Chapter 77 Horror Storm!

After releasing the latest chapter of”Demon Slayer”, Wan Wenchao went to take care of his children. This plot is not unexciting.

Classic fantasy and passionate climax that will never go out of style

It was past eight o’clock when I returned to the computer

“This climax will not be inferior to the climax of”Zhu Xian””

The two sides had a first round of collision when it was released, and”Demon Slayer” was inferior.

This climax collision is the second head-on collision!

Wan Wenchao drank tea and turned on the computer confidently.

But before Wan Wenchao could recover, the message notifications from several book club groups for”Slaying Demons” kept coming, all of which were 999.+


“It seems that there is a lot of discussion about today’s plot!”

The happiest thing for the author is undoubtedly that the plot he created is recognized

Wan Wenchao’s smile was bright. He clicked in to see what readers thought of the plot updated today.

But as soon as he entered, Wan Wenchao’s smile froze on his face.

【Bai Mengya]: Damn it! Baguio is written to death!

【Mu Fengyunxi]: I have an astonishing success, my mother-in-law’s fourth uncle! I’m so stupid! Baguio was killed by the Zhuxian Sword!

【Zisusu acridine]: Good, good, good! You are all a book lover of”Zhu Xian”, right? Arrested on the spot!

【Huo Dexiang]: You are not the same, don’t force me to expose you……


There is an unprecedented level of discussion in the group, with more than one new message popping up every second.

But something that makes Wan Wenchao a little confused is that these”loyal book friends” are not talking about”Demon Slayer”, but they are all talking about”Zhu Xian”》!

Most book friends are not as addicted as idol fans. They only read one movie, but it still made Wan Wenchao feel green.


“Baguio is dead?!”

Wan Wenchao didn’t pay too much attention, but discovered the focus of the group discussion, and murmured in disbelief!

After saying that, Wan Wenchao quickly opened the”Zhu Xian” webpage collected in the browser.


《”Zhu Xian” is the only novel that Wan Wenchao has updated. It is euphemistically called”Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in any battle”

In fact, Wan Wenchao greatly appreciates the level of”Zhu Xian”

In the process of reading the latest chapter of”Zhu Xian”, Wan Wenchao’s expression changed from strange, to dull, to frightened


“Internet novels……”

“Can you still write like this?!”

Wan Wenchao’s world view collapsed, and he suddenly felt that he could no longer write novels.

In order to save Zhang Xiaofan, Baguio was killed by the Zhuxian Sword and his soul was scattered.

Such a very popular online female character, who was even considered to be the heroine at one time, was actually stabbed in the early and middle stages of the novel?

Not to mention that it doesn’t exist in the world of online literature, even the creation of physical books and novels is also uncommon!

【[Sealing the Heart with Concrete] Aren’t you afraid that readers will riot and your reputation will completely collapse?!

Sure enough, as soon as I opened the novel forum, almost all the forum posts were flooded with Baguio’s death. They were all full of vicious insults, criticisms, and even personal attacks on this old thief!

Is there any post discussing the plot of”Demon Slayer”?

The so-called climax of”Demon Slayer”, in the huge tsunami of”Zhu Xian”, is like a pebble thrown into the water, without even a splash

But Wan Wenchao didn’t feel happy or disappointed at all. He just widened his round eyes and refreshed his blog and various forums.

The first day of the new year, this is the first day of the new year!


【If you have a relative or young child who suddenly goes crazy around 8pm on the first day of the Lunar New Year, please don’t panic. He must be a book lover of”Zhu Xian” and is not sick.】

【Also, a friendly reminder, never touch them to prevent injury.】 loadAdv(7,3);


Not to mention what kind of leader group it is, it’s a book club

Even the entire blog was bombarded by”Zhu Xian” on this happy day of reunion on New Year’s Day!

The enthusiasm that was already breaking the circle has spread to the entire Xiazhou!

Fan Zheng, a young actor from Xiazhou, directly posted on his blog:

【Baguio! Why do you do this to my Baguio! Ahhhh! #Baguio is dead?!#】

Second-tier actor Liu Yu immediately forwarded Fan Zheng’s blog and also broke down:

【OK OK! This is how you give out knives on New Year’s Day, right?】

【Thank you for your New Year gift!】

Tang Anning, as well as Xu Xin, who was favored by Tang Anning in”Zhu Xian”, and several celebrities in the entertainment industry, immediately posted on their blogs with the entry”Death of Baguio”!

Generally speaking, there is little such communication between actors and stars in the entertainment industry and their fans.

But these blogs made fans realize that they and their idols were both chasing”Zhu Xian”, and they had the same breakdown. They immediately hugged each other and cried together!

The only good thing is that today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, not the eve of the Lunar New Year

Otherwise, I wouldn’t know what kind of expression I would use to spend the year yesterday!

This is a true internet-wide reader riot, something that has never happened in the novel circle.

【The latest New Year’s greetings blog of”Cement Seals the Heart” is filled with readers who broke down and were extremely angry!

There are only a thousand or so comments in the past.

But the number of comments on this blog soared to more than 200,000 in a short period of time, and the momentum was so overwhelming that it was heart-stopping!

【《I endured the death of Ling’er in”Chinese Sword 1″, and I also endured so many knives in”Chinese Sword 3″! But now I can’t bear it anymore. Is Ning Ta Ma sick? I*****!】

【Anyway, I reported the novel. If Xianque doesn’t take it off the shelves or modify the plot, I will severely boycott it!】

【Now that I’ve quit, if I read your novel again, I’m just a dog, haha】

【New Year, this is your New Year gift?】


All of them are extremely bad-mouthed and abusive.

Just seeing these comments, Xianque’s editor Cao Xue’s lips turned white and he swallowed an unknown amount of saliva.

He really didn’t expect that Lin Qiu would be so cruel!

Surgery for more than 400,000 words?

After the baptism of”Fairy Sword”, the average knife reader can accept it, but now the situation seems to be out of control

Not to mention anything else, there was more than one person in Lin Qiu’s group of alliance leaders who broke down and broke the defense, deleted books and cursed!

Because Lin Qiu doesn’t manage the leader group very much, almost all the leader groups in”Zhu Xian” are managed by Xian Que.

The momentum of Ling’er’s death pales in comparison to Baguio’s death!

As for asking Lin Qiu to change the book?

is it possible?

Who is Lin Qiu?

There is no shortage of money or fame, so how can it be possible to change the novel?

Although Cao Xue didn’t ask him in person, Lin Qiu came to write novels mostly as a hobby, or to give his own film and television company film and television drama rights.

“Think of ways to!”

“Find a way!”

In the editorial work group of Xianque, on the day off on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the editors all started discussing nervously!

If this terrifying storm is not contained, not only”Zhu Xian” will be greatly affected, but even the Xianque Chinese website will be affected.

Of course, if it is handled well and with the blessing of this popularity, Xianque will definitely be able to reach a higher level!

(End of this chapter)

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