“I talked to Zimu.”

“It’s a pity that now he has to focus on his career.”

“Therefore, I still don’t have the opportunity to have such a good half son, and my daughter is not blessed.”

Qin Denian replied: “However, young people have their own ideas, they are still very young, and there are still many opportunities in the future!” ”

For this question.

Qin Denian, who was on the stage, also answered directly.

Although he felt that it was a pity, there was no need to hide this.

Therefore, he announced it generously.

And this answer.

Suddenly, the audience suddenly quieted down.

Because they heard one of the most incredible answers, so much so that they couldn’t react.

The meaning of this answer.

Isn’t it that Lu Zimu rejected Qin Denian’s suggestion.

He did not accept the friendship and declined it because of his career.

This result.

It was very unexpected for everyone.

After all, they all thought that they were facing such a perfect young lady.

In the face of a dowry of 40 billion, how can anyone not agree.

Both men and women.

It should be a direct promise.

That’s a dowry of four billion, not four million.

This should be the least likely outcome, but it is happening now.

So much so that they all couldn’t believe it.

If said.

Qin Denian’s Qianjin is an ugly monster.

It is not incomprehensible that Lu Zimu would refuse this marriage.

After all, his family is also not short of money.

Naturally, there is no need for him to force himself to marry a woman who he doesn’t like and is ugly for money.

But this Qin family is not ugly at all.

Quite the opposite.

All her photos and videos that have been exposed.

can prove her appearance, her appearance is not inferior to the big stars, which is recognized.

Moreover, her temperament is also very good, typical of knowledge.

No matter in whose eyes.

The Qin family will be the most perfect lifelong partner.

And so it goes.

Lu Zimu also refused to marry.

This left everyone confused.

The most outrageous thing is that he still uses the excuse of focusing on career.

If Lu Zimu has inherited the family business.

Then he said this, but it barely makes sense.

But he is now fooling around in the entertainment industry.

It seems that his popularity is very high, but I haven’t seen him work hard for this.

What is a career.

Lu Zimu’s kind should be regarded as rotten in the entertainment industry.

This marriage has no effect on his so-called career at all.

Nor will his marriage affect his career.


He used this worst reason.

So, for this result, it really shocked everyone.

It was an outcome that none of them could have imagined, so much so that they were all shocked.

For a moment.

The audience became somewhat silent.

But in the next moment, everyone boiled directly.

“Lying groove, Lu Zimu will actually refuse!”

“He didn’t promise, he really didn’t promise, how could he not agree!”

“Four billion dowry, this can cost my life, he actually refused!”

“Being in the blessing does not know the blessing, Lu Zimu interpreted this sentence to the fullest, so that I would crush my back teeth!”

“The Qin family, the most perfect Bai Fumei, comes with a dowry of 40 billion, he actually refused!”

“I thought I was going bald, and I couldn’t understand why he would refuse!”

“No, Lu Zimu didn’t agree, I should be happy, why is it more uncomfortable!”

Countless people are gritting their teeth.

They didn’t know how much they envied Lu Zimu.

Such a good thing would fall on him.

Simply the strongest template for a winner in life.


Everyone was very envious and jealous of Lu Zimu.

It stands to reason that he refused this kind of thing and did not marry Bai Fumei.

This result.

It should make everyone happy.

But after everyone knew about this, their hearts were extremely uncomfortable.

As if they were the parties.

Lu Zimu refused, as if they were about to suffer a huge loss.

Or in other words, the parties are not as uncomfortable as him.

This psychology.

It can be described as extremely contradictory.

Or rather, because they are already substituted into it.

Therefore, Lu Zimu’s refusal became the most depressing thing for them.

After substitution.

Not seeing the results they want, it can be very depressing.

And after Qin Denian answered this question.

Everyone’s attention also shifted to Lu Zimu for the first time.

“Teacher Lu.”

“Is this true?”

“May I ask what reason you made this decision?”

Ma Shushu asked immediately.

She is asking this question on behalf of a wide audience.

At the same time, she is also extremely curious.

Even Mashushu.

It is also impossible to think of a reason to refuse.

Such a perfect object.

Lu Zimu didn’t even want it.

This is because he is too willful, still has a better partner, or still has other concerns.

“It’s true.”

“I know that Uncle Qin is out of good intentions.”

“But I am now at a critical stage in my career, and I must not be distracted by my children’s private affairs.”

Lu Zimu replied: “If I can’t succeed, then I can only go back to inherit the family business, and I can only be a person who achieves nothing!” ”

Ma Shushu: “??? ”

Audience: “??? ”

This answer.

It makes everyone feel outrageous to the extreme.

It wasn’t just Lu Zimu who admitted that he had rejected Qin Denian’s marriage.

Moreover, he even said that he was for the sake of his career, so he did not want to be relieved because of his children’s private affairs.

He for the cause?

This in itself is a very outrageous statement.

After all, although Lu Zimu came to the entertainment industry to be a singer.

But I didn’t see him seriously, let alone trying.

All newcomers work harder than him.

At least everyone else is actively in business, trying to keep themselves exposed as much as possible.

But Lu Zimu slept in the show, so forget it.


As soon as he does not participate in the show, he directly plays missing.

Days and nights without news are all very normal things.

How to do so.

Lu Zimu even said that he was for the cause.

No matter how you hear this, it will make everyone feel very outrageous.

It is equivalent to a student who sleeps in class and plays games every day, saying that he studies very seriously and hard.

No matter how good the grades.

This student can’t say that he worked hard.

But Lu Zimu can say it so righteously.

Moreover, he said that if his business cannot be successful, he will have to go back to inherit the family business.

He said that inheriting the family business was so aggrieved.

This does not know the person.

I thought that this family business was a flood beast and how unbearable the responsibility was.

I don’t know.

This family business.

That’s the size of hundreds of billions of net assets.

As long as Lu Zimu inherits all of them, he is likely to become the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom.

Something that many people dare not dream of.

He could even say that he looked so aggrieved, as if he was forced to inherit.

And so it goes.

This is naturally a great stimulus.

Let everyone’s mood is quite excited.

In the scene, it seems that countless voices of gritting teeth can be heard.

“I really beat Lu Zimu!”

“Why did my back molar teeth hurt directly as soon as he opened his mouth!”

“For the sake of his career, how did Lu Zimu say it, and I didn’t see him come out for business every day!”

“Hahaha, Lu Zimu for the sake of career, as a fan, I can’t help laughing!”

“Crying to death, in order to be a singer, he doesn’t even want 40 billion Bai Fumei, it really touches me to death!”

“Why is Lu Zimu always able to say such a cool thing so aggrieved, it really makes me grit my teeth!”

“Inheriting hundreds of billions of family property, he can be described as achieving nothing, this heavenly kill, do you know how much I want to achieve nothing?”

“Suffering and Shushu, she saw that it was very uncomfortable in her heart, but she couldn’t even open her mouth, she could only hold it in her heart!”

For Lu Zimu’s Versailles.

It really makes many people can’t help but envy and jealousy.


They also had to admit it.

Don’t look at Lu Zimu so bad, it seems that he has never seen him work hard.

But he did debut as a singer.

Thus directly gave up Bai Fumei, who had a dowry of 40 billion.

This is something that everyone has to admit. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


No matter how rotten Lu Zimu is, it’s good.

After saying these words from Qin Denian’s mouth, they all directly confirmed this.

After all, Lu Zimu did indeed refuse, and indeed continued to stay in the entertainment industry.

For his approach.

It is also completely incomprehensible to everyone.

To say.

Lu Zimu is eager to debut as a singer.

But his attitude and behavior never seemed to be serious.

I didn’t have an active marketing once, and I didn’t like to come out for business, and I didn’t have the appearance of trying to be a singer at all.

But to say.

He doesn’t want to be a star at all.

That Lu Zimu really gave up a lot.

He didn’t even want to inherit the 100 billion family business, and he also rejected Bai Fumei, who had a dowry of 40 billion.

This kind of behavior is indeed giving up a lot in order to be a star.

Extremely contradictory behavior.

It appeared on Lu Zimu’s body.

Let everyone think that it is impossible to understand his thinking.


This still makes many people very envious of Lu Zimu.

After all, even if he refused, Qin Denian did not give up directly.

Qin Denian had already said.

Lu Zimu and his daughter are still young.

Even if you don’t get together now, you still have a chance in the future.

Other words.

As long as Lu Zimu changed his mind.

Then he can marry Qin Denian at any time.

It’s not that if you refuse it once, you lose that opportunity forever.

Therefore, this makes more people even more envious and jealous of him.


“He refused?”

“Did he really refuse? Why would he refuse? ”

“He doesn’t want 40 billion dowry, so what kind of woman can marry him?”

After knowing this result.

Yang Mi, who was originally distracted, suddenly looked surprised.

Because, she thought that Lu Zimu would not be able to refuse.

Faced with a dowry of 40 billion.

Yang Mi thought that no one could refuse.

Although, Lu Zimu had already said before that he did not agree.

But she still didn’t quite believe it.

After all, this is a dowry of 40 billion, how can it not be moved.

Until Qin Denian personally said this result.

Moreover, Lu Zimu also affirmed this point again.

This made Yang Mi willing to believe that he really rejected Bai Fumei, who had a dowry of 40 billion.

It made her feel unbelievable.

But her heart was angry because of this.

At this moment, she is no longer a lost soul, not to mention how happy she is.

“‘~ in Versailles again.”

“I don’t want 40 billion dowry, it’s really too willful.”

“However, this wayward is really weird and cute, he really didn’t lie to me!”

One thought of it.

Let Yang Mi be full of joy.

Lu Zimu not only refused, but also directly told her the truth.

It makes her feel special.

Only if he is very special will he tell the truth directly to her.


Yang Mi’s current appearance.

With the previous state, it was one day and one earth.

“Have a meeting.”

“What about people?”

“Where did they all run to?”

After thinking about the meeting.

Yang Mi found out that all the shareholders had run away.

“Sister Honey.”

“They’re all gone.”

The assistant next to him immediately reminded.

Yang Mi: “…”

She really didn’t know about it.

I watched the live broadcast just now, and I was so fascinated by it.

So much so that she forgot she was in a meeting.

Or rather.

With Yang Mi’s mood at that time, she felt that the sky was about to fall.

Where will there be such a meeting mood.

“Leave them alone.”

“It’s useless for them to say anything anyway.”

“Lu Zimu is unlikely to agree to their conditions, and the meeting is also a waste of time, it is better to watch the live broadcast!”

Yang Mi quickly left it behind.

For this meeting, she did not pay attention to it.

Anyway, it is impossible to discuss the results of this meeting.


Yang Mi would not have watched the live broadcast before, and she was fascinated.

It was because she knew that this meeting was just a waste of time.

This kind of meaningless meeting is indeed better than watching live broadcasts.


And on the other side.

In the crew.

“He refused.”

“He didn’t lie to me, he really refused.”

“So, it’s possible that he likes me, he didn’t lie to me at all, I blamed him wrong!”

As soon as I saw this live stream.

Reba was suddenly furious.

She was almost dancing.

Before, she thought that she was deceived by Lu Zimu, obviously she was already getting married, and she was still cheating her feelings.

But now.

After hearing that Lu Zimu had refused to marry.

Reba knew that he had not deceived himself at all, and his feelings for him were also sincere.

When you know that you are wrong to blame him.

This made her feel a great surprise.

The heartache of suffering from gain and loss was cured all of a sudden.

“What’s going on with her?”

“I was too deep into the play just now, so sad.”

“I’m so happy now, is this script really so wonderful?”

The director was dumbfounded.

He couldn’t help but read the script again.

It’s just that I can’t help but have some doubts about life, and this script is not exciting at all.

But how could Reba be shocked.

Before, in her body, it was still full of sadistic brokenness.

As a result, now, she has directly turned into an extremely brilliant pistachio.

This transformation.

Let the director completely scratch his head.

So much so that he thought that his understanding of the script was too superficial.

Nowhere near Reba’s commitment to the script.

Such thoughts.

The director was very hurt.

After Lu Zimu said that he had refused to marry.

This strange situation has occurred in many places.

Someone was pleasantly surprised.

There are also people who regret this.


And this side.

Qin Denian’s press conference continued.

Although, he had already clarified the previous rumors and also stated his purpose for going to see Lu Zimu.

But for journalists and viewers.

Definitely more than that, things they want to know.

So, the press conference went on.

“May I ask Qin Donghui.”

“Do you know Lu Zimu’s parents?”

“What is the relationship between you and Lu Zimu’s parents?”

After the shock.

Reporters on the scene continued to ask questions.

This time, they directly asked Lu Zimu’s parents.

And this question.

It made countless viewers quite excited.

Because, for Lu Zimu’s parental identity, too many people feel extremely curious.

Now it’s finally a chance to know some facts.

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