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"Uncle, wash your hands.

"Haha~Okay." Zhou Yujing pushed Yan De out to wash his hands, then took six cans of iced beer and served the fried flower ha to the table.

The pungent spicy smell rushed straight to the forehead, and Yan De and Duoduo stared at the fried flower ha.

""Okay, you can eat now."

After saying this, the three of them simultaneously put their chopsticks into the plate. Zhou Yujing was the first to put it in his mouth, followed by the other two. They sucked hard, and the tender and fragrant clam meat was spicy enough, especially delicious. There was also a hint of cooking wine in the taste, which made the fried clams taste even richer.

"Wow, brother, the clams you made are so delicious." Yan De gave a thumbs up and kept eating.

""It's delicious, Daddy, it's so delicious." Duoduo did the same, using her tongue to pick open the shells one after another and then eat the meat inside, and she couldn't stop at all.

It seems that worrying about adding too much pepper was really a worry in vain. My daughter can eat spicy food at such a young age, she will definitely be amazing in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yujing took a sip of beer, it was so refreshing!

After dinner, Zhou Yujing looked at the time and it was only 5:10. They had dinner early today, so it was not dark yet. He planned to take Yan De out to see the ranch.

Duoduo, who had just finished her meal, sat on the sofa and took good care of the kitten. She took care of Garfield so comfortably that he kept"meowing", while Yan De looked at his daughter with a doting face.

"Uncle, look at me. What are you doing?"After a long time, Duoduo finally noticed Uncle Yan De's gaze.

"You look so cute, baby, what's your name? My name is Yan De."Just now, Yan De was so tempted by the delicious food that he forgot to introduce himself to Duo Duo.

""Hello Uncle De, my name is Duoduo." Duoduo said politely.

"Haha, so good!"Uncle De called Yan De and he felt relieved. He took out the stuffed toy he had prepared in advance and gave it to Duo Duo.

"It’s our first meeting. This is a gift from uncle."

Duoduo looked at her father in the kitchen and said,"I can’t accept a gift from uncle. Dad said I can’t just ask for things from others."

Don’t talk to strangers, don’t just ask for things from others. Zhou Yujing’s education is really good. Yan De smiled and squatted in front of Duoduo and said,"This is a gift from uncle. Uncle gave you something because he likes you so much. If Duoduo doesn’t accept it, uncle will be sad."

"But……"Looking at the plush toy in front of me, I wanted it but didn't know what to do, so I ran into the kitchen to ask my dad

"Dad, can I accept the gift Uncle De gave me?

Zhou Yujing just came out and saw the little girl running too fast and bumping into his long legs. Zhou Yujing squatted down immediately. He touched Duoduo's head and said,"You ran so fast at home. Look, you bumped into me. Does your forehead hurt?""

""Dad, Uncle De gave me a gift, can I accept it?" Duoduo rubbed her forehead nonchalantly and asked expectantly. Zhou

Yujing looked at Yan De and said,"You brought a gift, you came prepared."

"That is, it is nothing but a stuffed toy. I like children so much, you should let her take it.

Zhou Yujing looked at it and nodded and said to Duoduo:"You can take it. Duoduo should thank Uncle De."

"Thank you, Uncle De!"

Duoduo happily accepted the gift and asked,"Uncle, are you here to see our ranch?"

"Yes, are you welcome?"

"Welcome, warm welcome!"

Yan De smiled. What a cute little baby. She looked so familiar. Then he took out his phone to look for her. She was actually the little girl in the popular video. But she was even prettier in person than in the photo.

"Yujing, did you know that your daughter has become famous?"

"How did she become popular?"

Zhou Yujing rarely went online recently. When he heard Yan De say that his daughter was popular, he took Yan De's phone and looked at it.

"La la la~" His daughter’s beautiful singing voice was replaying on the screen. It turned out to be his daughter.

The number of reposts below has reached millions. Zhou Yujing was surprised for a while.

Yan De smiled and said,"Oh my god, you don’t know it yet, do you?"

"I haven't been online much recently, so I didn't know."

Zhou Yujing quickly scrolled through the Weibo and found that it was Zhao Liying who posted it.

"Duoduo, you are so good at singing, can you sing a song for me live?

"All right!" Duoduo gently put Garfield on the sofa, nodded happily, and said,"Uncle, give some applause."

This made Yan De laugh,"Haha, you little guy even knows how to applaud!"

Zhou Yujing also smiled and clapped,"Welcome my little princess Duoduo to sing."

Along with the applause, the cute baby's clear voice rang out.

"la la la la……"Duoduo sang seriously, and Yan De listened attentively.

Until the last note fell, Yan De, who was sitting, suddenly stood up and gave the warmest applause.

"Great, Duoduo sings so beautifully, I wish I had a daughter as cute as her."Yan De looked at Zhou Yujing with envy.

"Hey, thank you Uncle De, I can sing a new song, Uncle De, do you want to listen?"Duoduo said with a smile.

"Listen, what's the new song?"

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