Hearing the words of this singer trainee, everyone around couldn't help but gasp!


Is this song "Crossing" so difficult? !

Then why didn't Xu Qing on the stage even blush or gasp? !

Just listening to him sing, I didn't even feel any difficulty.

Although Xu Qing sang perfectly, whether it was the bass at the beginning or the high notes in the chorus.

But they really didn't feel that it was particularly difficult!

After all, compared to the straightforward high notes in "Stars", this kind of song with a continuous span of range, obviously only more professional people can really understand how difficult it is to sing!

Even "Torment"? Each line of lyrics is a long string, as long as you are not blind, you will know that it is difficult!

So in comparison, this song "Crossing" requires a certain amount of music knowledge to understand.

This is why even this person who has only practiced for more than two years agrees with Liang Yuan and Hong Xiao.

To sing Xu Qing's songs, genius is just the threshold to entry...

At the Kyoto Bird's Nest concert, more and more audience members who have certain professional music knowledge stood up.

They said to the audience around them with disbelief that Xu Qing should be able to sing all these super-difficult songs in tonight's concert!

If one or two songs can be considered a surprise, but now there are so many songs, even if you don't want to believe it, you can only admit this fact!

After all, a person who understands music said this, maybe he guessed wrong, and there is a small possibility that Xu Qing can sing some simple songs...

But if so many professionals say so confidently, how can this be wrong?

Obviously, at tonight's Kyoto concert, Xu Qing's songs must be so difficult that the entire Chinese music scene will be numb!

The fans and audiences in the audience couldn't help but look up at Xu Qing on the stage.

After just singing "Crossing", what kind of songs will he sing?

At the concert, hundreds of thousands of audience members all looked at Xu Qing with eager eyes.

How much they wanted, Xu Qing, can you just sing a song from the Jincheng concert?

Although they knew that was almost impossible...

Everyone looked heartbroken and couldn't help shouting.

"Xu Qing... you are not a human being!"

"You wrote new songs at the concert to stop us from singing together!"

"Now it's good..."

"Write such difficult new songs? Don't you feel guilty?"

"You really..."

"You don't give us any chances!"

"Please, can't you give us a face and sing some simple songs?"

"There are too many people here. If it doesn't work, I'll kneel down for you backstage later, okay?"


Even the audience at the Kyoto concert didn't notice it at this moment.

Their mentality has actually begun to change subtly!

From the beginning, they hoped to sing in the concert of Xu Qing, so that Xu Qing would have nothing to sing...

Now, they just hope that Xu Qing can sing a simple song tonight...

Their eyes revealed great sincerity, and all of this was naturally seen by Xu Qing on the stage.

"Want me to sing a simple song? Sure! I'll satisfy you!"

Xu Qing's mouth unconsciously drew a smile.

He had already decided on the next song.

It is definitely a very simple song!

It is not an exaggeration to say that anyone who can hum a few words can sing this song!

As for singing skills? Voice conditions? Breath control?

None of them are needed at all!

It can be said that anyone can sing with a mouth!

It's just...

Xu Qing himself couldn't help laughing first, and then he calmed down. He put the microphone to his mouth and then spoke to the audience below.

"As you wish..."

"Then next..."

"I'll sing a simpler song..."

"I hope you like it!"



Xu Qing is going to sing a simple song?

The audience who heard Xu Qing's words were shocked!

Is he serious? They couldn't believe that there was something wrong with their ears!

After all, Xu Qing had almost made them despair!

But this sentence instantly made everyone regain their confidence!

However, when they saw the smile on Xu Qing's face, they still spoke cautiously.

"Simple song?"

"Are you sure you didn't lie to us?"

"Swear first!"


A big and strong man sitting in the front row seemed very excited!

Even Xu QingNo one would have thought that such a tough guy who looked very burly would actually say such a childish words like "you swear first"!

Xu Qing just thought it was very interesting, but his conscience didn't hurt at all.

After all, these were all the resentments he had accumulated in the past two years!

"Don't worry, I'll do what I say!"

"The next song must be very simple!"

"I can swear!"


Did Xu Qing really swear?

Seeing Xu Qing holding the microphone in one hand on the stage, and raising the other hand high, while extending the three middle fingers.

That look really seemed to be serious!

Seeing Xu Qing's promise, the burly man looked very satisfied!

But when he just relaxed a little, suppressed his excitement, took a few deep breaths and looked down to see Xu Qing's lyrics book in his hand!

This was what he had just bought outside at a high price!

By the way, what was I originally going to use this thing for?

The burly man thought about it and was instantly confused!


"Didn't I come here specifically to steal Xu Qingmai?!"

"Didn't I come to Xu Qing's concert just to sing his songs?!"

"Why did I just ask Xu Qing to sing a simple song now?!"


Three soul-searching questions in a row, it was obvious that this burly man couldn't accept it at all!

When did I become so tolerant?

It was agreed that I came here to sing for Xu Qing.

But now I have become so easily satisfied?

Hearing what the burly man said, the other audiences around him also reacted!

"Yeah, didn't I come here to sing?"

"For today, everyone has practiced hard for a month?!"

"Damn it, we fell into Xu Qing's trap without realizing it, what should we do now?"

"What should we do? What else can we do! Didn't Xu Qing swear that the next song will be easy?!"

"That's right, don't panic, according to my analysis, Xu Qing is willing to lower the difficulty of the song, which means that the previous songs are too taxing for his voice, which means that he will definitely not be able to sing any difficult songs next!"

"Even... maybe there will be songs that everyone can sing!"

Hearing the analysis and speech of this audience who was a little bit open with champagne, many people around nodded in agreement.

That's right, Xu Qing has already sung "Jiangnan", "Stars", "In the Name of the Father", "Moonlight", "A Thousand Years Later", "Torment", "I Can't Help Saying", "Take All You Want", "Crossing"...

With such high-difficulty eight songs, his physical function should have reached the limit anyway, right?

You have to rest your throat anyway, right? !

Just as everyone was imagining the second half of the concert, Xu Qing's voice came out in the accompaniment of the concert.

[Chinese characters of our Dragon Country]

[Let the whole world know]

[Chinese characters of our Dragon Country]

[Every stroke tells a story]

[Kneeling and holding a torch, pious like Daoguang]

[The fields in all directions are covered with grain]

[The ancients distinguished good from evil by pictographic, phonetic and semantic]


Seeing Xu Qing's serious face on the stage and listening to his voice, all the audience breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Xu Qing really didn't lie? This song does sound very simple!

There is drama, quite drama, isn't it enough to just have a mouth for this song? !

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