
Everyone was stunned! They looked at Reba who was sitting up in disbelief. Her face was rosy, her lips were red, her teeth were white. How could she look like someone who had been poisoned by a king cobra?

"I'm in a hurry!!!"

"What’s going on? Is Reba okay now?"

"Am I seeing things? Just now Reba couldn't breathe and looked like she was about to die. I haven't even blinked yet and Reba is fine now?"

"Is this true? Didn't you say the survival rate was one in a hundred thousand? Could it be that Reba was the only one who survived?"

"Is this good luck or bad luck?"

"Are you sure the one in Reba is the most poisonous king cobra venom? Why doesn't it look like it to me?"

"No, Reba was not able to recover before, but after Jiang Chen dripped his blood into Reba's mouth, Reba suddenly recovered. Could this be related to Jiang Chen's blood?"

"You mean Jiang Chen used his blood to save Reba?!"




In front of the screen, all the audience swallowed their saliva desperately, not knowing whether to be excited or shocked.

Excited because Reba survived.

And shocked because -

Reba's survival seemed to be related to Jiang Chen's blood!!

What's going on?

Could it be that Jiang Chen's blood contains antibodies to king cobra venom?!


At the same time, the program team

"Sorry, Director Yan, we are really powerless this time!"

Zhao Weimin stood up and said to Yan Min helplessly.

His teacher, Professor Perkins, the only person in the world who can solve the king cobra venom, now said that there is no way to save Reba.

This is equivalent to - sentencing Reba to death!

Although he couldn't bear to watch Reba die, he was powerless.


After Zhao Weimin finished speaking, he and Perkins sighed regretfully.

Yan Min sat in a chair with a decadent look on his face, and was about to send someone to send Zhao Weimin and Perkins away.

Suddenly - an assistant director ran into the conference room with a big laugh.

"Director Yan, Director Yan, is alive!!"

"Reba is alive!"

The director was very excited, holding a computer in his hand, on which the live broadcast room was playing.

Hearing the assistant director's words,

Yan Min was stunned, Zhao Weimin was stunned, and Perkins was also stunned.


"What did you say? Reba is alive? ?"

Yan Min asked with eyes wide open.

The assistant director said:"Yes, Director Yan, Reba is really alive, and nothing is wrong. If you don't believe me, just see for yourself."

As he spoke, the assistant director quickly put the computer in front of the three people.

Reba in the picture had a ruddy face, just like she had just woken up, and there was no sign of poisoning at all.

Seeing this picture,

Yan Min jumped up from the chair excitedly.


""Hahahaha, it's really alive, that's great!"

As Yan Min shouted excitedly, Zhao Weimin and Perkins were like being struck by lightning, and they couldn't stop shaking.


"This is impossible. She was bitten by a king cobra. How could she still be alive?!"

Zhao Weimin's voice trembled.

He was not unhappy, but too shocked.

After all, he had been studying snake venom serum all his life and knew snake venom very well. King cobra venom was the strongest among all snake venoms. His teacher, Professor Perkins, had just said that the king cobra that bit Reba was the strongest of the kings. The venom of this snake was almost the strongest in the world.

Therefore, Perkins and he were both powerless.

But at this moment.

They actually saw that Reba woke up!! And she was completely awake as if nothing had happened. This was really too shocking. He couldn't believe it.

"Old... Teacher, what's going on?"

Zhao Weimin looked at Perkins and continued to ask tremblingly.

Perkins was even more shocked than Zhao Weimin at this time, because he knew the king cobra venom too well. The one in a hundred thousand survival rate was the result of his life-long research.

Before this, he could be very arrogant and announce to the world.

In the whole world...

I am the only one who can detoxify the king cobra venom!!

Although the probability is only one in a hundred thousand.

But all the experts and professors in the world who study snake venom serum must admire him and respect him, so even Zhao Weimin has to go abroad to worship him as a teacher.

But now, he is completely stupid!

Completely confused!!

Reba, who seemed to him to be dead, actually came back to life at this moment.

And from the bite to now, it was only a few minutes, without the use of any medical equipment or any medicine.

Just woke up like this?


"My God, I actually saw a miracle. Someone was bitten by such a terrifying king cobra and still survived. This is simply incredible."

"Come on, let me see"

""What happened just now?"

Pukins was panicked and hurriedly shouted to Yan Min.

Yan Min reacted and dragged the video to the moment when Reba was bitten.

Then, they saw Jiang Chen walked over and dripped his blood into Reba's mouth.


Reba woke up.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Weimin and Pukins looked at each other, both of them still with deep shock in their eyes.

"Could it be that it was this person’s blood that saved Reba?"

"Could it be that his blood can fight against the poison of the king cobra?"

Thinking of this, surprise welled up on the faces of the two men.

Perkins shouted to Zhao Weimin,"Weimin, take me to the nearest research institute quickly. I want to start research immediately. If this is true, then this will be the most significant discovery in human history!"



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