Chapter 42 Death to Face!!

“You have this skill, you can call her, and you want me to help you convey it?”

But Jiang Feng scratched his head and looked embarrassed: “Isn’t this to reflect the dignity of the head of the family?” ”

“When I called her, it proved that I couldn’t live without her!”

“She called me, it proved that she couldn’t live without me!”

“This is a phone call that depends on family status, and you can’t just take the initiative to make a call.”

“You help me, urge her, hurry up.”


Jiang Feng’s cute idea made everyone on the set laugh out of tears.

This is simply a grinding little goblin, and he is also a little goblin.

Li Yitong was about to be laughed to death by this guy, it was simply not too sand sculpture.

“If you want me to call her, you promise me a condition, and I will call.”

Concubine Liu raised her eyebrows and talked to Jiang Feng about the conditions.

But when Jiang Feng saw her like this, he subconsciously hugged his body: “What do you want to do?” ”


Jiang Feng’s small move exploded the laughter of the girls around him.

“You sing a song to me, and I’ll call you.”

Liu Yifei said her conditions.


Jiang Feng agreed quickly, without even thinking about it.

“It’s not about singing a random song, it’s about writing it yourself, and it has to be a sweet, romantic love song.”

Liu Yifei’s request made Jiang Feng unable to sit still: “Be a person!!!! ”

“Do you see my current state, like I can sing sweet?”

“The whole heart is hung on the woman who left my side, and you still want me to sing you sweet love songs, is it appropriate?”

Jiang Feng spoke quickly, and exchanged words with Liu Yifei.

“If you don’t sing, you don’t fight.”

Concubine Liu Yifei rolled her eyes and said very proudly: “Anyway, it’s not that I’m in a hurry.” ”


Seeing Liu Yifei’s attitude, Jiang Feng was anxious, grabbing Liu Yifei’s hand shamelessly and not being coquettish: “Just help me, call and urge her, otherwise you can accuse her.” ”

“Let’s just say, you have been away from Jiang Feng for so long, and you don’t call to care about it, how do you do girlfriend?”

This guy really doesn’t want to face.

Concubine Liu covered her mouth and smiled so much that she couldn’t restrain herself.

Now she doesn’t have the image of a fairy sister, just because this guy is too funny.

“In total, I will not be able to leave you for more than 24 hours, how long can it be?”

“24 hours is not long yet? For a person in love, going to the toilet is like a year. ”


What Jiang Feng said made sense, but the more it made sense, the louder everyone laughed.

“Good, good, I’ll hit me, you promised me, sing me a song, you wrote it.”

“As long as it’s not sweet.”

Jiang Feng agreed.

Liu Yifei could only find her mother to get the mobile phone, and Liu Xiaoli also smiled and gave the mobile phone to her daughter.

Concubine Liu Yifei dialed Yang Mi’s number, and soon it was connected over there.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

Yang Mi asked Concubine Liu why she called her.

“Call your boyfriend.”

Liu Yifei hung up after speaking, obviously not wanting to say a word.

Yang Mi, who was on the set of the film crew in the capital, still felt strange, what is this all about?

Although she didn’t understand, she still called her man.

“Hey, husband~”

When the phone was connected, Yang Mi called her husband.

Jiang Feng, who received the call, pretended to be cold and said, “Why call me?” How long have you been apart, and you want me to call me? Can there be a bit of independence for modern women? ”


Hearing such a faceless statement, Concubine Liu Yi was stunned.


A few girls on the side patted their collarbones again and laughed.

This guy is really so shameless; Here I begged Liu Yifei to call Yang Mi and asked Liu Yifei to remind Yang Mi to call him, but as a result, his girlfriend called, and he had to pretend to be cold again.

Yang Mi on the other side of the phone was disliked by her boyfriend, and she felt strange.

Didn’t Concubine Liu Yi ask me to call you, how can you still have this face?


It’s been almost two years of dating, and Yang Mi quickly figured it out.

“Are you sure I miss you, not me?”

Yang Mi asked with a smile.

“Oh, it’s funny, there is a fairy sister sitting next to me, and there are a few beauties who may be the goddess of the future entertainment industry, I will think about you idly? With this mind to think about you, don’t I tease them? ”


Yang Mi heard it, this guy is just hard-mouthed.

“Then don’t want me to forget it, hang up.”

“Hang up, call across provinces, the phone bill is quite expensive, don’t call me if you have nothing to do.”

Jiang Feng continued to be cold, but this also made Concubine Liu Yifei roll her eyes even more and look at the busy tone on the phone, Jiang Feng was stunned: “Really hanging?” ”

“Oh I really am… This little goblin with low emotional intelligence has all used IQ for appearance, right? ”

“Can’t you hear what I’m saying the opposite? Let you hang up the phone and hang up the phone? ”

I really couldn’t listen to it, so Li Yidong said to him: “You are enough, don’t make trouble, my stomach hurts with laughter.” ”

Putting the phone aside, Jiang Si is finally a little satisfied now.

But Concubine Liu Yi was now going to settle the bill with him, and said, “Sing, promised me.” ”

“I promised to sing you a song, but I didn’t promise to sing it now.”

Jiang Feng said.

“But I’m going to listen now, hurry up, sing.”

In order to let Jiang Feng sing, Liu Yifei also brought him the guitar on one side.

Jiang Feng, who took the guitar, looked at the surrounding environment of the crew.

Just then, he saw a tree, which made him think of a song that was very suitable for the season.


Jiang Feng, who played the guitar, became happy in his whole mood.

Following the melody he played, Jiang Feng opened his mouth and sang softly: “Spring flowers will bloom, birds are free~”

“I’m still waiting, waiting for my love, you come back soon~”

From these two lyrics, everyone on the set can hear that it should be Yang Mi singing.

Because I miss Yang Mi, I am waiting, hoping that Yang Mi can come back soon.

Jiang Feng plays the guitar and sings all a capella, but there is no tuning.

This kind of self-singing, of course, can only be a capella, and it also tests the singing skills and voice line.

“Always pretend to be casual and pass outside your house”

“Looking forward to your beautiful figure, coming from afar”

While singing these two lyrics, Jiang Feng subconsciously looked at Concubine Liu Yifei.

Concubine Liu Yi, who just listened to the first two lyrics, was still jealous in her heart.

Jealous he sings this song, where is it sung to her? It is clearly sung to Yang Mi who misses her.

But when she was jealous, Jiang Feng’s next two lyrics subconsciously looked at her when singing, which allowed Liu Yifei to capture this delicate look.

It was to capture this delicate look that made Concubine Liu Yifei’s mood finally a lot better.

“My angel my love, for you not afraid of the wind and sun”

“Fate is so arranged, only street lamps it, laugh me stay ~~”

“My love ~ I wait ~ you come back ~ share ~ ~ my love? ~”

“When the wind and snow come in winter, the flowers will still bloom when they are thanked~”

“The birds will come back next year, only I wait until my sideburns are white~”

This song was sung by Jiang Feng to express the comfort of spring, which made people feel very right when they listened to it.

In a crew, how wonderful is it to have someone who can sing?

When everyone is tired, it is really pleasant to hear such a pleasant and appropriate song.

After singing a song, everyone on the set gave him warm applause.

This song is not deep, but it is also relaxed and comfortable, suitable for Jiang Feng’s age to sing.

In addition, his singing voice is very attractive, and everyone thinks it is very good after listening to it.


Li Yidong smiled her signature smile and gave Jiang Feng a thumbs up.


Receiving Li Yidong’s praise, Jiang Feng winked at her and snapped his tongue, “Hehe~”

Jiang Feng’s response made Li Yitong smile even sweeter.

“You guy, is it really stress-free to create?”

Zhu Yawen particularly admired Jiang Feng.

“It’s okay, mainly depending on random inspiration, sometimes you want to write a song for this fixed theme, but you can’t hold it for days, or even a month.”

“But sometimes, you don’t think about this theme, it is likely that when you take a bath, you will subconsciously hum it, and the inspiration for writing songs is like your girlfriend, very scratching.”

“The more you think about her, the more you think that when you can see her soon, she will always delay showing up and hang you like this.”

“But the more you don’t want her, the more she clings to you.”

“You can also think of it as kissing, the more you want to kiss her, the more shy she becomes and doesn’t give you kisses.”

“But when you don’t want to kiss, hey ~ this opportunity took the initiative to catch up, suddenly slipped, when you hugged her, it was so coincidental and unexpected to kiss, hey you said that you are not angry.”


What Jiang Feng said was too graphic, and after everyone made up the picture, they all laughed out loud.

Aren’t these the same as the plot settings in the TV series?

“This song writing is also, you fix a theme, and when you create for it, you don’t have a smooth time.”

“But you don’t fix a theme, sometimes you sing a random song, don’t you think this is the theme you want?”

“So, writing songs is a very troublesome thing, just like a leprechaun, you can’t do anything with it.”

Everyone can’t write songs, so they don’t understand, but what Jiang Feng said is very reasonable.

This kind of thing has been encountered by many people in their lives.

They have encountered it, so they understand Jiang Feng’s words very well.

On the contrary, Liu Yifei herself is still struggling internally and does not know how to say it.

Looking at Jiang Feng’s eyes, it became more and more gentle, this gentleness, Liu Xiaoli certainly saw it.

She knew in her heart that this daughter of hers was afraid that she had really fallen and could not be pulled out, and as for Jiang Feng’s words, she looked at it and liked it a lot, and she was indeed a very interesting boy.

Especially like to cling to his girlfriend, she appreciates it.

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