Chapter 31: Breaking the 100 million box office, payout! [Beg for flowers, rewards, and review votes!] After a brief calculation

, if the box office is 100 million, then the share after tax will be about 30 million.

Put aside the 2 million cost.

Earn a full 28 million!

Of course, this money has to be used to pay his subordinates.

As the eldest brother, Su Chen will naturally not treat his subordinates unfairly, but he will not treat himself unfairly.

After thinking about it, he decided.

Give the leading actors 100,000 each. Those who are responsible for the crew work, such as the props group, special effects group, and shooting group, will receive 30,000 each.

As for the extras, each will receive 20,000. The leading actors get 100,000, no problem, after all, Su Chen can't find such professional actors in Hengdian with this 100,000.

The crew members are all technical personnel, so it is reasonable to get 30,000.

As for the extras.

In addition to playing supporting roles, they are also assigned to do some rough and tiring work in the crew. The number of 20,000 is very reasonable.

You know, it only took one month to shoot"Young and Dangerous".

Back then, these brothers were so poor that they had to work as screwdrivers in an electronics factory.

Now, they have transformed themselves into small bosses with a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan.

How much is the average monthly salary of ordinary people in Longguo?

Su Chen gave them so much money, on the one hand, because his brothers really worked hard.

On the other hand, he also hoped to win people's hearts through this method.

If this little money can make the brothers loyal to him, it is still worth it.

After calculating, Su Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"Damn, in my previous life, I was the most cruel to capitalists when I worked overtime"

"How come I am now a capitalist? Is this what they call a dragon-slayer who eventually becomes a dragon?" Su Chen complained. He brought his bank card to the company lobby.

"Notify everyone to gather, the meeting will start in 30 minutes!"

Half an hour later, all the staff were present.

Facing hundreds of brothers, Su Chen cleared his throat.

Because the company was really big, he bought a microphone.

Holding the microphone, he started to speak.

"Ahem, I called you all here today mainly to tell you a good news."

"Our first movie Young and Dangerous has been a huge success, let's pay the brothers today!"


Everyone's eyes lit up immediately after hearing these two words.

In the past, each of them could only get a monthly salary of three to four thousand, which was scraped together by Su's father.

Now that the new leader has taken office, it should be better, right?


When the extras raise their hands, more than ninety people raised their hands.

"As for you, each of you will receive 20,000 yuan in remuneration, which will be transferred to your card later!"


Everyone was stunned again.


Just being an extra can earn 20,000, it's a great pay!

For a moment, the entire company hall was filled with cheers.

The brothers were also quite honest. When they heard that they had received their bonuses, they were all very excited.

When it was almost quiet,

Su Chen continued to speak and said,"Next, the technical staff of the crew, raise your hands."

At this point, there were only about 20 people left.

After all, most people had low education levels, and it took Su Chen a lot of effort to find so many technical staff.

"Your salary is 30,000!"

30,000, it sounds like there is not much difference from extras.

But don't forget, the two most critical positions in the crew, director and screenwriter, are Su Chen.

They only need to be responsible for some technical issues.

So after hearing that there is so much money, they also became excited.

As for Chen Shuaiwen and other leading actors.

When they heard this, they were looking forward to it.

Even extras and technicians can get so much, then we, the leading actors, must get more, right?


They looked very serious, waiting for Su Chen to speak

"As for the main actors, their pay is 100,000 yuan each!"

100,000 yuan!!!

Maybe some of these people could earn 100,000 yuan a month before, or even more.

But that was in the past!

Collecting protection fees and being a thug, how risky is that?

Not only will you get beaten up at any time, but you will also be at risk of being arrested.

If people are beaten to death on the streets one day, what does it matter if you make a lot of money?

But now it's different.

You make clean money without any risk.

And you're making a movie, how face-saving it is to tell others about it.

In this case.

After hearing their pay, Chen Shuaiwen and the others were instantly excited.

"Damn it! Big brother is right!"

"What's wrong?"

"Being an actor, an actor, can earn more money than the protection fee, and the money is clean!"

Chen Shuaiwen was shocked.

He couldn't help but recall that he had doubted the decision of the new leader.


Isn't this a joke?

Now that he thinks about it, he really wants to slap himself.

Big brother is worthy of being the big brother!

He is so far-sighted even in doing things!

It's amazing!

Thinking of this, Chen Shuaiwen's admiration for the leader deepened.

Of course, if Su Chen knew what he was thinking, he would definitely complain.

I just tricked you into filming a movie with me, why would I consider so much?....................................................................................................

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