Chapter 0083 – Blind Date Killer! The mother-in-law returned to the horse gun! Explosion’s premiere ratings!!!

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

Backstage of Nanhu Satellite TV’s recording studio.

Under the attention of everyone, the third season finally ushered in the start of broadcasting.

Wang Han’s stubble face appeared in the picture again.

“Hello everyone, I’m Wang Han! Welcome all of us to watch the new episode of “Star Grounding” program! ”

“This issue is still attended by our old friends before!”

“Familiar friend, familiar recipe! Let’s welcome Su Chen, Yang Mi, Deng Ziqi, He Ling, Hua Chenyu and Reba! ”

The words fell, and the camera in the live broadcast room switched back and forth between Su Chen and several people.

Su Chen and the others also greeted the camera.

Backstage of the live broadcast, the director looked at the soaring number of online people shaking all over, and his excited hands trembled.

In just two minutes of broadcasting, the ratings soared to 3.1 and directly exploded to start.

The Ministry of Technology also observed a 10° increase in the proportion of IP from overseas audiences

“Finally looking forward to my brother. Sit and wait for my brother to sing. ”

“Those who haven’t bought Su Chen’s brother’s singles yet, don’t hurry up to support a wave, are they all waiting for the white?!”

“Rocky Mountain is coming to report!!”

“Hua Hua must be very handsome in a prison guard uniform! Huahua’s new career must be cheered. ”

“Upstairs, you’re not dead, are you? Hua Chenyu is like that, thin as a chicken, I can’t bear to look directly! ”

“Wives, I’m coming to see you!”

After Wang Han quickly finished broadcasting the advertisement, he returned to business and looked at the teleprompter in his hand and said.

“Today’s professional content is very challenging, I think everyone already knows from the preview of Guan Bobo, right?”

“Prison guard!”

Reba held his little hand high to answer.

The camera quickly switched to Reba’s body, and I saw her stretching out a small hand, and Reba’s eyes were full of expectation.

“Haha, it seems that not only the audience is looking forward to it, but our stars are also looking forward to this professional challenge.”

Wang Han couldn’t help but smile and said.

“In that case, please ask a few stars to say something for this career challenge.”

The words fell, and several stars took turns to say something cheering.

Subsequently, with the professional items prepared by the program group, they heroically and left for Chengyan Prison.

In everyone’s impression, the image of the prison guard is cold and majestic.

Therefore, several stars have also adjusted their state along the way, hoping that they can live up to the upcoming profession.

On the bus.

Su Chen and several people sat in the front row, accompanied by the director and several photographers.

At this time, Reba was a little bored holding his cheeks.

“It’s so blocked… Is this the way to prison…”

Looking at the scene outside the window, she was a little confused for a while.

It’s also too lively outside…

Didn’t you say that you were going to jail? It should be driven up the mountain, right?

“The Chengyan prison we went to this time is a heavy prison in the city, so there will be some congestion on the road, but it will arrive soon.”

The director patiently persuaded Reba on the side.

Hearing this, Yang Mi frowned and pondered, looking at the director sitting on the side.

“Director, why are we going to a heavy prison this time instead of a light prison?”

As far as she knows, heavy prisons are filled with prisoners who have committed serious crimes, and the sentences are generally more than ten years.

Their first exposure to this type of profession… In the face of this group of people, will it be unable to suppress?

Hearing this, the director naturally understood Yang Mi’s concern and shook his head slightly.

“Heavy prisons are better managed than light prisons.”

“After all, prisoners in heavy prisons have long sentences and fixed personnel, while prisoners in light prisons have shorter sentences and are less subject to discipline.”

“In fact, our professional challenge this time is mainly to go in and carry out literary and artistic activities for prisoners.”

Listening to this, Yang Mi breathed a slight sigh of relief in her heart.

Although my company manages hundreds of people, they are ordinary people.

However, the prisoners in Chengyan Prison are all prisoners who have committed major criminal cases, and it is inevitable that they will hear about it.

“Isn’t it? We are stars! ”

Hua Chenyu’s shrill voice sounded.

I saw that although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were full of disgust.

“Let us stars carry out literary and artistic activities for this group of felons? Isn’t that a bit insulting to my music! ”

“I promise, my fans can’t accept it.”

In Hua Chenyu’s view, felons are all some scum, and letting him go to hold literary and artistic activities for scum for free is simply insulting his original profession.

At this time, on the barrage, because of Hua Chenyu’s words, the brain-dead fans also stood up and supported one after another.

“Exactly! The music of flowers should be sung in the hall! ”

“Singing in prison is simply insulting Hua Hua’s talent!”

Don’t sing it! Your music can only be enjoyed, not insulted

Brain-dead fans, you say everything I say.

Although Hua Chenyu did not say these words, her inner thoughts were the same.

He just wanted to use the mouth of the brain-dead fishing boat to find a justification for his behavior.

Anyway, in this literary and artistic activity, he can contribute, but he can’t speak.

Sing to criminals?

One can’t make money, two sorry for the music!

Hearing the sound, the director coughed and opened his mouth to explain.

“Every year the prison will hold a cultural performance, there is a reason for this, not the filming requirements of our program group, this belongs to the construction of prison culture.”

“This kind of activity can prompt criminals to confess and repent. The various competitions held in prisons can also stimulate the enthusiasm of criminals for reform, in other words, to ensure the stability of society. ”

Hearing this, several people nodded one after another, and suddenly realized.

In fact, isn’t paying attention to the psychological state of criminals also protecting the stability of society?

Reform the criminals well, except for the prison, you can enter the palace.

The director continued.

“Prisoners in heavy prisons are easy to breed mental health problems, the probability of self-harm and suicide is relatively high, many prison art troupes are still famous, and every day the prison also recruits some art talents, so there are many prison guards.”

“Everyone will be upgraded to prison guards later, you must not use your position to deliberately suppress prisoners, in fact, many prisoners are very obedient and awake, because they want to fight for a reduction of sentence, eat and drink well…”

“Even better than you know what to do at what time.”

After explaining, everyone laughed.

The camera flashed a gloomy face, and the audience in the live broadcast room immediately took their seats.

“Hahaha, how do you feel that the last sentence is for Hua Chenyu.”

“The director must be weird in yin and yang, but I have no proof!”

“It should be said that the prisoners in the prison are all bigwigs, and there are some financial crimes, tax evasion and the like, and they are not all murderers, what is the morning rain?” Emotional intelligence… It’s hard to put into words. ”

“You little sunspots! It is forbidden to scold my family flowers! ”

“I have to say that the salary of prison guards is really high, and there are various subsidies that can also make oil.”

“Civil servants and police double blessings, blind date killer app, female mother back horse gun!”

“My classmate is a prison guard, and he is promoted to a thief quickly, and Wang Hou will have a kind of care? Jealousy kills me! ”

“The engineer who transforms the soul!”

While speaking, the bus slowly stopped.

A heavy iron gate emerged from everyone’s view.

On the left wall of the iron gate are four large lacquered gold characters written proudly.

【Chengyan Prison】

There is a guard on each side of the prison, standing on the sentry, with his waist straight up.

The body reveals a sacred and inviolable temperament, solemn and solemn.

When everyone sighed, the iron door slowly opened, and a middle-aged man with white sideburns wearing a police uniform and a smile on his face stepped forward and looked at everyone in front of him.

Su Chen also took a shallow look at the person in front of him.

Although it is tired, but the spirit is strong, and the majesty is unquestionable.

This temperament must have been tempered by managing felons for many years, and there are still tens of millions of felons.

Su Chen knew it in his heart.

Who else could it be besides the warden?

“Welcome to Chengyan Prison, I am Qin Hai.”

The middle-aged man lowered his voice and spoke.

“I am the chief of this prison, commonly known as the warden.”

“I didn’t expect that your program group could choose us in so many official organizations, thank you for your willingness to publicize our early warning work!”

The director of the program group stepped forward, smiled and said a few official words, and the two praised each other.

After talking for a moment, Qin Hai’s gaze stopped slightly on Su Chen.

After just one more glance, he smiled and said to Su Chen and several people.

“Come, I’ll take you to visit our Chengyan Prison first.”

Entering the gate, spacious prison area, neat line, different functional partition buildings.

Everything made everyone feel that this was a little different from the prison in their impression.

“Look here, walking through the iron net five hundred meters from our administrative building, is the prisoner’s cell.”

Qin Hai pointed to the house on the left.

“The prisoner dormitory here is 8-12 people per room, and the room is equipped with a separate toilet, a washbasin, and the floor has public toilets, bathing rooms, laundry rooms, etc.”

Reba followed Qin Hai’s fingers and looked at the prisoner’s dormitory, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Unexpectedly, the conditions in the prisoner’s dormitory were not bad.

Previously, she also felt that the prisoners’ dormitories were some very poor accommodation.

The prisoner was held in an iron bar, and the wooden bed and messy bathroom inside were now completely upended in her thinking.

“Not only that, but each floor of our dormitory will also be equipped with activity rooms, which have a library corner and a TV that is open to prisoners on their days off.”

Qin Hai pointed to the right.

Yang Mi pursed her lips lightly and nodded.

In terms of accommodation alone, compared with the accommodation conditions of schools, it is not much worse.

It seems that this career behind bars, in addition to not being free, should have the basic conditions that are not bad.

That’s very humane.

Not only that, the live broadcast room at this time was also brushed up by various netizens.

“Rub! It turns out that the situation in the prison is so good, our school dormitory is almost at this level. ”

“Separate toilet, laundry, activity room… It seems that I thought too much before. ”

“It’s not that I said, I was a little moved to see these prisoners living so well.”

“Heartbeat? Prisoners are not purely enjoyable inside, they have to work, and you also want to go into labor reform, right? ”

Just when everyone in the live broadcast room was talking about it, Qin Hai had already taken Su Chen and several people to a factory area.

“This is our production area, which includes all kinds of production rooms, large and small.”

“But now the main job of the prisoners is to make clothes and shoes in the sewing room.”

“Like what outdoor work, there is no for the time being, which includes what vegetable sorting, packing and packaging, this kind of manual work.”

Saying that, Qin Hai led everyone to the door of the sewing room, looking at the prisoners sitting inside the iron fence, busy stepping on the sewing machine.

The assembly line is the same, neat.

“Huh?! Is this person so familiar? ”

Suddenly, Reba looked into the sewing room with a peach eyebrow.

As far as he looked, a young-looking man was stepping back and forth on a sewing machine in a prison uniform.

Putting aside his sallow complexion and slightly pale lips, he could vaguely see that this young man’s appearance should not be bad.

Deng Ziqi heard the sound and noticed the young man.

Covering his mouth lightly, he was a little surprised.

“This… Isn’t this Wu Ji?! ”

Seeing this scene, in the live broadcast room, the barrage floated wildly.

“Woohoo! Haven’t seen my brother in years! Finally see you, Fanfan! But unfortunately, I have already empathized with other lovers. ”

“Huh! Look at the appearance of your NTR, unlike me, the ultimate pure love warrior, a cow only loves Su Chen’s brother alone. ”

“Fanfan, the prison is very big, you bear with it.”

“This guy loses money that is in the Dragon Kingdom, and he can still sit here and sew clothes, if he shelves abroad… Still want to sit down for this crime? Joke! You can only lie on your stomach in bed! ”

The backstage of the program at this time.

The director drank the water and squirted out with a pop.

Goji berries were scattered all over the place.

Qin Hai took Su Chen and several people to visit, and the group came to the door of the cafeteria.

It’s time for dinner.

Teams of inmates, led by prison guards, entered the window where they were cooking.

Everyone’s forehead was sweating profusely, and their backs were soaked with sweat, and they could still smell sweat from a long distance.

Hua Chenyu’s face changed slightly, pinched her nose, and waved a hand in front of her.

Muttered to himself.

“The people wearing five people and six people on the outside are bright and beautiful, but aren’t they still sweaty and smelly inside, doing the hard work of labor?”

“It’s all a bunch of social scum, if it weren’t for the show, I wouldn’t have been able to be a prison guard.”

Listening to these words, Qin Hai’s face on the side was a little ugly.

He glanced at Hua Chenyu obliquely.

Let you promote the profession, you smear this smear?

In fact, not all prisons are full of evildoers.

“The young man who went in just now, in order to save his mother, he was detained in order to save his mother, and he was detained for murder caused by his hand, is this situation also scum?”

“Pay attention when you speak, I don’t care what star you are, now you represent the prison guard!”

Hearing this, Hua Chenyu shrunk her neck.

Qin Hai was worthy of being the warden, and the words he said seemed to be fluttering, but they were actually extremely majestic, and he was scary in a cold sweat.

Su Chen also sighed a little when he heard the sound.

“The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray.”

“Only a child’s world is black and white, if adults see the world this way… The brain is mostly a little smooth. ”

Hearing Su Chen’s words, Yang Mi and the others couldn’t help but snicker.

Damage ~ too damaged ~

Right at this moment.

A prisoner wearing glasses passed by Su Chen.

I saw that he was holding a book in his arms, and the scar on his hand extended to the hideous scar on his wrist, like a winding centipede.

And this prisoner with glasses turned around and looked at Su Chen, as if there was an indescribable emotion surging in his eyes.

Su Chen looked at the distant back, and did not care too much in his heart.

“How many new prison guards haven’t eaten yet, have they?”

Saying that, several people followed the warden into the cafeteria.

In the huge cafeteria, there are only rows of tables and chairs.

Clean, tidy, and the people who cook are inmates.

“Eh Xiao Li, you come here, and the follow-up work of these new prison guards will be handed over to you.”

The voice fell.

A handsome-looking young prison guard hurried over and saluted Qin Hai.


“Come with me.”

Witnessing Qin Hai leaving, Xiao Li introduced himself.

“Hello comrades, I am Captain Li, and the alarm horn 2970480. The words fell, and several people saluted each other in unison. ”

Captain Li smiled and led everyone to lower their hands as they walked in and sighed.

“I have been a prison guard here for thirteen years, and this job is to accompany prisoners to prison every day, so you must be prepared in your hearts.”

“But… I heard that your program team is still considering going to the police station, isn’t that better than our police station? Why can’t you think of coming to us…”

Right at this moment.

There was a sudden commotion in his ears, which instantly attracted everyone’s attention…

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