Li Mo continued:

“So, actually, when the reporter just kept making fun of my weak legs, I was hesitating whether to say it or not, because I knew that in the end, the clown would probably be me.”

“Then why did you say it anyway?”

“Because I discovered that no matter I say it or not, I am still the clown, so I have to be tough. But it’s okay, it’s just glowing green now, I can still hold on, sister Ou, you can continue.”

Wang Ou:

“Husband, what are you talking about? The one I love most is always you”


“Okay, Housewife Europe, please continue.”

Housewife Europe:

“Next I went to the beautiful Honeysuckle’s room, where she had not spoken much.”

Zhao Jinmai smiled sweetly.

“Then I discovered this. Honeysuckle herself posted a lot of posters and award-winning photos, and replaced all the heroines in them with herself.” honeysuckle:

“Because I envy Queen Zhen, and I hope that I can achieve as good results as her in the future. In order to motivate myself, I did this.”

Sa reporter:

“Incentive, in fact, can also be understood as jealousy in disguise. 510”

Everyone nodded in approval.

Housewife Europe:

“The next clue was that I found a script in Honeysuckle’s room. The key point is that the default heroine of this script is Honeysuckle, and the director is Chen Dao’er.”

Everyone looked at Director Chen together, and Li Mo suddenly said:

“Could it beThe writer’s conscience discovered that the person who arranged a hidden love line for you this time was not Sister Ou but our Mai Mai? My green light disappeared?”


“Feibian, can you please focus your attention on solving the case?”

“I don’t care. Queen Zhen has nothing to do with me. I’m more concerned about this matter now.”

“Ever since Housewives Europe came to power, our family’s flying pancakes have started to become a little abnormal.”

“Okay, let’s ignore him. Come on, Director Chen, why is Honeysuckle the default heroine instead of your wife, Queen Zhen?”

“There is no reason, I just think honeysuckle is more suitable. Li

Mo said:

“That’s not right. According to the clues just now, the relationship between you and Queen Zhen should be that the woman is strong and the man is weak. Your script must be Queen Zhen’s first choice. Why would you skip her and choose Honeysuckle?”

Wei Chen smiled and said nothing. Before everyone understood the storyline, Mistress Ou continued:

“There is a sentence here that I care about. In this script, Honeysuckle wrote a sentence, that is, I will become popular soon. If anyone doesn’t let me become popular, then I will destroy her.

According to my husband’s analysis just now, the only person who is most likely to stop Honeysuckle is Queen Zhen. So, can we make an assumption?

Assuming that Queen Zhenying prevented Jinyinhua from starring as the heroine, or that she wanted to play the heroine herself, and Honeysuckle killed Queen Zhenying for this reason, could this be used as Jinyinhua’s motive for killing?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone recorded them one after another. Finally, the motive of the first person’s murder appeared.

Everyone looked at Zhao Jinmai, who smiled and said:

“I just finally got such an opportunity, and I didn’t want to miss it. This sentence expresses my determination.”

This explanation obviously cannot convince everyone.

Housewife Ou:

“Did I look for you after I discovered Zhen Ying on your home surveillance camera?” honeysuckle:

“Yes, she went to see me at eight o’clock yesterday evening. I was not at home, so she left an envelope for me. I can’t tell the contents yet.”

Everyone nodded, and Housewife Ou continued:

“Then you hired a detective to investigate her, and it turned out that Queen Zhen did not go home after leaving your house, but went to a remote road that she had been going to in recent days. So, in fact, you know the general trajectory of Zhen Yinghou’s actions.” honeysuckle:


Housewife Ou: (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“So these are my (aded) findings, do you have anything to say? Li

Mo said:

“Actually, there is one thing I care about.”

When everyone saw Li Mo speak, they all looked at him. Li Mo looked at Wei Chen and said:

“What I care about is, brother, according to your story line, is there anything going on between you and Sister Ou? I’m so panicked”



“Be more serious”

“Husband~~ I have always loved you the most.”

Wang Ou walked directly to Li Mo and hugged him.

Li Mo:

“Okay, okay, no kidding. What I’m more concerned about is why Queen Zhen doesn’t go home, and she has been like this for several days in a row.

Also, where does the remote path she went to lead to? Why should she go there.

This is where I am more doubtful, and I will provide it to you, and I hope it will be helpful to your next reasoning.”

“Okay, thanks for sharing, then, it’s your turn, Li Fei Cake.”

Li Mo stood up and walked while saying:

“I didn’t get much information. I mainly searched the rooms of Queen Zhen and Director Chen. First of all, I want to talk about the masked couple just now.

I found an agreement between Chen Daoer and Zhen Yinghou behind their wedding photos. The content of this agreement is that Chen Daoer will marry Empress Zhen Ying but cannot own any property of Empress Zhen Ying.

Furthermore, in all of Chen Daoer’s future films, Queen Zhen must be given priority to star in. Finally, when this agreement will end depends on Queen Zhen’s mood.

In other words, Chen Daoer is a puppet completely controlled by Zhen Yinghou.

There is a new clue here, that is, in the agreement, Director Chen wrote a sentence,”I will marry you for my dream, bear with it.” But that thing was too unbearable.

What was that incident? Director Chen, what do you say?”

Morning guide:

“In fact, I come from a very ordinary background, and I have no fame, no background, and no family background. Apart from my handsomeness and talent, I have almost nothing.”

Li Mo:

“Not bad, not bad. Not only am I talented and handsome, but I have everything else you mentioned.”


“That’s enough for you two!”

“Morning guide, you continue.”

Morning guide:

“But I have a dream, but my dream has never been realized until I met Zhen Ying. She said that she could help me realize my dream, but the premise was that I had to sign the agreement.

Then, for my dream, I signed.”

Li Mo:

“But now there is one thing. He has decided that the heroine will be Honeysuckle, which is obviously against the agreement of Queen Zhen. There must be some changes in this that everyone needs to pay attention to.”

Everyone nodded.

PS:A new book is uploaded. I hope everyone will support it with flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes. Thank you all!.

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