Chapter 2 Angels descend on earth (seeking flowers evaluation ticket)

“It’s the piano!”

Peng Peng blurted out.

“Ding Dong Ding Dong…”

The tune is fast, a series of fast descending scales!

At that moment, a flexible wasp appeared in everyone’s hearts and leaned down, rushing to the emotions of the evil weaver and cook in the story.

Then, the tune began to roll up and down, just like the swift movement of a wasp.

The standard sixteenth note tune, under the hand speed of about 170 beats per minute, suddenly oozes out the telling tune, instantly forming a wonderful freeze frame around the scene.

All the people in the music envelope were stunned for a short time.

Afterwards, everyone’s eyes were focused on the wooden house.

Teacher He took out his mobile phone.

Sister Zifeng was at a loss, covering her mouth.

Peng Peng was stunned, dumbfounded.

Huang Xiaochu grabbed the director who wanted to walk in and shook his head gently.

Soon, one minute passed, and the opponent seemed to have finished playing.


It’s the second time.

The pace has accelerated!

The tune remains the same.

This time, this person’s hand speed is 200 beats per minute.

And the third time.

The opponent’s hand speed increased again.

Then came the fourth time!

the fifth time!

At this time, the yearning members outside the wooden house were already dumbfounded.

This hand speed, I am afraid that it has already exceeded 300?

This is the level that only the top pianists have.

But at this moment, he suddenly appeared in a rural wooden house.

Is this an illusion?

Or is it a supernatural event?

Could this person be faster?

But the next moment, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly!

“This, this is too awesome!”

Teacher He looked at Peng Peng and his sister and said.

“The tune is great!”

Peng Peng understands the piano, and he remembers that he has never heard this piece of music.

“But I don’t seem to have heard of it.”

Sister Zifeng was a little bit more, blurted out.

“Yeah, I haven’t heard of it either.”

Teacher He also shook his head.

Just now he thought he was ignorant and had a generation gap with young people, but now it seems that everyone has never heard of it.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room was already fried.

“Have never heard of +1!”

“Never heard of +2!”

“Never heard of +3!”

“Never heard of +10086!”

“I am a student of the Conservatory of Music, and I am sure that I have never heard this piece of music anywhere.”

“Fuck! This is not an original song, is it?”

“It must be, everyone hasn’t heard of it. It must be original.”

“The people in the room are so amazing, the speed of the hand is almost like flying!”

“Please come in, we have to see that pianist!”

The audience urged frantically.


Several people in the mushroom house walked to the door.

Following the crack in the door, they saw the situation inside the wooden house.


Everyone was stunned.

With her back to them, a little girl in a pink dress was struggling to climb down from the piano.

Under her feet, there is a big orange cat sleeping on its stomach.

The girl is about four or five years old, with a small pink round face, big eyes, and a bow tie on her head, just like an elf walking out of a fairy tale.

“My God! This is the daughter I want!”

“Where did the program team get the group performance?”

“This kid is so good-looking.”

“No, she played the tune just now?”

“The same kid, why do I know how to eat this in my family!”


Su Qingqing is boring.

My brother went to the orchard to pick coconuts, so she had to play with Dawei and Tianlong.

Tianlong didn’t know where he went, but Dawei only likes to sleep.

As a five-year-old child, she can only use the piano to pass the time.

It’s really boring!

But my brother is really amazing!

Those elder brothers in the village, in addition to smirking, they only know how to climb trees.

My elder brother can cook, write songs, write novels, and sing. He is omnipotent!

Except not having a girlfriend.

But I heard from the aunt in the village that the girlfriend is very useful and can cook and warm the bed.

I really hope my brother has a girlfriend so that she can cook.

But what if her cooking is not as delicious as her brother’s?

It’s annoying!

With a helpless sigh, Su Qingqing felt that she really broke her heart for her brother.

Looking up, she suddenly saw a group of people standing at the door.


There are familiar people.

The village chief’s grandpa is there!

And those few people, should they be the new neighbors next door, right?

My brother said that there are a lot of people coming over there recently, all of them are celebrities.

Su Qingqing remembered very clearly.

“Oh my god, is this an angel in a fairy tale?” Teacher He muttered to herself as she looked at the pink and tender little girl.

“It looks like a doll.” Sister Zifeng also nodded.

“I really want the third child!” Huang Xiaochu was rarely seen as a gaffe, and his old father smiled.

Su Qingqing is really good-looking.

She has a small pink face, big black eyes, and two eyebrows that look like a crescent moon.

Standing there, it was like an angel descending from the sky to the world.

The audience in the live broadcast room, the moment the camera was aimed at her, their hearts melted.

“I’m going to the mushroom house now, stealing children, is anyone organizing a group?”

“Hehe, I think my daughter-in-law has been found!”

“Asshole! Don’t think too much of my wife!”

“Fuck! Upstairs, starting in three years!”

The number of people in the live broadcast room has increased rapidly, and it is expected to exceed 8 million!

“Grandpa Village Chief, you are here!”

Su Qingqing stood there and shouted to the village chief who had just walked over.

“Hey, Qingqing, where is your brother?”

The village chief who had just been invited over asked Qingqing kindly.

“Brother went to the orchard.”

Su Qingqing replied sweetly: “Grandpa Village Chief, are they the stars?”

“Yes, it’s them.”

The village chief nodded.

“Yes, we are the new neighbor next door.” Teacher He nodded quickly, and his voice was very soft and in a daze. He seemed to have returned to the days when he was a children’s show host.

“Does your family have a baby like me?”

Su Qingqing asked expectantly.

She is eager to have new friends. She has lived in the village for several years. Most of the time, she plays with those cute grandparents. Children who are about the same age as herself will only show up during the Chinese New Year.

Now that she has a new neighbor, she certainly hopes to have children!

Teacher He hesitated, he couldn’t bear to deceive the little angel, and finally shook his head: “I’m sorry, no.”

At that moment, the disappointed expression on the little girl’s face was beyond words.

Everyone feels distressed.

Huang Xiaochu couldn’t help it anymore and blurted out: “My daughter will come tomorrow. She is a few years older than you, and you will definitely like her.”

No matter so much, let’s talk about it!

next moment,

Su Qingqing’s eyes lit up, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

that moment,

Everyone felt that there really were angels in this world!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes! Ask for book reviews! *

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