Thirty minutes later, the recording started.
The first person to read the letter was Wang Yaoqing. It has to be said that Wang Yaoqing’s Wanwan accent is very rare.
It doesn’t sound like people from Wanwan speak Mandarin, but like people from the south who speak Mandarin with a little accent.
In this way, the sense of estrangement is reduced, and the audience has extra points for him.
Meng Feibai was the last one to read the letter, and I don’t know if the show crew wanted him to be the finale.
After Zhang Hanhe finished reading, Meng Feibai took the manuscript and walked to the center of the studio.
“Hi everyone, I’m Meng Feibai!” Meng Feibai said on stage.
Clap clap…
There was applause from the audience, but there was no deafening applause, because the atmosphere of the scene needs to be quiet.
Meng Feibai stretched out his hand and pressed it down. After the applause stopped, he said, “I see that there are many fifteen or sixteen-year-old children here today, so I want to write this letter in a different way.”
He looked at the manuscript and said with a smile: “I won’t tell you what this letter is about, I just tell you that this is a text I learned when I was in junior high school, called “Who Is the Cutest Person” .
What this letter talks about, I will tell you after I finish reading it. This should be a letter addressed to the people of the whole country, a special letter. ”
With a serious face, he took apart the letter in his hand.
Taking a deep breath, I brought my emotions into the letter.
The audience did not appear chaotic and impetuous because of Meng Feibai’s silence, but quietly waited for Meng Feibai to speak.
“Every day in the Northern Dynasties, I was moved by something; the tide of my thoughts and feelings was running wildly; I wanted to tell my friends in the motherland everything.
But what I am most anxious to tell you is an important experience in my thoughts and feelings. That is, I feel more and more deeply, who is our cutest person. ”
After the first paragraph ended, the young, fifteen- or sixteen-year-old viewers didn’t react much, because this article seemed strange to them.
And those audience members who were the same age as Meng Feibai couldn’t help but nodded. They should all have studied this text.
The most excited are actually those old people, those old people who have experienced that war.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that he actually went to the battlefield, but came from that era.
Mr. Ma looked at Meng Feibai in the audience, smiled knowingly, and then listened carefully to Meng Feibai’s letter.
His head is also very red. After all, he comes from that family, so it’s impossible not to be red.
“Who are our most lovable people? Our soldiers, I think they are the most lovable people. Maybe someone vaguely said, are you talking about those ‘soldiers’? They look very ordinary, very simple Yes! Neither can I see that they have any profound knowledge, nor can I see that they have any rich emotions.
However, I want to say that this is because he has had too little contact with our fighters and has not yet understood our fighters. Their character is so pure and noble, their will is so tenacious and strong, their temperament is so So simple and humble, their minds are so beautiful and broad. ”
“Let me tell a story!”

Under Meng Feibai’s powerful empathy ability, even children who have not learned this text are brought into their emotions.
Some emotional ones even started to wipe their tears, and the most excited ones were the few old people sitting in the front row. They were all veterans who aided Korea.
However, because Meng Feibai selected the manuscript temporarily this time, they were not invited to read this article specifically.
It’s the subsidy given to them from above. They happen to like this show, so they were given a few tickets.
“Dear friends, when you take the first tram in the morning to the factory, when you shoulder the plow and go to the field, when you drink a cup of soybean milk and walk to school with your schoolbag, when you sit When you start your day at your desk, when you pop an apple into your child’s mouth, when you take a walk with your lover…  
Friends, do you realize that you are in happiness? You may be surprised: ‘This is very common! ’ However, those who have returned from the Northern Dynasties will know that you are living in happiness.
Please realize that this is a kind of happiness! Because only when you are aware of this, can you have a deeper understanding of the reasons why our soldiers are so desperate in the north.
Friend, you love our motherland and our great leader so much. You will surely lament our warriors deeply. ”
“They are indeed us, the cutest people!”
After reading the letter, the entire studio fell silent.
There were still wet tears on the faces of the audience.
Clap clap…
Young Master Ma applauded first, mobilizing the surrounding people, and then the applause became louder and louder.
Finally, the audience stood up,The whole scene burst into thunderous applause.
Meng Feibai wiped away the tears he didn’t know when he shed, heaved a long sigh of relief, and said: “After I finish reading, everyone should understand, this letter is about our soldiers during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. This letter was written in 1951, and later entered the middle school textbook. Later, I don’t know why it was deleted, I think it’s a pity.”
He looked at the audience, and continued: “Actually, the program team told me at the beginning that the audience might not buy it when I read this letter. I remember Director Xiaogang once said, why are there so many rubbish movies? Because of the crap audience.  … Is that statement right? Yes, but it’s not true either.
How is the quality of the audience cultivated? Of course you can see it. The insufficient literacy of the audience should not be the reason for us art workers to cater to and degenerate. Only after seeing excellent works can the audience know how bad a bad film is.
Artists produce inferior works, and the low appreciation level of the audience will form a vicious circle. To break the vicious circle, one party must stand up and change himself. But it is impossible for the audience’s appreciation level to suddenly increase, so only we filmmakers can change.
So I am very happy that we can have such an excellent program as “Seeing Words Like Faces”. I also hope that this program can continue. I hope to see more and more people who are getting older to stand up and break the vicious circle. ”
Clap clap clap…
After Meng Feibai finished speaking, the audience burst into applause.
After the recording of the first episode of the program ended, several veterans who aided North Korea cried so hard.
“Aren’t you going to accept their thanks?” Meng Feibai was about to get in the car and drive away when Mr. Ma’s voice sounded from behind.
Meng Feibai’s facial features wrinkled together in an instant, and he ran out as soon as the recording ended, but he still caught up to him unexpectedly.
“Hehehe, good morning, Brother Ma!” Meng Feibai showed an expression uglier than crying.
Mr. Ma stepped forward and said with a smile, “Reading the letter is very touching, and I cried too.”
Meng Fei nodded again and again: “Thank you, I appreciate the prize.”
Mr. Ma raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a dark smile: “My uncle said, I haven’t seen you for a long time, and I’ll let you have a drink with him when I have time. He still wants to hear you talk about the Three Kingdoms.”
“What the hell am I…”
Meng Feibai almost cursed out loud. If he hadn’t had enough concentration, he would have been so frightened that he lost control of his bladder and bowels.
Mr. Ma’s uncle, such a big man, whether you can see him or not.
Although Comrade Lao Meng had to see him once a year, Meng Feibai himself didn’t want to see him.
Who knows which sentence is wrong, it will be dealt with, it is too dangerous.
Thinking of when he was in his teens, talking nonsense about the Three Kingdoms in front of Mr. Ma’s uncle, Meng Feibai felt that he was so brave at the age of middle school!
But at that time, although Mr. Ma’s uncle was also a big man, he was not that big.
After chatting for a while, Mr. Ma saw that Meng Feibai was uncomfortable, so he let Meng Feibai go.
Ding dong dong dong……
Mr. Ma took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, then picked it up and said, “Hello, uncle!”
“I went to see that boy from the Meng family’s show. It’s pretty good.”
“Got it, I’ll be right back.”

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