Chapter 47: Su Chen's idea, crowdfunding to make a movie? [Beg for flowers, rewards and votes! ]

After hearing what Su Chen said, everyone was stunned and didn't react.


Su Chen actually wants to give dividends?

Under the confused and curious eyes of everyone,

Su Chen continued to talk about his ideas.

"The rule is that the budget for the next movie is about 30 million, of which 15 million will be paid by the company, and the other 15 million will be given to everyone."

"Everyone can crowdfund and invest, the upper limit is 15 million, and all this money will be used for the filming of the next movie"

"When the box office of the next movie comes out, half of the salary will go to me, and the other half will be distributed to all of you after deducting taxes."

"The amount of dividends depends on how much money you invested and the total box office of the movie!"..................................................

The rules of dividend distribution are very simple.

In the next movie, everyone will be an investor and can make investments.

Half of the box office revenue of the movie will go to Su Chen, and the remaining half will be distributed among all the younger brothers as dividends.

If the box office of the movie is high and the investment is large, then more money can be obtained as dividends.

On the contrary, if the box office of the movie is not high and the amount invested is not much, then the money obtained will be much less.

This is the idea that Su Chen came up with.

Want to make money? It's very simple!

You either contribute money or work hard! For those who work hard, Su Chen will pay them a salary.

For those who contribute money, dividends will be distributed to them according to the amount of investment.

When the rules were announced by him.

There was a constant discussion in the audience, and everyone started discussing it.

"What? For the next movie, are we all investors?"

"The more money you invest, the more dividends you get. It sounds pretty good!"

"Is this the dividend that Big Brother mentioned? Why does it sound better than the Jiang family's?"

"Of course, I must support my brother!"............

Most people got excited immediately.

The first two movies,"Young and Dangerous" and"Prison on Fire" have already explained everything.

Any movie shot by Su Chen can make money!

And it's not just a little bit!

Both movies are so successful, and now Su Chen said that he wants them to be the investors. Isn't this just to make money with them?


Everyone was very excited and wanted to invest all their lives in it now.

Of course.

There are still a small number of people who are skeptical.

The more money you invest, the more dividends you get?

What if the movie loses money?

Wouldn't they lose everything!

If the next movie is like"Young and Dangerous" or"Prison on Fire", it will definitely make a lot of money.

But if it's a bad movie, it's not a question of whether it makes money or not, but a question of how much money it loses!

The returns are high, but the risks are even higher!

Simply put.

Su Chen's dividend rule is that risks and returns coexist.

After hearing this, some people showed doubts.

"What if the movie doesn’t do well at the box office? Won’t we lose money?"

"Yes, but judging by the box office of the first two movies, it shouldn’t be that bad. Big brother wants to help us make money!"

"I don’t think so. The success of the first two movies was mainly due to luck. If Big Brother had run out of ideas, we would be at a huge loss!"

"Yes, or we should not invest too much money. I have elderly parents and young children to take care of, I can’t afford the consequences of losing money!"...........

In the end, most people still believed in Su Chen.

The remaining few, although skeptical, also said they would invest money.

But they would not invest too much.

After seeing this result, Su Chen said nothing, just nodded.

If you are willing to invest, invest. If you are not willing, he will not force you.

Anyway, he is the one who makes money with his brothers. If you don't want to make this money, then I can make it for others.

"That's it. All of you will invest a total of 15 million. The more you invest, the more dividends you will get. As for how much you will get, it's up to you."

"I will do this every year, select a movie and have everyone be the investor, and treat it as a dividend to my brothers."

"Do you have any other questions? If not, let's adjourn the meeting!"

Su Chen finished speaking.

The smiles on everyone's faces became even bigger.

Will there be such dividends every year?

You know, if this movie is a success, the money they can get will be no less than the dividends of the other three families!

At this time, someone at the scene raised his hand and asked,"Brother, how are we going to give you this money?"

"Now I am just informing you of this news. You will have three days to transfer the money you want to invest to Uncle Wang."

The brothers under him have been with their fathers for a long time.

Therefore, they are generally older.

They all have families.

If they were young, it would be fine. They could always take out the money, but for people like them who have families, it is definitely not that easy to take out a large sum of money in a short time.

That's why Su Chen gave three days.

"These three days are not only for everyone to raise money for investment, but also for everyone to think carefully."

"Of course, I can guarantee that the next movie will be a hit, at least not worse than the previous two movies."

"As for how much money I can make, I don't know yet, but it will definitely not be low!"

Su Chen added at last.

It was a guarantee for everyone.

Those who believed in Su Chen became more certain after hearing this.

They must invest in it!

As for those who doubted, they were still doubtful, but since Su Chen said so, they would definitely invest.

It's just that the amount would be smaller.

"Ok, that's it, meeting adjourned!"

As Su Chen left, his subordinates also left.

Some went to the bank to withdraw money, while others went home to discuss with their wives and prepared to invest a large sum of money.

A small number of people who didn't believe in Su Chen went to Uncle Wang and invested a few thousand yuan.

The most terrifying one was Chen Shuaiwen.

He starred in two consecutive movies, and his salary alone was 300,000.

After the meeting,

Chen Shuaiwen hurried home, discussed with his wife, and did something no one expected. He sold the house directly!

Although it was just an ordinary second-hand house outside the 18th tier, Linhai City was also a developed city, and it was finally sold for 3 million.

A full 3 million, plus the 300,000 salary for the two movies, Chen Shuaiwen was ready to invest it all!...........

However, just as Su Chen's brothers were raising money to invest in a new movie, the news also reached the ears of the other three families.....................................................................................................

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