After more than 20 days of filming, one-third of the plot of a good drama has been completed.

Li Mo divided the entire plot of a good play into three parts. As a shipwreck occurs, a group of people live on a deserted island.

At this time, there was no order, no law, no rules, and everyone began to unleash the evil in their hearts. Especially those employees who are bullied on a daily basis, even start to speak rudely to the company’s management and boss, or even fight.

And those bosses and managers who were usually aloof and aloof, after the initial discomfort, took the initiative to put down their own identities in order to survive and began to rely on others.

A group of people formed the most primitive society.

This is why a good show has some elements of an art film. He not only wants to tell a story, but also reflects the development process of human civilization.

In this most primitive state, director Xiao Wang was the first to break the deadlock.

He is a veteran, he can easily climb trees and catch fish, so he became the first king of society!

It is worth mentioning that he was not the king he wanted, but was elected by everyone. Everyone was willing to listen to him and send beautiful women to him.

After the initial confusion, Xiao Wang soon changed. He began to really regard himself as a king. His seat was high, and he accepted the beautiful Lucy as a matter of course.

As his woman, Lucy can eat food without working, and those who support him don’t need to work. As for others, if they don’t work, they will have nothing to eat.

Those who resisted him were suppressed by him with violence!

This is the first stage of Li Mo’s understanding, which reflects primitive society, where everything is suppressed by force!

The story background has developed to this point, and Xiao Mo has also ushered in his first personality awakening, which is tomorrow’s scene.

Tomorrow, the matter of Ma entering the lottery will be exposed, and Xiao Mo knows for the first time that the person he wanted to risk his life for was also lying to him and did not believe him.

As a result, the light in Xiao Mo’s heart was completely extinguished. His heart was shrouded in darkness for the first time, and the evil in his heart was released for the first time.

So starting from tomorrow, Li Mo will change his state when performing Xiao Mo. He will no longer be innocent and cowardly as before.

He will begin to show his despair, he will begin to reveal his temper, and he will begin to expose the evil in his heart for the first time.

In fact, Li Mo had already thought about the specific interpretation when he was creating the character, but now he still has to rehearse it in his mind.

Before learning how to create characters, Li Mo had to practice such drills in front of a mirror. This was the case when filming Wolf Warrior 2, and the same was true when filming Qing Yu Nian.

But now, he just needs to simulate it in his mind.

This is actually a misunderstanding of Li Mo. He has too little filming experience. He thinks that everyone else can do what he knows now. He thinks that character creation is only the basic skill of an actor.

In fact, his acting skills have already surpassed most of the actors. Even among the older generation of actors, there are very few who can reach his current acting skills.

Tomorrow’s scene was really important. In order to avoid any trouble tomorrow, Li Mo simulated it three times in his mind, and it took him more than an hour to officially complete it.

After finishing, Li Mo let out a heavy breath and felt much more relaxed.

Looking up, countless stars twinkled in the dark night sky, which was really beautiful. In the distance, there was the sound of waves, and on the sea, a mermaid was swimming on the edge of the water.

Long hair, fair skin, round ballsUm? ? ? ?

Damn it!!! Someone is actually swimming!!!

Li Mo was completely dumbfounded. There was such an unexpected encounter this night. Isn’t it fatal?

Just when Li Mo was about to leave, Shuqi had already walked out of the sea, put on her bathrobe, and walked towards Li Mo step by step.

Li Mo was about to leave when he heard Shuqi say:

“Are you leaving after reading this? I really thought you were a good boy, you actually peeked at someone taking a bath.”

Yeah, Li Mo can’t leave now.

“Misunderstanding, this is really a misunderstanding! I was thinking about something just now and really didn’t notice you. When I saw you, I planned to leave and had absolutely no intention of peeking.”

“So, you still saw it, right?”

Shuqi walked to the front and looked at Li Mo and said with a smile.

Li Mo was really speechless. This kind of thing is really like a mute eating Coptis chinensis. He couldn’t tell the pain. He really didn’t need to peek. He wanted to go back and search. Search, her figure was much better at that time than now.

Finally, Li Mo sighed and said:

“Believe it or not, I have no idea of taking a peek. I came to this place first. I have been here since the third day on the island. I come here almost every day except when it rains.”

“I know, otherwise I wouldn’t have found such a remote place to swim.”

Shuqi sat next to Li Mo:

“Did you bring cigarettes?”

Li Mo took out a cigarette. There is no need to be afraid of paparazzi on this desert island, and this place is really remote.

Li Mo handed the cigarette to Shuqi, then lit one himself and said:

“Sister Shuqi, why don’t we just be friends?”

Shuqi’s frankness made Li Mo understand that feelings were not something he accidentally saw, but were brought to his door on purpose. This bitch has not given up on her yet.

Shuqi blew out a puff of smoke and said:

“Originally, I wasn’t the kind of person who was always shy, but this period of time is too boring. Don’t you want to relax? I won’t pester you.”

Li Mo remained silent.

“Actually, you have feelings for me, right? I can see it in your eyes”((Zhao)

“Please, I’m a man, a normal man. It’s normal to have a little nostalgia from time to time. I’m not a eunuch. But that doesn’t mean I really have to do something with you”

“why not? In fact, I really don’t understand. A woman comes to your door and doesn’t require you to be responsible. She gives you free fun. I can’t think of any reason for you to refuse. Li

Mo sighed and said:

“Because my surname is not Cao!”

This is where Li Mo has always felt a little uncomfortable. He can accept Yang Mi, and he can also accept Xu Qin, because one of them is divorced and the other is single.

Although Li Mo entered the entertainment industry from the beginning, part of it was for women. Yes, but for someone like Shuqi who is married, he really can’t keep his mouth shut.

His surname is Li, not Cao!

PS:A new book is uploaded. I hope everyone will support it with flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes. Thank you all!.

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