Chapter 20 Shayi: You all grew up watching my plays! Ye Xuan: We are very glad that we can grow so big!

"Great!" Song Yuqi was the first to stand up and spin in a circle.

"It turned out to be a red peach?!"

Bai Lu, who had been pulling the veto vote, was taken aback.

She never expected that under Ye Xuan's organization, she actually hit red spades?!

But Ye Xuan is obviously problematic!

At this moment, Bai Lu's words fell in Song Yuqi's ears, and Song Yuqi was already determined to speak out.

"Bai Lu, you used two words? Aren't you happy that spades win? "

Zhou Sheng on the side nodded madly: "Bai Lu really has a problem." Can't hold it all?! "

Seeing that everyone cast distrustful eyes on themselves, Bai Lu subconsciously hurriedly defended.

"I'm really a red spade, I just didn't expect that Ye Xuan's group would play red spades..."

But to the eyes of everyone who wrote the words "you have a problem", Bai Lu only felt that he couldn't argue, and finally could only let go of his hand with a depressed face.

She's a spade!

Why didn't anyone believe her?!

It's all to blame Ye Xuan!

At this moment, Ye Xuan, who was scolded and scolded by Bai Lu, had already walked out of the room and calmly told a little lie.

"I got two red cards."

What a red and black deck?! He said two reds are two reds!

No one can testify anyway!

Li Chen and Zhou Sheng, who belonged to the camp of spades, flashed a trace of regret in their hearts, but they also disguised their faces with joyful expressions.

Yang Ying, who walked out of the room in a step, also added at this time.

"I got a black card and a joker, I can only play joker."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in understanding.

If you can't let the black card win, you can only play joker!

In this way, Zheng Kai's choice was already in everyone's mind.

Between a red and a joker, in order to avoid adding another person to the joker camp, it is natural to choose a red card.

At this moment, the chess piece moved a step towards the Red Heart camp.

The chess pieces are only one step away from the destination of the three factions!

In other words, now it's time for the game!

Who loses and who wins, it's up to you to play the game!

As soon as the horn of the final game sounded, the atmosphere in the entire field became tense.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the next king, Zhang Da.

Just as Zhang Da was thinking about the candidate, Sha Yi was the first to raise his hand.

"Pick me! I'm really a spade! Let me go in for a while, I'm really annoying to stay outside! "

How come no one sees such a bright big red peach himself?!

It's all finally set!

He has to fight for himself!

As soon as Sha Yi's words came out, Bai Lu on the side immediately ridiculed.

"Brother Sha, you are still dying in this last game!"

Song Yuqi also couldn't help but say.

"Brother Sha, don't jump around, you must be a spade!"

Seeing that neither of them trusted themselves, Sha Yi straightened his back and played twelve points of motivation.

"Choose me, choose me! Brother, don't you have any face at all?! You all grew up watching my plays! "

As soon as Sha Yi's emotional card was played, he thought that he could at least gain some sympathy.

However, in the next instant, Ye Xuan's idle voice was heard.

"Yes, we are very glad that we have grown this big."

As soon as the words came out, Bai Lu burst out laughing.

Song Yuqi trembled with laughter, and her shoulders shrugged.

The rest of the guests who tensed their faces due to the final game also laughed crookedly, obviously not expecting Ye Xuan to say something surprising again.

The director team behind the camera also almost couldn't hold back their laughter and covered their mouths one by one.

In the live broadcast room, netizens who were still seriously reasoning were also amused by this sudden meme.

"Brother Sha: What sins did I make in my last life?"

"Brother Sha sat up in the middle of the night: Ye Xuan came to run the man to treat me, right?"

"Ye Xuan's mouth is incredible!"

"Ye Xuan's main words, not amazing, death!"

"In a plain tone, say the most unremarkable words!"


At this moment, only Sha Yi only felt that the five thunders hit the top, and only felt that his heart was stabbed fiercely again.

Listening to the laughter of the guests and the director team in the venue, Sha Yi deeply felt the malice of the world towards him.

He just wants to contribute to the Red Hearts camp!

Why is it so hard?!

"I'm not talking!"

Leaving such a sentence, Sha Yi directly took the two decorative straps on his clothes and tied them to his mouth——

Turn on the microphone mode manually!

As soon as this funny look came out, all the guests were once again amused.

After the laughter, the atmosphere in the venue returned to tension.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Da.

As the king of the new game, Zhang Da's brain quickly thought.

Everyone on the field still has the opportunity to abstain, and he will probably not be able to form this one.

The most important thing is not the formation of the game, but the next recognition of the identity of the king!

"Queen I choose Song Yuqi, knight I choose Chen Zheyuan."

As soon as the voice came out, the three people who were also in the camp of spades quietly exchanged glances.

Yang Ying saw Zheng Kai's Deser, and said with a smile.

"This one will definitely be vetoed! Brother Kai smiled so proudly, Brother Kai must be a spade! "

"We veto before we are elected king!" Song Yuqi also broke the key to the game at this time.

Director Yao's command sounded again.

"Next, members are invited to indicate whether or not to exercise the right of veto. Three two one. "

The voice fell, and a full six people raised their hands.

Zheng Kai, Li Chen, and Zhou Shengqi of the spades camp brushed and raised their hands.

The reason why they raised their hands was naturally because of the three candidates in this round, and none of the spades camp!

The rest were Sha Yi, Yang Ying, and Ma Boqian who also exercised their voting rights.

The reason they voted couldn't be simpler.

Only if you are chosen, you can become the king of the next game!

As soon as the six vetoes came out, Fang Cai's formation automatically took effect, and it was Zhang's turn to decide the new king.

Director Yao's command sounded again.

"Next, ask Zhang Da to select a new king from among the six members who wield the veto."

Zhang swept around and quickly gave the final answer.

"I choose my best friend baby."

Director Yao's instructions followed.

"Congratulations to Yang Ying for becoming the new king, please the king to choose a new queen and knight."

Yang Ying stood up from his position, his watery eyes looked around the audience, and said with a smile.

"I chose Zhang Da to be my knight, and Chen Zheyuan to be the queen."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Xuan's eyebrows raised slightly.

Not good!

Baby is too urgent!

Sure enough, Song Yuqi on the side obviously realized that something was wrong.

"The eldest brother chose the baby sister to be the king, and the baby sister chose the eldest brother to be the knight?"

Thinking of this, Song Yuqi immediately shouted.

"This game can't work!"


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