Chapter 108 Are you still pretending to be crazy? (Please subscribe, the third update)

After hearing Chen Fan's words, the audience laughed.

"Hahahaha, this guy Chen Fan is really a spoof. I can't imagine why this guy always says this in weird places."

:"No, why should we write these three words?"

"I am really convinced, Chen Fan, you are really useless."

Li Tian was speechless and said,"Can't you change a few words for me?"

Chen Fan said,"Well, then change it to something else,"Dad hit me", how about these four words?"

Li Tian was completely autistic and said too lazy,"It's up to you, it doesn't matter, as long as you can help me get this done, everything is fine."

"Let me make it clear first. I need to ask my teacher about this matter."

"Forget it, let's not ask."

Qin Ming suddenly thought of something and said,"Well, I think I know something."

The lawyer here also thought of it, and seemed to think of a case some time ago.

Here, Lao Liu called Li Tian

"I'm watching the live broadcast. Why, do you think I'm afraid of offending people?"

Here, Li Tian said speechlessly:"This, won't offend people?"

"What is there to offend? There are many ways to evade identification, and it does not necessarily require a forensic identification. The hospital can also issue an identification report. I have looked at this case and asked my colleagues, and no one is willing to take this case. You can do whatever you want, even if it is done by your colleagues."

Li Tian nodded.

Looking at Chen Fan, he said,"You come here. I can do reasoning over here, but you are better at interrogation."

"What case?"

"Simple case. Some time ago, a car hit someone. Not only that, after hitting the person, the person grabbed the person's head and pressed it to the ground. Do you remember this case?"Six-three-zero"

Chen Fan was instantly alert and said,"I remember, it was on the news?"

"Later, he was bought out with money. He is now in a mental hospital. Here, the lawyer is thinking about suing him. I guess they will not let us in after watching our live broadcast."

Chen Fan said,"Then it is not up to them."

Chen Fan and Li Tian arrived at the destination.

Someone got out of the car at the door and took the initiative to stop the cameraman from taking pictures.

The cameraman was very sensible and lay down on the ground. The other party was silent.

Chen Fan said,"If you say one more word, I will sue you directly for harassing me."

The other party did not dare to continue speaking.

Chen Fan and Li Tian walked directly inside.

"Please, this is an institution, not his private enterprise. If I want to go here, I need their consent. It's nothing more than giving me money and asking me to leave it alone."

Li Tian said:"Well, some people also gave me money, but I didn't take it. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep if I take this money."

"I'll give you fifty bucks, and you can call me daddy."

"Get out, I'm going to strangle you to death right now."

The two entered the mental hospital, and Zhang Tianxiong and his men also came and protected Chen Fan directly.

Several people walked towards the director's office. The director did not see the two, but allowed Chen Fan and Li Tian to visit the man.

The man was sitting on a chair on the grass, holding a toy, in a daze.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

There are many strange people in the mental hospital, and there are many incredible things. These are all very novel for the audience.

For example, an old man, chatted with people very calmly.

The logic in his words was so clear.

But after the chat, the old man left like a duck.

"I'm a duck, quack quack."

The people in the live broadcast room were directly shut down. My goodness, is this a big deal?

All the steps were beyond other people's imagination.

Chen Fan came to the chair next to the man and sat down.

The man didn't look at Chen Fan, but kept muttering, I want to eat fish, I want to drink water.

Chen Fan didn't say anything either, just sat there.

Ten minutes, fifteen minutes.

Twenty minutes.

The man couldn't speak anymore, so he got up and prepared to leave, but Chen Fan just sat there.

Why don't you try to walk away?

At this time, Qin Ming was speechless and said,"This Chen Fan is really torturous."

"It's a very simple logic. If he is a fake psychopath, then he can't pretend. If he is real, there is no need to pretend. You can talk about these things all day without getting tired."

Chen Fan yawned and said,"Tsk tsk tsk, he is quite good at acting. He just lost money in stock trading, and he came out to take revenge on the society. Do you really have an idea?""Fuck."

In an instant, Li Tian got angry when he heard Chen Fan's answer.

So this is the reason.

The man paused, then continued his words.

Chen Fan said,"Well, actually you don't have to be afraid, don't worry or anything."

The man didn't quite understand and continued his words.

"Wait, someone is coming."

At this time, a boy came in, jumping and muttering the same words as the man.

The boy was wearing a woman's upper body clothes, but at this time, Li Tian was a little scared.

"You see, isn't this simple? In fact, the best way to deal with problems is to defeat magic with magic."

"By the way, I'm a forensic doctor. I'll give this boy a mental certificate. This is very easy to get. For example, depression, after all, depression is considered a mental illness now."

The man looked at the person who was walking over.

He was a little scared.

The boy was laughing, but you could see that there was anger in the boy's eyes.

The boy is the son of the father of the deceased.

The simplest way for Chen Fan to deal with this problem is to find the son of the deceased.

I will treat this person for whatever disease you have.

If you can evade the law, I can also evade the law.

The core of this matter is what the lawyer says and how it can influence the judge's judgment.

After speaking, Chen Fan stood up and gave up his seat. The boy sat next to the man and reached out to touch the man.

The man didn't dare to speak.

Chen Fan just watched from the side, with his hands inserted, and had no intention of stopping him.

They are all mentally ill. How can beating people be illegal? Right


At the scene, Li Tian stared at Zhang Tianxiong and said,"You will act later"

"Oh, I know."

"I'm serious, you can't do this, it's against the rules, we are the police."

Zhang Tianxiong said:"I know, I know, don't worry."

In the observation room, Qin Ming was speechless and said:"This trick is actually a bit that, alas."

The lawyer said:"I know Chen Fan's way, which is to use magic to defeat magic. If this person is fine, then the victim's son will be fine too. If the murderer is not a psychopath, then this son is not either."

Teacher He said:"This is against the rules, right?"

"How should I put it? It is not considered a violation. Depression does fall into this category. Isn't this the excuse that many internet celebrities are looking for? Ask these internet celebrities, why don't they dare to ask a forensic doctor to issue a certificate? Why do they specifically ask a hospital to issue one?"

I guess this matter is going to be troublesome. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Chen Fan gave a difficult question. This difficult question was broadcast live, and 100 million people were watching at this time, so this matter became serious.

At this time, the boy stood up directly, punched him directly, and then started to take out a knife.

The man started to run.

Chen Fan said:"Mental illnesses are not allowed to run."

The man stopped, and then Chen Fan said:"I'm kidding, mental illnesses can also run."

The man was scared and said:"Someone come, this man wants to kill someone"

"I'm not killing you, I'm just playing with you."

"He is mentally ill, he wants to kill people...……"

This matter can only be a mistake. In the end, the way to deal with it is actually very simple. Zhang Tianxiong pressed down the murderer, Li Tian took Chen Fan away, and the murderer who chased him would also be taken to a special room for custody.

In addition to the trial, there is actually a court. This court is a scale in everyone's heart.

As expected, Chen Fan returned to the forensic doctor and had to write a self-criticism. As for why he wrote it and what he wrote, no one knew, but he just had to write it.

And this case, the trial will also undergo subtle changes.

Because in the evening, the doctor who gave this person a mental rehabilitation took the initiative to admit that the other party gave direct money and issued a certificate himself.

This matter can be said to be very big.

The murderer was taken out of the mental hospital and taken to the detention center.

However, this evening, Chen Fan asked the cameraman to follow him from a distance, not too close, but to be able to roughly shoot it, and asked Zhang Tianxiong to hide and carry a gun.

No one knows Chen Fan's operation.

But the live broadcast is closed, and when it is turned on is when people come.

Sure enough, when Chen Fan deliberately took the small road, several people appeared with knives and were about to attack Chen Fan.

Zhang Tianxiong opened fire directly.

Without any hesitation, the people who were about to shoot Chen Fan looked at their companions who were shot on the ground and were dumbfounded.

Why did they shoot directly?

Chen Fan said:"Look at you guys, really, why bother?"

This scene was directly seen by the audience

"You are using other people's money to cause trouble for me? Do you know why I know you will come? Because family education is very important. If a child disregards life, do you think the parents will care about the life?"

"Parents are the first teachers of their children. It is precisely because of this that only when children have seen life leave before their eyes will they not care about life."

This actually touched some people.

Everyone is not stupid.

In fact, the higher-ups are already paying attention to this matter, and the judges in the court are ready to judge this case carefully....

But if we are attacked by public servants, the explanation will be different.

This is a direct provocation to the judiciary.

Then, the consequence of provoking the judiciary is that all of you will be in trouble.

The fire department will investigate the companies, hotels, etc.

The police will come directly to the door and take away the child's mother.

The father will also be investigated. There are 100% cases accumulated over the years. As long as there is one more person, they can be killed, check your source of income, check your way of making money, etc.

At this time, after ten o'clock in the evening, Chen Fan stared at the computer, lit a cigarette, and fell into deep thought.

Damn, why, why is it so difficult to write a self-criticism.

Here, Li Tian walked in and said,"Are you satisfied?"

Chen Fan looked at the words written on Li Tian's head and said,"Well, not bad, the taste is right, hahahahaha."

Li Tian said with a dark face,"Only you can think of such a trick. Don't you worry that the child has been issued a mental certificate by you. Will you get into trouble?"

"No, it can be cured. I prescribed it for depression. The child lost his father, how can he be depressed?"

Li Tian was stunned.

"Isn't this also possible?"

"There are many kinds of depression. Depression can make a person degenerate. In fact, everyone has mild depression, but most people choose to digest these emotions by themselves. Only a few people will suffer from severe depression. So far, no doctor dares to say, how to judge depression?"


"The cost of treatment is expensive. I am in a bad mood and go to the hospital. My parents pay for it. No one lets me go to work and they also take care of my food and drink. I just need to put on a sullen face every day and that is enough. This is just the excuse for many people to be useless."

"What does true depression look like?"

Chen Fan gave a simple logic and said:"True depression is silent. It is the kind of happiness that is seen by outsiders. These people will hide themselves.

Chen Fan wrote the last few words and pressed Enter directly.

"Because you care about other people's feelings, care about the feelings of those around you, and then you will empathize and feel the same. When the emotions reach your side, it becomes the end point, which is the most typical last link of the kicking cat effect."

Li Tian laughed and said,"This is the first time I've heard of it. No matter what, thank you this time."

In the observation room, everyone finished shooting today.��

Teacher He said:"I hope everyone can learn to feel frustrated, so that they can reduce the possibility of depression. Don't challenge the law, and don't use some diseases to evade your responsibilities." Brother

Hu said:"If you are in a bad mood, speak up. Believe in yourself. There are always people around you who are willing to listen."

Qin Ming yawned and said:"Let me ask you a question. Chen Fan asked me this question."

Everyone looked at Qin Ming.

"Let me ask the girls first, who will you call when you are in a bad mood."

Song Zuer said:"My father, my bestie, my good friend, and the agent." Zhang

Xinyu said:"I am about the same. I call my friends and many people, and they will listen to me."

Chen Fan looked at Teacher He and Brother Hu and said:"Who will you call when you are in a bad mood?"

Teacher He and Brother Hu paused obviously.

Teacher He said:"No one." Brother

Hu sighed and said:"No one, I am a man, who can I call?"

Qin Ming said:"Well, when Chen Fan asked me this question, I thought of my parents, but I didn't want to make my parents worry. I thought of my friends, but my friends wouldn't listen. I thought of my lover, and I didn't want to bring this trouble to my lover. I thought of my children, but how could the children understand."

The live broadcast ended, and it ended in a very strange way, but the live broadcast of this day brought the most profound experience to the audience.

For the first time, the topic of men was brought up.

Everyone will be in a bad mood, but it is such a happy thing in the world to find someone to comfort themselves.

Qin Ming returned to his room and opened his notebook

"If you are in a bad mood, you should learn to speak it out and tell others. Don't worry, someone will help you. Don't think about carrying it by yourself. We may empathize with the joys and sorrows of the world. Slow down a little, life is bright."

At this time, Li Tian turned off the lights in the computer room, and then found the switch.

Turned off the power.

Chen Fan looked at the unsaved files in the computer.

"Li Tian, I'm going to kill you."

Li Tian said:"Everyone in the world will be in a bad mood, but you won't. You don't have any emotions at all. You are an absolutely indifferent person."

"This is not a reason for you to cheat me. Just wait. You'd better have a son or a daughter with your wife. I'll wait until she grows up." ps: Please subscribe and read. Thank you. ps: Please give me more support. Thank you.

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