Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 524: I have a friend

Shen Xin was at a loss.

She was thinking about how she should face it.

But after thinking about it for a long time, she still couldn't make a decision.

"Forget it, let's drag it first." Shen Xin thought for a while and finally decided.

Looking at the gifts Xu Changcheng gave to me, I remembered some of the help I gave at school.

Even ordinary friends should say thank you.

Shen Xin was also entangled in what gift she should give.

Regarding the aspect of giving gifts to boys.

She really has no experience, and she doesn't know what to give.

It would be too embarrassing if you give the wrong gift and make others misunderstand what you mean.

Shen Xin didn't plan to ask her sisters for help, otherwise they would definitely be asked about this secret of her own. As for her mother, it would be even more impossible.

Before he made a decision, Shen Xin didn't plan to talk to others.

Instead of dreaming by yourself.

Might as well go to the Internet for help from almighty netizens.

After all, no one on the Internet knows himself.

The omnipotent network can always give satisfactory answers.

"May I ask what is the best gift for boys?"

Shen Xin had just compiled this information, and felt it was too straightforward.

It is estimated that at a glance, others can tell what this sentence is asking.

Shen Xin felt that there was something wrong with this.

Then re-edited,

"I have a friend. There is a boy in her school who once helped her. She accidentally happened to this boy’s birthday. Now this boy is about to celebrate his birthday. What gift is best for this boy? ."

Shen Xin nodded with satisfaction when he saw his new editor, which is undoubtedly much better.

Then he added in his own floor,

"My friend bothers me every day, and is almost mad about this matter."

Related questions have just been released, and they have attracted the attention of some people in an instant.

"Leave a name in the front row."


"Is this friend you talking about yourself?"

"Is this friend you talking about yourself?"

"I'm making friends out of nothing again."

"No, no, no one is still asking questions with ‘I have a friend’."

"You ask your friend to ask for it, and I will tell her which gift is the best."

"Does your friend not post by himself and ask in person?"

"Is this friend you talking about yourself.jpg."

"If you smoke, give a lighter. Smoking only hurts the lungs and only hurts the heart. Smoking is harmful to your health, but more laughter is good for your health. You can make him smile and smoke, which is harmless to your body. In addition, I want to ask what you said. Is this friend yourself?"

"There is no one else here, you don't have to hide it."

"Hello everyone, my name is Wu Zhongsheng."

"I have a friend. When he saw this comment, he/she was laughing wildly and automatically added a picture in his mind."

"The friend I said upstairs is me."

"Don't be me."


Concentrating on the various replies from netizens, I feel that none of these replies are reliable.

There are some replies that Shen Xin doesn't understand at all, such as sending a baby, giving a blood or something, and she doesn't know what this group of netizens are talking about.

And many netizens are asking whether this friend you are talking about is yourself, which makes Shen Xin very uncomfortable.

Shen Xin also hurriedly explained in a hurry,

"This is really not me."

"She is really my friend."

"They turned out to be friends. They must be about the same age as me. They were all just in college."

"She is really my friend."

"It's just an ordinary relationship, not what you think."


Shen Xin's question has also been asked in many places.

Now most netizens are still very enthusiastic. Although they like gossip, they will answer other people's questions.

Ye Mubai was one answerer.

Ye Mubai is over forty years old and has a rich life experience.

You can see the nature of many problems.

They often reply to various questions on the Internet and put forward their own opinions.

Ye Mubai also insisted on the principle of seeing through but not telling it.

Slowly gained a large group of fans.

A large number of fans can also bring huge benefits to Ye Mubai.

When solving other people's problems, Ye Mubai can also get a certain amount of income, which can be used to improve his own life. Ye Mubai is very satisfied with this kind of life.

But he is a little unsatisfied.

Because I often typed and responded to questions from netizens, the keyboard was used very high and the requirements on the keyboard were also higher.

But the keyboard you are using now is not very easy to use.

It always feels uncomfortable to use.

And just when he was about to buy a new keyboard and mouse online.

He browsed the Internet for a long time.

Finally, I found a keyboard and mouse called ‘Smart’, which is unique, especially in terms of price.

The keyboards and mice of other homes cost dozens to hundreds of dollars. Although keyboards and mice also have high-end products, they are not very practical, and many people would not choose this kind of keyboards.

The ‘smart’ keyboard and mouse can be counted even after receiving a consumer coupon plus various discounts for various activities.

At least two hundred start.

This price is too expensive.

From the appearance, it is indeed very handsome. Just looking at it is very seductive.

But it doesn't feel worth the price.

If it is an ordinary person, or the surprise is passed, it will not pay attention to observation.

Ye Mubai is an answerer who answers various questions all year round.

I will definitely learn more about this product. Knowledge and experience are accumulated bit by bit, otherwise I will reply to netizens with some content.

Then he entered and came to the product page.

The promotional video of the ‘Smart’ product began to play automatically.

There was a star in the promo, Ye Mubai felt familiar.

He is in his forties, he has already passed the age of star chasing, and he doesn't pay much attention to these stars.

Think about it carefully.

I remembered that the movie I saw in the cinema not long ago was starred by this star.

Ye Mubai didn't pay attention to celebrity endorsements, propaganda pictures, plans, and propaganda films. The default for this kind of propaganda must be a good one.

The bad places will definitely not be let you know, nor will they appear on the promotion page.

Ye Mubai couldn't be more familiar with this kind of propaganda operation of the merchant.

After all, there are dozens of responses to questions from netizens.

"I thought I could produce a good actor these years, but I just made a good movie, but turned around to pick up commercials and do endorsements. The price of the product is still set so high. I really don’t know about this company and this actor. What do you think?" Ye Mubai shook his head and sighed.

Ye Mubai's favorability for Xue Yihan dropped several levels in an instant.

Xue Yihan starred in "The Stray Cat Bob", but he has watched it several times.

Whether it is the help of the movie, or the acting skills of the actors are excellent.

For such a wonderful movie, there will naturally be questions from netizens and some comments on the Internet.

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