Yang Mi's office hasn't been so lively for a long time.

Not only the leaders of Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company, but also the well-known composers signed by Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company, and even...

Even the big boss behind the scenes came here in person.

After all, this matter is too important!

And Yang Mi's tone was very strange when she called to notify, surprised, and very hurried, and even intermittent when she was too excited!

It felt like... um... eating spicy strips in the office?

Or it was like a woman who secretly went downstairs at night and was discovered by her husband and called and said that she was running at night.

In short, the movement was very strange!

This time, it can be said that all the people who are well-known and presentable in the entire Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company came.

For no other reason, everyone's eyes were on Xu Qing, who had a calm face!

This singer who has created many mythical records in just two and a half years in the industry is now the treasure of Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company!

But today, this treasure is going to make a rather outrageous decision, which is simply the second outrageous and somewhat unacceptable thing!

As for the first outrageous thing? Of course, it is the day when Xu Qing decides to terminate the contract and leave Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company!

If Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company has not cultivated Xu Qing's second successor at that time, then the entire company can be said to have completely collapsed in terms of singers!

A singer like Xu Qing, who is phenomenal, has explosive money-making ability and has no chance of collapse, is undoubtedly the number one target for major entertainment and cultural companies to recruit!

It is said that privately, even the current No. 1 entertainment and cultural company in Longguo secretly threw an olive branch to Xu Qing, and promised that there is no need to worry about the penalty for breach of contract, and they will bear it all!

Even the current salary and even the share are several times more than that of Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company!

Faced with this naked temptation, how did Xu Qing respond, Yang Mi and others did not know.

But the news is that Xu Qing chose to refuse and said that he would stay in Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company.

Yang Mi, who heard the news, was so excited that she almost broke down that night!

She called Xu Qing and asked him to come out and talk about life and ideals!

Of course, if you feel that the city is too boring, you can also go to the wild on the top of the mountain, where the view is wide, the air is fresh, and there is no one!

If you are tired, Yang Mi also has a car, and the seats are the kind that can be laid flat, which is very convenient.

After listening to it, Xu Qing just said lightly, "Sorry, sister Mi, I feel a little carsick."


Yang Mi was almost mad, the configuration of my car is top-notch, and it is all first-hand goods!

Not only is it very stable and comfortable to drive, there is no problem of oil leakage in the exhaust gas, plus two big headlights, can you get carsick?

You are not carsick, you are sick of me, right?

This made Yang Mi doubt whether Xu Qing had someone outside. After all, people like him, especially those who sing folk songs, are the most attractive to young girls who are not familiar with the world!

I heard that some men have perverted hobbies and like to find little girls.

Could Xu Qing be like this too?

But after some investigation, Yang Mi found that Xu Qing didn't have any!

He only had an assistant and agent, who was a man!

He couldn't... Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Yang Mi was absolutely sure that Xu Qing was not that kind of person!

She was still quite confident. Even if you don't like me now, when you have any needs, I must be the first one!


"Xu Qing, I heard that you really plan to replace all the newly written songs in the next concert?"

In the office, an old man looked at Xu Qing in front of him earnestly.

He is the behind-the-scenes investor of Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company. It can be said that he has devoted all his efforts to Jiaxing Entertainment Culture.

At present, he is quite satisfied with the development of this company.

Unlike Yang Mi's big strides, he is more looking for stability!

After all, in Dragon Country today, the entertainment industry is at the forefront, and it is said that even pigs can take off.

But even the smallest waves can bring danger.

Didn’t the Titanic, which was said to never sink, crash into an iceberg?

Not every pig can be called a piggy man.

He knows a lot about the company’s singer Xu Qing.

He is even his fan!

If he were not older, he would have wanted to find an opportunity to buy a ticket and sing a few songs on the spot!

Anyway, it is called a concert, but in fact it is a chorus of thousands of people?

One more person is not too much!So the expression on the old man's face was almost the same as Yang Mi's just now.

Confused, puzzled, and looked like Xu Qing, are you okay?

Including the famous music composer present, his scalp was tingling. He certainly didn't like the senior leaders to approve Xu Qing's request this time.

After all, more than 20 songs, one week, I have to compose them all?

Just hearing it makes me numb!

This is worse than 996!!!

Even if I have 24 hours a day, it's not enough!

The work is too difficult!

The key is that they have to be presented at the concert in a week.

Are you kidding? What was the quality of Xu Qing's previous songs? Each of them can reach the popularity of the whole people!

Although everyone is joking, Xu Qing doesn't need to sing at his concert, fans will do it!

But the key to the problem is that the reason why Xu Qing doesn't need to sing is because the quality of his music is excellent!

Both the melody and the lyrics are very down-to-earth and catchy, with almost no difficulty.

And most importantly, it can resonate with the fans!

Everyone said they were singing at Xu Qing's concert, but in fact, it was more like expressing their inner complaints and dissatisfaction with life!

After being suppressed for too long, they need to find a place to vent, and Xu Qing's songs and Xu Qing's concerts are the best and most suitable stage!

In addition, Xu Qing himself did not lose his original intention in the entertainment industry because of his fame. He did not have any scandals, did not hype, and focused on music.

He released a new song every month, and the quality of each song was impeccable!

How could such a singer not be liked by the fans?

It is precisely because of many factors that Xu Qing is what he is today.

It can be said that the phenomenon of Xu Qing's concert is not a miracle, but almost a necessity!

But in the same way, it is too difficult to find such a person among the singers in the entertainment industry!

But the more difficult it is, the more precious Xu Qing is.

This is why everyone knows but cannot replicate the Xu Qing phenomenon.

So facing such a situation, it is so easy to continue to hold concerts.

Even a new song a month is not difficult for him at all!

As a result...

Xu Qing is not happy?

But they don't know that the reason why Xu Qing is like this is because he has lived two lives.

But as a singer in both lives, he has never been able to sing well!

Either he is not famous, there are not many fans at all, and he can only sing in places like bars.

Do people come to listen to songs in those places? Who would go to bars to listen to songs!

After traveling to Blue Star, although Xu Qing became famous, the problem did not change, but became more serious!

He has tens of thousands of fans, but the actual situation is worse than singing in a bar!

After all, there, everyone is busy with physical and psychological communication, and no one will come to grab Xu Qing's microphone.

He can still sing a few words!

But in this world, he was snatched away by fans as soon as he started!

The key is that he can't get angry. After all, that is also an expression of fans' affirmation of his strength, right?

Seeing that both sides are reluctant to give in, Yang Mi suddenly spoke up.

"Actually, I called everyone here mainly to ask everyone to take a look at Xiao Xu's new works first."


Everyone was slightly stunned. They had heard on the way here that he wrote more than 20 songs overnight in less than half an hour. Can he write good things in such a short time?

Decades of experience in this industry tell them that this... is impossible!

If it weren't for Xu Qing being the top brother of Jiaxing Entertainment Culture, these senior executives would have scolded him long ago.

They are very busy with their daily lives, so how can they have time to deal with such a nonsensical request?

Who do you think you are?

You don't want to hold a concert, right? There are people who do!

Holding the idea of ​​starting with the blow of the quality of Xu Qing's new songs, everyone began to pick up one or two songs on the table and read them.

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