Chapter 24: The one who has been in prison the longest will play the leading role! [Beg for flowers and evaluation votes! ]

Others had similar ideas.

Su Chen asked for no reason,"Raise your hands if you have been in prison."

Isn't this just a plan to clean up the mess!


Everyone at the scene looked at each other. No one dared to raise their hands.

Let's talk about Su Chen.

He didn't know that his brothers had just imagined so much.

Seeing that no one raised their hands, Su Chen was a little confused.

What's going on?

Among so many brothers, not one has been in prison?

How can this"Prison on Fire" be filmed?

Thinking of this, Su Chen whispered in embarrassment

"So how do I shoot this movie?......"

Although the voice was not loud, the scene was very quiet and everyone heard it clearly.

After hearing this, everyone understood.

It turned out that Su Chen was planning to make a movie!

I thought he was going to fire someone!

Making a movie, that's easy!

Immediately, before anyone else could react, Chen Shuaiwen hurriedly raised his hand.

"Brother, I! I! I was in jail for half a year!"

He raised his hand.

Everyone reacted and raised their hands and shouted at the same time.

"Brother, choose me, I’ve been in prison for a year!"

"I've been to jail, too!"

"Haha, I was just released last year. No one knows prison better than me!"

"What’s the point of being released last year? I was just released from prison three months ago!"

"Director Su, I was in jail for two years!"....................................................................................................

When they learned that Su Chen was actually planning to make a movie, the scene was in chaos.

Hundreds of people actually started to compete with each other!

What they were competing for was not anything else, but who had been in prison longer.

If other people saw this scene, they would be scared to death.

A company with more than one hundred people, and 90% of them had criminal records?

Is this a criminal company?

Su Chen nodded with satisfaction.

He said very proudly:"I knew that the brothers are professionals in this area."

"It’s great that so many people have been to prison!"

"Now tell me about your time in prison. I plan to select three people to be the stars of the next movie!"

After that, everyone became even more excited.

You know, they are very envious and jealous of Chen Shuaiwen and Li Shuai.

Because they are the stars of"Young and Dangerous"!

Since they are the stars, their pay must be more than others.

After Su Chen proved his directing ability, everyone stopped questioning him.

Instead, they all wanted to be the stars and make money with their big brother.

Suddenly, the scene was in chaos again.

Everyone started to compare themselves with each other.

"Brother, I was in jail for three years!"

"I was there for three and a half years, I am more experienced!"

"Three and a half years? I remember your sentence was reduced and you were released after less than two years!"

"It’s only been two years, and I’ve been in prison for four years!"......

Everyone started comparing themselves again.

Some even produced evidence to prove their"qualifications".

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the crowd.

The voice was full of energy, and everyone was stunned when they heard his words.

"Brother! I am thirty years old this year. I have been in prison for ten years and was released last year!"

"I dare say that no one in the company knows more about imprisonment than me!"

After he finished speaking, everyone was stunned and confused.

Ten years?

He was just released last year?

This guy is even more of a heavyweight!

After hearing this, Su Chen was also stunned.

There is actually someone who has been in prison for ten years?

Immediately, he asked:"Okay, it's you! What's your name?"

""Brother, my name is Sun Jian. Don't worry. No one is more professional than me in prison!"

Sun Jian was overjoyed.

Ten years ago, he was arrested for a very bad fight and was imprisoned for ten years.

He thought his life was over.......

He had been repenting day and night for the past ten years.

He prayed that if there was an afterlife, he would never commit a crime again.

But he never expected that his life, which he thought was over, would turn around at this time!

After being in prison for ten years, he was able to find a job, and he even played the leading role!

"Sun Jian, Chen Shuaiwen, Li Shuai, the three of you come with me. The rest of you please wait a moment. I will select some supporting roles and extras later."

"That's it, meeting adjourned!"

After saying that, everyone dispersed with great interest.

Although they didn't get the leading role, at least they had other parts.

On the other hand,

Su Chen brought three people to the office and prepared to talk to them alone about the movie.

Sun Jian was a little nervous. When he was filming"Young and Dangerous" before, he was just an extra.

This time he was going to play the leading role, and he was really nervous!

"Big brother, how do you play the protagonist?......"

Like Li Shuai and others before him,

Sun Jian is not very confident in his acting skills.

After all, he hardly watches movies, let alone has received systematic training.....................................................................................................

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