"Why, are you scared?"

Seeing Deng Ziqi's strange expression, Xu Qing asked calmly.

For such a new singer, the first time on stage was the Kyoto concert, and in addition to being able to sing "Mountain and River Map" with Xu Qing, she now had an additional opportunity to sing solo!

Could she really not be nervous and scared?

Even Yang Mi secretly sweated, after all, when she applied for the film and television performance major, she needed to perform a talent show.

She remembered very clearly that there were only four or five college teachers at that time.

Yang Mi sang "Nanniwan" directly, which can be said to be...

A complete car accident scene, not a single word was in tune!

If we watch that video now, remove the sound, and only look at Yang Mi's performance in the video,

She danced and sang with emotion, and those who didn't know her would think she sang very well...

But it was precisely because of this spirit of confidence even if she was out of tune that she finally successfully entered the door of the performance major...

Then she became the boss of Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company as if she had been cheated!

But obviously, Deng Ziqi's situation was different from Yang Mi's.

That was a Kyoto concert!

According to the current ticket sales, there were at least tens of thousands of live audiences!

And, after a singer goes on stage, who doesn't go for the music itself?

There are only a few who dance to the gods...after all.

So, for Deng Ziqi, who just debuted and has never even held a concert,

the pressure is undoubtedly huge!

It's no wonder that Xu Qing asked her if she was scared.

Seeing that Xu Qing and Yang Mi's eyes were on her, Deng Ziqi nodded unconsciously, and then shook her head.


"Not afraid!"

She almost gritted her teeth and said it. Although her voice was a little trembling, her eyes were full of stubbornness.

It was very similar to Xu Qing's first time singing in a bar.

No one is born without fear, but they are forced to do it more and more, and gradually get used to it.

Xu Qing is just like this...

From being afraid of the stage at the beginning to enjoying the stage now, and even competing with fans to sing, these are all little changes along the way!

Seeing Deng Ziqi's determination, Xu Qing nodded with satisfaction.

Yang Mi said tentatively, "How about you change a duet for her?"

Obviously, no matter what Deng Ziqi said, Yang Mi still valued the final effect of this concert more.

In her opinion, if Xu Qing wrote a duet, the effect should be better.

A few days ago, Yang Mi finally pestered Xu Qing to write a song for a group.

"The Most Dazzling National Style"!

That song was written specifically for a male and female singer duo. Yang Mi said that the male singer wanted fewer lyrics...

Xu Qing really listened to it!

The male singer only had two lines of lyrics in the whole song!

[I know]


! ! !

Yang Mi was mad at that time. How could there be such a song in the world?

I asked you to give the male singer a little less lyrics, but you gave him a little less?

This... this song needs a male voice?

Facing Yang Mi's anger and confusion, Xu Qing just said lightly.

"Yes, and the male voice is very important!"


This sentence made Yang Mi speechless.

She showed the song written by Xu Qing to the duo, but the result was unexpected...

Instead of being angry, the two were very happy!

"This song is so well written!"

"It's really worthy of being written by Teacher Xu Qing!"

"A very distinctive song!"

"I like the melody of this song so much..."


Faced with the endless praise from the two, Yang Mi didn't know what to say.

She could only hold back her tears and angrily collect the buyout fee for their song - 5.1 million yuan!

The charging standard is about 8,000 yuan per word!

This offer is already quite outrageous, but the other party is also very straightforward and decisive in paying.

I heard that the reason is...

The woman's family raises cattle and sheep, the kind of grassland with thousands of acres...

Yang Mi suddenly felt that her offer was too low?


The reason why Yang Mi thought of this was that she hoped Xu Qing would write another male-female combination song for her?

In this way, Xu Qing has very few lyrics, but it is not to say that there are none.

He can still stand on the stage and sing a few words casually. While being able to rest, he can also let Deng Ziqi perform better!

After all, Deng Ziqi is just a new female singer who has just debuted.

Let her sing a solo at the Kyoto concertA new song, anyone would be nervous...!

And Xu Qing stayed on the stage, if there was any problem, he could quickly fix it!

After all, it was a new song, even if it was sung wrong, no one would know!

Wouldn't it be fine if the release version was changed when the time came?

Xu Qing nodded, thinking that what Yang Mi said was not unreasonable.

So he picked up the pen and started writing a new song again.

Seeing Xu Qing's attitude, Yang Mi's face also became much more pleasant.

It seems that Xu Qing is a good person, and he still listens to advice!

Especially, listen to my sister!

Just when Yang Mi was happy, Xu Qing had almost finished writing a new song!

Yang Mi leaned over to take a look, and blurted out instantly,

"I thought about it, and decided to sing "Light Years Away"!


Xu Qing stopped writing and looked at Yang Mi, who looked awkward, with a smile on his face as if he had already known the result.

Unable to contain her curiosity, Deng Ziqi wanted to go forward and see what Xu Qing had written...

Yang Mi grabbed the paper and crumpled it into a ball. Deng Ziqi could only barely see the title of the song...

"Nu Yan"!

"It looks like... a love song?"

Deng Ziqi blushed slightly. She didn't expect Xu Qing to want to sing a love song with her at the concert. This was too... embarrassing!

No wonder Sister Mi was so angry and her face was red!

At this moment, Yang Mi was very determined. Even if she let Deng Ziqi mess up the Kyoto concert, she would not let the two of them sing "Nu Yan" together!

What a joke?

Let the two of you sing love songs with flirting at the concert?

Sister would rather die!!!

Especially in today's gossipy era.

Yang Mi could clearly think that if Xu Qing and Deng Ziqi sang this song "Nu Yan" at the next concert...

There would definitely be a large number of CP fans!

By that time, wouldn't she become a mistress from a wife?

So, Yang Mi made up her mind.

Just "Light Years Away", no change!

But as a condition, this song "Light Years Away" cannot be Deng Ziqi's personal song.

Because Xu Qing has already given a song "Bubble".

So the ownership of this song is jointly owned by Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company and Xu Qing.

Of course, after all, this song will be given to Deng Ziqi to sing, so as a privilege...

She can sing this song in any commercial performance and program in the future!

But all the income brought by this song belongs to Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company and Xu Qing!

Deng Ziqi naturally has no objection to this.

After all, this condition is not harsh at all for her, and it is even excellent!

Xu Qing certainly didn't say anything, he knew very well that Yang Mi had made a considerable degree of concessions.

In the entire Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company, only he could make Sister Mi do this.

After the Kyoto concert is over, I must have a good talk with her about the "import trade"!

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