hair?!

Is this afraid that others will not know that she is doing a task?!

At this time, hearing Guan Xiaotong's strange task, Bai Lu couldn't help but laugh.

I thought that my task was strange enough, but I didn't expect that a mountain was higher than a mountain.

Thinking of the shortcut Ye Xuan said just now, Bai Lu couldn't help but be eager to try it now.

"If the NPC in the theater is the person who mistakenly entered the mirror world, and we are all people in the mirror, as long as I tear up the NPC's name tag, I can become a human?"

As she spoke, Bai Lu had already looked around.

When she noticed an NPC playing on an accordion in the distance, she immediately trotted over.

With a click, Bai Lu did not hesitate to tear off the name tag of the NPC.

At this moment, she saw a word written clearly in the NPC name tag——


Bai Lu's eyes lit up.

In other words, Ye Xuan's idea was correct!

"That's right, NPCs are all human!"

Seeing that the staff had replaced their "man in the mirror" name tag with the name tag of "person", Bai Lu, who had just "become an adult", waved his hand vigorously to Ye Xuan and the three people behind him, which was called a cheerful one.

Seeing that Bai Lu successfully became a "person", Song Yuqi and Guan Xiaotong also followed closely behind, catching up with the two NPCs who were also in the theater hall one after another.

After both tearing the name tags, both quickly replaced them with new name tags.

After a while, the eyes of the three looked at Ye Xuan in unison.

"Brother Ye, don't you have to tear off the name tag of the NPC and become a human?" Flying guest Guan Xiaotong looked curious.

"yes? How did you stay motionless? Bai Lu, who had just become a "person", was in a good mood at the moment, and also asked out loud.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Lu saw Ye Xuan's gaze suddenly look straight at him.

"Then I have to thank Bai Lu."


What's the matter with her?!

When he learned that he had unknowingly helped Ye Xuan complete the conversion task, Bai Lu's cheeks suddenly puffed up.

Dare to love himself to make a wedding dress for Ye Xuan for nothing?!

Is there any good gas?!

Thinking of this, Bai Lu's eyes looking at Ye Xuan were once again full of resentment.

She kind of saw it!

She and Ye Xuan are absolutely incompatible!

Just when Bai Lu looked sad and indignant, the strange girl Song Yuqi on the side was already sharpening her fists at the moment.

"Now that we are human, we can tear off the name tags of other members."

Hearing Song Yuqi's words, Guan Xiaotong seemed to have thought of something, and her small face wrinkled.

"Only when people tear people off, the other party will be eliminated, what if we run into the person in the mirror?"

As soon as Guan Xiaotong's question came out, Song Yuqi's footsteps also stopped.

Oh, yes!

According to the rules of this game to tear off name cards.

Only by tearing off the person's name tag can the other party be eliminated.

The person in the mirror tears off the person's name tag and can change his identity with the person.

If the person in the mirror tears off the name tag of the person in the mirror, the person in the mirror who tears is eliminated.

Just when Song Yuqi was struggling with how to tear people, he saw Ye Xuan smile gently.

"What's so hard about that? We are now fighting as a team, and it is not yet the turn of individual battles. "

The eyes of the three female guests all gathered in the direction of Ye Xuan, and they listened to Ye Xuan say slowly.

"If the other party is a person in the mirror, just turn the other party into a person, right?"

As soon as the crisp and sharp voice came out, Song Yuqi was the first to react, and her eyes lit up.

"You mean, let the other party tear off the name tag of any of us first, and when the other party becomes a human, you can eliminate the other party by tearing people apart?!"

"That's awesome!" Guan Xiaotong's eyes also lit up.

She never expected that Ye Xuan's brain would move so quickly, and she immediately thought of an excellent way to tear the name tag.

At this time, Bai Lu, who finally turned a corner in his mind, also threw out a question.

"Then how do we know if the rest of the guests have completed the transformation task and become people?"

As soon as the question came out, Song Yuqi and Guan Xiaotong had already set their eyes on Ye Xuan in unison.

Obviously, Ye Xuan had automatically become the head of the four-person think tank.

Glancing at the three beautiful faces with their own merits, Ye Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

"At this time, it depends on which guest who is doing a strange task bumps into the door."

As soon as the words came out, Song Yuqi and the three immediately laughed.

Oh, yes.

Whether it is Guan Xiaotong's strange task of pulling out her hair or Bai Lu's chorus task, it is simply a living telling everyone that she is doing a task.

Isn't that the typical performance of the person in the mirror?!

Just as Ye Xuan received a wave of worship values again, the radio voice sounded again.

"Members note that six of the members have become human."

Hearing the voice, Ye Xuan glanced at the three female guests beside him.

It seems that in addition to the four of them, there are two other "adult" members on the field.

At the same time, the sound of the broadcast also fell into Shayi's ears.

"There are already six?!" Sha Yi, who was pacing small steps the whole time, was full of disbelief at the moment.

He was still worried about how his conversion task should be completed, and six people had already completed it?!

"How can people be so angry than people?! Is it really because he is old?! "

Just after saying this, Sha Yi suddenly shook his head and shook his mouth like a rattle.

"The program group is also true! I got a task to hug someone for a minute, isn't it obvious to others that I'm doing the task at a glance?! "

"Hugging a female guest is definitely not okay, I have to find at least a male guest..."

After thinking all the way, Sha Yi saw Ye Xuan's figure from a distance.

As soon as his eyes lit up, Sha Yi quickly stretched out his hand to say hello as if he saw a sparkling gold ingot

"Ye Xuan! Good brother, hug one! "

That's what his mission is for!

On the other side, as soon as Sha Yi's strange request came out, Ye Xuan and the three female guests immediately looked at each other.

Brother Sha, isn't this throwing himself into the net alive?!


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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