Chapter 71 I can’t write anything!


“Woo woo woo——”

“Woo woo——”

《”The Melting Pot” was released. In just one hour, the defense value in the system soared rapidly, and in Xiazhou Cinema, the situation was almost uniform.

The men who came to watch the movie showed shock and horror on their faces, while the women burst into tears and felt their hearts twisting.

This is a movie that requires courage to look directly at

Seeing the scene of the beastly principal committing sexual violence, many people couldn’t help but close their eyes and suppress their racing hearts and anger!

Sleepy at twelve o’clock?

In front of this movie, it completely disappeared

From a neuropsychological perspective, the activity level of the cortex decreases at night, and the signals from the”emotional center” take over, making people more susceptible to emotional control.

Watching a movie like this late at night is even more impossible to hold your nerve!

In just two hours, if all the tears shed by Xiazhou because of”The Crucible” were gathered together, I’m afraid they could fill an entire pool of candy!


Even if it’s 2 o’clock in the night

《As soon as the public screening of”The Melting Pot” ended at Zero Point, word-of-mouth exploded!

At 2 o’clock in the morning, the term”melting furnace” topped the list of hot searches!

【Ah ah ah ah ah! I’ve cried all my tears! This sinful world!】

【Is there really a prototype incident in Hanzhou? My world view collapsed】

【For movie fans who haven’t seen it yet, don’t worry, this is definitely a healing movie that will make you smile warmly after watching it!】

【On the top floor, this is a particularly worth watching film, you must see it!】

Countless viewers posted their movie-watching experiences on blogs as soon as they came out of the theater.

By the way, I gave”The Crucible” a high score on the Movie software

They don’t know that if a movie like”The Crucible” is not a high-scoring movie, there are several other movies that can deserve it!



“Why should I watch this movie with you at night, woo woo woo……”

Outside the Magic City Cinema, a young couple who had just left the cinema hugged each other, and the girl cried.

The boy patted the girl’s back and whispered comfort

Their feelings are the same.”The Crucible” is a masterpiece that can be recorded in Xiazhou film history.

But if you give them another chance, they may not choose to come to the theater to watch it.

Not everyone has such a strong heart and can sit in the cinema and watch such a movie filled with darkness and despair!

This is why it is difficult for films with this theme to achieve big hits at the box office.


The blog was completely blocked

Almost all of them are discussing”The Melting Pot”》

“Murder in the Snow”, which had a higher pre-sale box office than”The Crucible”, has now become a supporting role

【Reporter Wang Xuan]: (9.7 points) Hell is empty, the devil is in the world!

In memory of those eggs who dared to hit the rocks and those who dared to speak out for injustice!

In this world, if we don’t fight, we may be swallowed by the torrent. If we fight, we may still be swallowed by the torrent.

But we still have to fight in the end, even if we can only change a little bit!

【Rock Talk Movie]: (9.8 points) A masterpiece!

True events, great movie!

Lin Qiu is a truly genius director, and only he deserves the title of”genius”!

We fight all the way, not to change the world, but not to let the world change us!


《The direct impact”The Melting Pot” brought to the audience was too strong

The fundamental reason why the audience cannot bear to watch it directly is that there is no evasion of the scenes of sexual violence.

Movie fans cannot withstand such a strong impact, and their anger will be immediately ignited by flames!

Even with tonight’s premiere, you can imagine how explosive the discussion about”The Crucible” will be after one night.


《The final credits of”The Melting Pot” keep scrolling

Ye Zhiyuan sat alone, looking extremely calm.

More than two hours ago, just after the premiere of”Murder in the Snow”, Jerry Ye turned down the dinner party for the crew loadAdv(7,3);

Then I booked a late-night screening of”The Crucible” by myself, sat in the theater, and quietly enjoyed Lin Qiu’s new film.

Before the movie was broadcast, Ye Zhiyuan did not read any comments from fans on the Internet.

He had to see for himself how good Lin Qiu’s movie was before he could say 9.5 points in Lin Qiu’s mouth.

And the reality is……

“The golden river has a long way to go, and there will be more sky when you want to reach the horizon.”

“There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.”

Ye Zhiyuan murmured

For everything presented in the movie, there is only admiration and shock

From the perspective of film and audio-visual language, only the director knows how difficult it is to make a movie that matches the prototype event!

There are many details and knowledge in it

Ye Zhiyuan saw very clearly and noticed many details that ordinary viewers could not notice. He had the urge to look at the art of the lens again.

“The cave at the beginning of the movie, a semi-enclosed squeezed space, creates a sense of oppression that cannot be compared with ordinary railway tracks.”

“The cave entrance is very similar to the school entrance, which is a metaphor. The decoration of the principal’s office and the shots in the gaps are all details.”

“Each shot is insignificant, but when put together, the depressive feeling of the entire movie is created to the extreme.”

“Great, really great”

Ye Zhiyuan said to himself, without the slightest sense of frustration that”if you are born with excellence, how can you become bright?”

As a”movie addict”, Ye Zhiyuan only has shock in his eyes

The detailed design in the movie must not be over-interpreted

The tone in a movie is the foundation of the foundation, but there are only ten film directors who can really tell good stories with dark tones!

Many dark-style bad movies are shot as if they were shot at night, which has a very poor look and feel.

Ye Zhiyuan is not a director with this style of film, but now Ye Zhiyuan just wants to drag Lin Qiuye to talk about”The Melting Pot”》!

As for”Murder in the Snow” directed by myself, it cannot be compared with”The Crucible”

One is a masterpiece with a score of 8.5~9.0 at most, and the other is a masterpiece with a score of 9.5, which have completely different meanings.

Ye Zhiyuan’s lens art is undisputedly genius level

But the fundamental reason for not being able to hit the list of masterpieces is still the script.

“This is the difference in talent.”

Ye Zhiyuan sighed slightly

Then, as if he thought of something, he smiled again


When the moon sets and the sun rises, there is always dawn

At noon, the atmosphere inside Fenghua Film and Television Company was serious

Overnight, the word-of-mouth reputation of”The Melting Pot” grew faster than they expected.

As a direct competitor, Fenghua Film and Television Company will definitely suppress”The Crucible” in public opinion and publish some negative press releases.

In the same schedule, whoever has good public opinion will have more box office

“Brother Qian!”

“Those self-media bloggers are unwilling to accept bad manuscripts!”


“Did you tell me the price?”


In the entertainment industry, vicious competition has never stopped.

Many times, the public opinion on the Internet is fueled by these capitals, seizing on the dark side.

But how can Lin Qiu be black?

《How to blacken”The Crucible”?

Even if these media want to make this black money, they can’t do it!


【PS: 3 more updates tomorrow】

(End of this chapter)

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