On Weibo, the hot search for Xu Qing's new song "You Are My Life" finally dropped from the top of the headlines.

However, it was not anything else that killed this hot search, but the second new song "Rice Fragrance"!

No one expected that Xu Qing's new song release would be so ingenious? !

Of course, in order not to affect the sales of the new song album in the future, the two new songs uploaded to Weibo only have a part of the video.

This made many netizens suspect that the Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company was most likely behind the new song to create popularity!

In fact, this is indeed the case. Originally, they did this just to prevent the offline fans of the first-hand concert from not buying it.

The plan is to create public opinion and hire water troops from the Internet, pretending to be objective netizens, and praise Xu Qing's new song!

In this way, the negative impact of the concert can be minimized.

Unexpectedly, Xu Qing was too competitive!

There was no opportunity to use water troops at all, all of them were "tap water" from netizens!

Xu Qing's new song was praised with all his might!

Even @花花 openly, saying that this is what music is!

As company executives, several people only dared to secretly like these comments with their secondary accounts.

They would never dare to openly post on the official Weibo!

After all, it is still impossible to confront the biggest "god" in the Chinese music scene head-on.

"What? There is a surprise tonight? Xu Qing released two new songs in a row at the concert?"

"Help!!! This song "Rice Fragrance" is too good!!!"

"Who said folk songs are not good? What about those who look down on folk songs? Stand up, black fans, speak up!"

"This song is really healing. To be honest, I encountered some problems a few years ago and now I have severe depression, but I didn't expect that seeing Xu Qing's new song today would cheer me up again."

"Come on, depression will get better, live well!"

"What we are saying is that this kind of music is what the Chinese music scene really needs, and this is the embodiment of the value of music being called the second art!"

"In the golden rice fields, the rice has matured; in the orange dream, the fireflies begin to sway; in the crystal blue castle, the ballads are always echoing... Please remember the way home, if you are tired, welcome home."

"Remember you said that home is the only castle~"

The hot search on Weibo, #Xu Qing's second new song tonight "Rice Fragrance"# is full of positive comments!

It is easy to see that everyone's love for this song even surpasses the previous one "You Are My Life".

But this is normal, after all, the audience range of "You Are My Life" is slightly smaller in comparison.

But "Rice Fragrance" goes straight to the depths of everyone's soul!


"Thank you everyone!"

"I give you a song "Rice Fragrance", I hope you like it!"

At the concert, Xu Qing picked up the microphone and his warm voice rang out, and then continued under the warm cheers of the audience.


"Ten Years!"

"I hope you like it!"


As Xu Qing finished speaking, tens of thousands of audience members showed the same expression on their faces


What's going on? Xu Qing, you have a new song?

This is the third song, and we haven't sung any yet!

You can't do that!

You don't want to sing all night, do you?

It's not that we don't want to, but we really feel sorry for your voice!

What if there's a problem with the singing?

Just sing two songs and stop when you're done!

Give everyone a chance to perform!

These fans at the scene really didn't expect that Xu Qing actually wrote a third new song!

This is too outrageous!

Three songs in one week?

Could it be that the quality of "Ten Years" can also reach the level of "You Are My Life" and "Rice Fragrance"?

This is too outrageous!

Will they let other singers and fans live?

The audiences at the scene found that the situation was completely reversed.

In the past, Xu Qing begged everyone to give him a chance to sing a song,

Now everyone is begging Xu Qing to give everyone a chance to sing a song!

Chorus, chorus, we want a chorus!

The fans and audiences at the concert were all in tears and laughter. They really wanted a chorus of 10,000 people. After all, this was a traditional event at Xu Qing's concert. It couldn't be interrupted at their Jincheng concert, right?

But on the other hand, the quality of Xu Qing's new song was really amazing!

They didn't have any temper at all!

They even had some small expectations for this song "Ten Years"!

Seeing Xu Qing's hands gradually raised on the stage, they understood that it seemed that thisXu Qing had to sing the third new song!

There was no other way, everyone could only look forward to it, hoping that this would be Xu Qing's last new song!

After all, this guy has already sung three new songs, no matter how talented he is, his talent should have run out for the time being, right?

Before the audience could think about it, the atmosphere of the concert suddenly changed, and new accompaniment music sounded quietly.

The piano prelude was as gentle as flowing water, and Xu Qing's singing followed, full of affection and warming the heart.


[If those two words didn't tremble]

[I wouldn't find that I was uncomfortable]

[How to say it]

[It's just a breakup]


Just as Xu Qing's singing started, the attention of all the audience in the venue was attracted instantly!

At that moment, a man full of helplessness seemed to jump out in front of them.

Everyone was not only moved by Xu Qing's singing, but also had a strong curiosity about the lyrics.

What are the two words in "If those two words didn't tremble"?

Many people would take it for granted that the two words are "break up".

However, in the following paragraph, Xu Qing sang "It's just a break up".

It can be seen that breaking up is the worst outcome of these two words, so these two words are definitely not just breaking up.

In the picture drawn by Xu Qing's few lyrics, two lovers who have been in love for a long time are shown.

Because the woman proposed to break up, the man was heartbroken, but he could only accept it silently.

His heart was extremely painful, and he was trembling even when he said the two words "agree".

He understood that when these two words were said, this relationship would also come to an end, and there would be no possibility from then on.

Therefore, the two words that are more difficult to say than breaking up are actually "OK" that have never appeared in the lyrics.

Under a bitter smile, the man's trembling lips finally spit out the two words "OK".

This song "Ten Years" made all the listeners silent just at the beginning!

The feeling of being in love for ten years, breaking up, letting go, who can do it without any grudges?


【If there is no requirement for tomorrow】

【Holding hands is like traveling】

【Thousands of doors】

【There is always someone who has to go first】

【Since the embrace cannot stay】

【Why not leave at the time】

【Enjoy while crying】



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