
"Stop looking, I’m so nervous now." Zhang Yixing looked around, very alert.

Zhang Yixing looked like a guilty thief.

Cao Gong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and said,"What are you doing… You don’t have a girlfriend, why are you so nervous just looking at black stockings?"

"People who have girlfriends and wives will feel guilty if they peek at black stockings beauties"

"You are a single person, why are you so scared of black stockings?"

"If you get so nervous just by looking at black stockings, then will you be able to have a feast if you see a beauty in a bikini?"

"Haha~" How could Zhang Yixing, who was misunderstood, hold back?

His nervousness disappeared immediately, and he laughed devilishly instead.

Zhang Yixing, who laughed devilishly, said hastily:"I'm not nervous when I see beauties in black stockings.""

"I feel like something is going on here, so I'm nervous and panicking."

Zhang Yixing explained what was going on, and Cao Gong finally understood that he was overthinking.

However, many viewers watching the show were already laughing so hard that they were falling down.

Cao Gong is too artistic, and being on the show is simply liberating men's nature.

As an idol who is about to debut through a talent show, he actually went to see black-stocking beauties without any image.

It would have been fine if he just looked at black-stocking beauties, but he also had a perverted expression on his face.

He was going to trample on his idol image and rub it like crazy. He hasn't even debuted through a talent show yet, but he's already been ruined.

Even if he hasn't been ruined, he would have warned his fans.

I'm just that kind of person, and I could be ruined at any time because of my lust. If you want to be my fan, then you'd better think about it carefully, because I might be ruined tomorrow.

This can be considered as a preventive measure for fans.

""Oh~" At this time, Zhang Yixing noticed several people running over in front of him.

These people immediately surrounded them.

The two people who were surrounded found that it seemed to be none other than the staff.

Zhang Yixing was startled, but soon he didn't care.

"It's a staff member." Zhang Yixing felt relieved and said to Zhang Yixing beside him

"Let’s go and look for it…" Before he could finish his words, Cao Gong realized something was wrong.

"Something is wrong, someone is coming. At this time, Cao Gong was even more certain.

"Really? How did you know?" Zhang Yixing looked around to prevent anyone from approaching.

"Look at the car in front. Cao Gong, who had good eyesight, saw something at first glance. He and Zhang Yixing walked over to a car.

It was a taxi.

"Taxi?" Seeing this taxi, Zhang Yixing still couldn't understand"What's going on?"

"Taxis appear here without looking out of place"

"But the sticker on the taxi's car logo is the crux of the problem."

"This is a sticker from Tmall International. It is your sponsor dad of Go Fighting."

The adjective 'sponsor dad' is very realistic and direct. Zhang Yixing burst out laughing.

The audience watching the show were also amused by Cao Gong's address to the sponsor.

No one would ever address a sponsor like this.

As a result, Cao Gong was very direct and called him 'sponsor dad'.

This address was simple, direct and humorous, which caught the audience off guard.

"This car is the sponsor of your extreme challenge, and now it has been torn off again"

"A blind guess, it's either Huang Lao Xie or Bad Uncle's detailed operation"

"I tore it off because I was worried that we would find out."

"Based on my analysis after watching Go Fighting, you three idiots and funny pigs definitely couldn't have imagined"

"Only Huang Lao Xie and Bad Uncle could think of this."

"So, it is clear that the three spirits have come over here."

Cao Gong's analysis made the audience swallow their saliva. This IQ... that is, as soon as the voice fell, Cao Gong inadvertently glanced at the entrance of the parking lot.

It was just such an inadvertent glance that made Cao Gong quickly turn his head back.

Just like that, Cao Gong stared at the entrance of the parking lot with a happy and joyful look.

Zhang Yixing, who noticed this scene, also looked over.

When he found that another slim beauty with cool clothes passed by, he smiled again.

"Hahaha~" Zhang Yixing laughed devilishly and said,"What are you doing? Don't look at it."

"Why is it that when a beautiful woman passes by, you can always see her first?"

"Do you have radar in your eyes?" Zhang Yixing laughed and complained about Cao Gong.

"No, no, the girls are dressed so beautifully when they go out. If we don’t take a second look, won’t it be a waste of their careful dressing?"In order to see beautiful women, Cao Gong has thousands of reasons.

The audience watching the show are already laughing out of breath.

Cao Gong is really a man in the world.

When he goes out, he likes to see beautiful women. His eyes are like a tracking device.

Wherever there is a beautiful woman, he can always find it first.

"I have the same problem as my husband! Every time I go out, I always see beautiful women first."

"I am the same as my husband. I always enjoy watching beautiful women with black stockings and good figures."

"Hahahaha ~ Are all men in the world like this?"

"This idol is amazing. Hahahaha~ I am almost dying of laughter because of Cao Gong"

"Cao Gong, you are going to ruin your reputation before you even make your debut!"

"Haha~ I am dying of laughter, this idol is really a comedian"

"Looking at the beautiful woman's expression, could you please stop being so perverted?"

"Men all over the world like to look at beautiful women, and idols are no exception"


Zhang Yixing laughed so hard that his stomach hurt. This child is really troublesome.

"If you look at it this way, and Reba finds out, how will you explain it?"

"The show is on, Dilireba will watch it���

" Zhang Yixing was really worried and asked Cao Gong to pay more attention.

But Cao Gong shook his head:"No way? The program crew couldn’t possibly edit this part in, right ?"

"What is impossible to cut in? It can be cut in."Zhang Yixing reminded him with a smile

"It's okay. PD Reba and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend. We are just teacher and student."

"At most, until next month, we will be regarded as fellow students and alumni of the same school."

"We are not boyfriend and girlfriend. Alice in her family will not agree to her dating me."

"Don't worry, if she dares to be unhappy, I will confront her: (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Say: What's wrong with me looking at beautiful women? Who are you to me? You are not my girlfriend."

"If you want me to stop looking at other beauties besides you, you can, just ask your Alice to accept me....."

"As long as Alice accepts me, I'm your boyfriend, and I promise not to look at any other beautiful woman besides you."

"Basically, fans of PD Reba will definitely protect her, saying that someone like me is not worthy of PD Reba, so it is impossible for the two of us, don't worry."

Cao Gong's self-awareness confused the audience.

Especially fans of Dilireba, after seeing this, they were also very entangled for a while.

True fans really think that Cao Gong and Dilireba are a good match.

In the training camp, every glance between the two was very loving and bright.

And Cao Gong is also good enough, handsome and capable.

Especially his musical talent, which always brings sweetness and happiness to Dilireba.

Talented and capable people are always easy to get support.

The most important thing is that Cao Gong can write songs. With her talent and strength, she is better than Dilireba.

At least, as long as Cao Gong can write songs, he will not be without income.

Even if he can't be an idol, as long as he can write songs, he can have a stable income by eating song copyrights.

If Dilireba can't be a star, then she really has no ability to make money to eat.

"Come to think of it, you really don't plan to date Reba?" Zhang Yixing asked him

"I think, but what's the use of thinking? You know better than me."

"Falling in love means losing your job. This is what Cao Gong said before.

"It is true that in our industry, falling in love means losing your job."

"But I don’t think you’re the kind of person who won’t date just because your fans ask you to?"[]

At the same time, Zhang Yixing also thinks Cao Gong is such a person.

He is not the kind of person who will not fall in love if his fans ask him not to.

"Hard to say, it depends on what kind of fans they are."

"If fans like Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Yang Mi asked me not to date, I would definitely not date.

Cao Gong's metaphor is really direct.

But it is true that this is not the first time Cao Gong has said this.

4.8 The two chatted for a while and looked around, but did not find anyone.

"That's not right, there's no one here. After searching for a while and not finding anyone, Cao Gong felt something was wrong.

"right���, I also find it strange." Not only did they not find anyone after looking around, they also didn't find the car.

But what they didn't notice was that there was a staff member next to them who was particularly strange.

Cao Gong, who was originally talking to Zhang Yixing, suddenly felt something was wrong.

He stopped and looked at the staff next to him. This person looked familiar.

When the other party saw him, he naturally turned around and looked elsewhere.

And Cao Gong didn't mess around, but said:"Oh my god, I was a little full after eating just now"

"You are making my stomach uncomfortable." As he said that, Cao Gong reached out to unbuckle his belt.

Zhang Yixing saw it, but didn't think it was strange, just asked:"Who told you to eat so much just now."

But after unbuckled the belt, Cao Gong smiled and said:"Yixing, come, fuck him!"

""Huh?" Zhang Yixing was confused and didn't understand what it meant.

When he turned around, he saw Cao Gong holding a belt and hugging a staff member next to him. Huang Bo, who was wearing the uniform of the program staff, was startled.

He didn't expect that he was discovered.

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