Entertainment: My knife has made the whole world sad

Chapter 617: Entering the National Competition!!

"Mu Mu, the most ordinary person among the main characters, but so what?"

"Although Miyagi is not tall, he has unsurpassed speed and explosive power, as well as the ability to control the ball. Mumu really represents us ordinary people!"

"So touching..."

"How difficult it is to play as a substitute like this. God knows, on the court, he is just to warm up the bench for the main players. Once he comes on the court, either one of the main players is injured or someone is tired. At this time, Mu Mu has to take on the task It’s usually the most difficult task. It’s okay if you make the key shot, but if you don’t, you really feel like you’ll be blamed for everything.”

"Ordinary people never give up on their dreams!"

Mumu's crucial three-pointer gave Xiangbei a 4-point lead. It also convinced all the anime fans in front of the screen, including the audience who had been saying that Mumu was not good!

Shohoku's bench depth has always been criticized. With short rotations every game, Rukawa Kaede plays for 40 minutes. He is required for both offense and defense. This does not lead to physical problems...

But at the critical moment, Mu Mu stood up and hit this golden three-pointer! !

Now the pressure suddenly fell on the Lingnan team.

For the first time, the audience actually saw panic in the Lingnan team, except for Xiandao!

Sendō's eyes were full of determination, and he took the initiative to ask for the ball from his teammates. When he was 4 points behind, he had to score the ball, then defend against Shohoku's next attack, and then score again!

Once one link is not in place, the whole game is lost!

Superstar moment!

Xiandao held the ball and launched an attack from the outside. The fish column came up from the inside and used a high-quality screen to directly block Rukawa Kaede. Xiandao held the ball and directly hit Akagi!

But Akagi had 4 fouls on his back, and he knew that even if Sendō scored the ball, it would not give him a 2+1 chance, so he could only give up the route for Sendō to break through.

Under the basket, Sakuragi Hanamichi appeared on Sendao's breakthrough route again!

This time, the audience was not excited, but horrified.

"I'll blanch!! Sakuragi! Don't foul!"

"It's okay to score! Don't foul!!"

"It's over, it's over..."

Experienced basketball players all know how to defend at this moment, but Sakuragi is the least experienced player!

Fortunately, Sakuragi was half a beat slow on this shot and did not commit a foul, but Sendao still turned over and made a layup, chasing the point difference to 2 points again.

The suspense is still there!

"The key attack..."

38 seconds, even if Xiangbei used all 30 seconds of attack time, Lingnan would still be left with the last opportunity to attack. It is worth mentioning that the prescribed time for an offensive round in professional football is 24 seconds.

This crucial attack...

Scoring in means victory in Xiangbei!

Pressure enveloped the entire field. Lingnan's crazy pressing method forced the Shobei players to constantly rotate on the outside. However, they did not have the ability to break through vertically. Rukawa Kaede was watched by Xiandao, one step ahead to prevent Rukawa Kaede from catching the ball. !

"Leave it to Akagi!"

Shohoku has a dual-core offense. Under this situation, it can only rely on Akagi on the inside!

Akagi's eyes were red, and he was determined to lead the team to the national competition. But when Akagi took action, the crazy and successive blocking defense from Yuzhu and Afu still interfered with Akagi.


The basketball struck iron and made a crisp sound!

This sound seemed to make the hearts of all anime fans watching this game skip a beat!

Didn't make it!

Akagi didn't score!



As long as Lingnan gets this rebound and scores the next attack, Lingnan will have the chance to drag the game into overtime or win the game!

The Lingnan team's ecstasy turned into shock in the next moment!

A familiar figure, a familiar red-haired No. 10, accompanied by the sound effects of the helicopter, thunder erupted from the ground, and the whole person jumped high!

"Sakuragi Hanamichi!!"

"It's Sakuragi!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

I don’t know how many families and spectators on the court who were watching this episode went crazy. They stood up, threw various objects, and roared hysterically!

This is not because Lingnan missed the defense, but because Afu gave up Sakuragi's defense and came to help defend Akagi, which gave Sakuragi the space to jump to grab rebounds...

"Nani? (What?)"

As the shock in the eyes of the Lingnan team's coach Taoka turned into despair, Sakuragi Hanamichi didn't hesitate at all, grabbed the rebound and completed a superhuman put-back dunk! !

This goal not only helped the Xiangbei team to score, but also killed the entire game! !

With less than 10 seconds left in the game, the Xiangbei team still leads by 4 points, two rounds!

Thousands of anime fans have numb scalps and tears in their eyes. They have raised their hands and clenched their fists, ready to celebrate the victory of this epic bloody battle!

"Return to defense quickly! Immortal Dao is coming!"

This time, Sakuragi, who scored a make-up deduction, didn't stop at all and ran quickly towards his own half, shouting as he ran!

This scene also corresponds to the first match between Lingnan and Shohoku. It was Sakuragi's first match. At that time, after Sakuragi completed the quasi-final victory, he was celebrating with joy and was completed by Xiandao. Super fast break, counter-attack!

The lesson of that game is still in my mind. Seeing Sakuragi's resolute expression of not taking the enemy lightly until the last moment and going all out, no one will not sigh that Sakuragi is now a real basketball player.

With a sense of court position, rebounding sense, top basketball talent, and superhuman physical strength and will, Sakuragi Hanamichi spent two seasons to show these abilities step by step in front of everyone, completing a gorgeous transformation.


Accompanied by Sakuragi's roar, the five players of Xiangbei retreated to their own half at the first time, not giving Ryonan any chance to turn the game around, even a little bit!

Unknowingly, Sakuragi Hanamichi has become a key player of Xiangbei. The situation of the entire Xiangbei reversed in the second half, and Sakuragi Hanamichi can be said to be the biggest contributor, no one else!

In several key rounds, Sakuragi Hanamichi contributed key offense and defense to help Xiangbei reverse the situation of the game.

But in fact, facing the Xiangbei people who were full of fighting spirit, the Ryonan people had already closed their eyes, and when the whistle sounded, they accepted the defeat of this game...

The whole stadium was completely quiet at the moment when the whistle sounded.

The thousands of viewers and anime fans in front of the screen also held their heads in their hands and watched this scene!

The next second, not only the Xiangbei people on the screen, but also the "Slam Dunk" fans all over the world burst into earth-shaking cheers!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh——"

"Win! Win!"




The boys' dormitory in Yanjing Sports University suddenly erupted with unprecedented cheers, the sound was earth-shaking and soared into the sky!

Many uninformed students and dormitory aunts were startled and looked up.

"What's wrong?"

"What game? Xiazhou men's football team has a game today?"

"Even if there is a game, we can't win... E-sports, right?"

This situation has happened before. One time was the retirement game of a famous NBA star. In that game, the star scored 60 points and killed the opponent at the last moment. Even in all parts of Xiazhou, such cheers burst out in the boys' dormitory!

This time it happened again!

But what the onlookers didn't expect was that the cheers in the boys' dormitory this time were actually cheering for a game in an anime!

On the screen, all the players of Xiangbei were immersed in a sea of ​​carnival and happiness. The players on the bench raised their hands and rushed to the court, hugging the main players tightly!

A basketball game is never played by one person, it is a team!

Akagi cried with joy!

Mumu was even more emotional!

Only Rukawa Kaede's eyes were still filled with yearning for the national competition, where there should be stronger opponents!

“This game is really invincible! I would like to call it the most classic game of Slam Dunk!”

“Fuck, I really don’t know how the third season of the old thief will be portrayed. This game is really too exciting, and all kinds of factors are pulled together, right? Rukawa Kaede and Sendoh’s trump card showdown, and Murasaki’s brilliance, Sakuragi’s explosion…”

“Too classic…”

“My scalp is tingling! Endless aftertaste! I should watch this game 10 times!”

“Dominate the country!!”

“Shohoku! Go!!”

“Wow! My favorite Sendoh can’t play in the national competition! What a pity.”

Competitive sports are so cruel. Only one side can win. Unlike the carnival on the Shohoku side, everyone in Ryonan is disappointed, and some even kneel on the court and cry!

Shohoku still has a chance to pursue their dream, but the dreams of the Ryonan players have been ruthlessly crushed…

Competitive sports…

Is there honor in defeat?

There is no answer to this question.

When the audience and fans consoled them by saying that they were already great, don’t ask these athletes who worked hard and pursued their dreams whether they accept the phrase “honor in defeat”.

In competitive sports, failure is failure, and losing is losing. The only thing you can do is to train hard and win again next time.

Instead of finding various reasons to comfort yourself.

Xiangbei’s victory made thousands of fans who supported Xiangbei excited. They quickly reviewed the game in their minds, and they still felt thrilling!

In the game, Xiangbei was in desperate situations many times. It was Rukawa Kaede, Mitsui, Murasakibara, and Sakuragi who scored one goal after another and saved the game. Especially Sakuragi, he really turned the tide and saved the building from collapse!

It can only be said that the interview of Coach Tanaka after the game is not unreasonable. The biggest reason for Ryonan’s loss in this game is that they did not pay enough attention to Murasakibara and Sakuragi!

"I can only say that Tanaka tried his best. That's how basketball games are. It's hard to predict what will happen on the court."

"Yes, there's nothing we can do about Sakuragi. Akagi attracted a lot of firepower. However, using four people to double-team Rukawa and Akagi on the key ball was probably the most wrong decision in the whole game. Even if Murasakibara didn't have the level of a main player, it was a completely easy ball. Anyone could shoot it. In fact, Xiangbei didn't have many offensive means at that time, not to mention that Rukawa was exhausted. It was not certain that he could play 1-on-1 against Sendoh."

"This ball was too dramatic. Tsk tsk tsk tsk..."

"It seems that Xiangbei is actually stronger than Ryonan. According to the ability shown by Xiangbei players in this game, we can only say that with Coach Anxi's on-the-spot scheduling, the game would not be so thrilling until the last moment."

Coach Anxi!

If this coach who has a strong ability to control the situation on the court was on the sidelines, there would be no Ryonan's scoring frenzy in the second half. Ryonan's outside line does not have accurate three-point shooters like A Shen and Mitsui, and many tactics can block Ryonan's attack wave.

Even after the game, countless people are still excitedly discussing the details of this game. Who has seen such a scene?

Even the basketball game of the Xiazhou national team would not attract so many people's discussion and attention...

With the end of this bloody battle, Xiangbei team has become another team in Kanagawa Prefecture that has advanced to the national competition after the Hainan team. At the award ceremony of the county competition, Amu of the Hainan team won the MVP!

As for the best lineup of Kanagawa Prefecture, it is even more undisputed, Sendoh, Rukawa Kaede, Amu, A Shen, Akagi!

"No Sakuragi!"

"It's normal that there's no Sakuragi... Sakuragi's level has not reached the level of these five, but Sakuragi has already played an irreplaceable role in the Xiangbei team."

"The morale turning points of several games were all brought up by Sakuragi. It can only be said that defense is really the key to bringing about morale transformation."

"Well, the NBA Universe team has such a powerful lineup in recent years, all based on defense, and the climax of transition offense. When the climax comes, the whole venue feels like it's about to be overturned."

"Looking forward to the national competition!!"

"I don't know if the national competition will be broadcast this season, there are still so many episodes to come!"

"It's possible!"

A group of anime fans are looking forward to tomorrow's plot again!

However, according to the production rhythm of the anime, there should be no big climax later. After all, it has just portrayed an unparalleled climax. Whether it is from the rhythm of the anime or from the strength of Xiangbei's personnel, there must be some "precipitation".

Don't be blinded by victory.

You know, among the five tigers of Xiangbei, besides Akagi's most stable ability, Mitsui's physical fitness is a big problem. Facing stronger opponents in the national competition, you can't always count on Mu Mu's life-saving three-pointer in every game!

And Miyagi Ryouta, the ability of the field commander is good, but the personal breakthrough ability is not enough, and there is no way to become an offensive threat to Xiangbei.

Although Rukawa Kaede has repeatedly saved Xiangbei, he needs to constantly face the opponent's trump card on the court. In fact, facing Sendo and Amu, Rukawa Kaede, who has a relatively unique style of play, has no advantage, and Rukawa Kaede does not have the comprehensive ability of Sendo and Amu to connect the team.

As for Sakuragi...

The advantages and disadvantages are too obvious, and there is no need to elaborate too much!

If these people can improve these problems before the national competition, they can make Xiangbei go to the next level!

... (End of this chapter)

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