When everyone returned to the shelter, it was already dark.

Bai Xiaolu’s eyes were red from crying, and her mood was extremely complicated.

Lu Wei saved her. She was very grateful, but she couldn’t be grateful at all. She was even a little angry.

She even wondered if she was a little heartless?

But when she thought of Lu Wei being so cruel to her, she felt very sad.

If it were Miss Fox or Mina, would you still be so fierce?

Certainly not!

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaolu felt even more aggrieved.

I had mixed feelings in my heart, and I was not in the mood to talk. I have been silent since I came back, without the joy and laughter of the past.

Yang Xiaohu wanted to be coaxed by Lu Wei. As a bystander, she could see clearly.

As long as Lu Weiyi coaxes her, Bai Xiaolu will be fine.

Not only is it okay, but he will also be very grateful to Lu Wei, and maybe even develop a different kind of feeling.

But that’s what she was afraid of. It was already confusing enough to have two more competitors out of nowhere.

If Bai Xiaolu gets involved again, what will she do? Play mahjong? Do you have to gather 4 people?

On the other hand, Zhang Xiaoai, who had been staying at the shelter, saw Bai Xiaolu’s eyes were red and swollen from crying, so he quickly pulled her aside and asked about the situation.

After learning the whole story, he patiently enlightened me.

“Silly girl, the angrier Lu Wei is, the more he cares about your safety.

At the same time, it also shows that he does not regard you as a stranger, but as a good friend or a relative like a sister.

Think about it, when we made mistakes when we were young, how did our parents educate us?

I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid, I made mistakes and did dangerous things, and my parents would scold me at least, and get beaten at worst.

The purpose is to prevent me from doing dangerous things in the future. Isn’t this the reason for excessive concern?

If he treated you as a stranger, or just an ordinary friend, would he still treat you so harshly?

This only shows that he cares about you and is afraid that you will be in danger.

Think about it, is this true? ”

After hearing these words, Bai Xiaolu’s heart suddenly became more complicated.

Yes, that is indeed the case. Wouldn’t it be the same for you too?

If your younger sister does something wrong, you will scold her yourself, but if you are someone else’s child, who will care what you do?

Thinking of this, the grievance in Bai Xiaolu’s heart dissipated little by little.

However, now that she was asked to take the initiative to talk to Lu Wei, she felt a little embarrassed.

The little face was full of confusion.

Everyone enjoyed today’s dinner.

This oyster is large and delicious, plump and juicy. When you eat it, it is full of fragrance. When dipped in a little chive flower sauce, the taste is even more delicious.

“Everyone, eat more. There is not enough in the pot. Let’s eat hard today and work hard for the competition tomorrow to win the championship.” Wu Jing encouraged everyone with a smile.

Everyone is in high spirits and full of confidence for tomorrow’s game.

Coupled with the delicious oysters, the atmosphere is quite lively.

Half an hour later, a few girls were the first to evacuate, while a few guys stayed to continue showing off.

There is no point in eating such a simple thing, so several people discuss it and compete to see who can persist to the end.

Anyway, so much has been cooked. If you don’t eat it, you won’t be able to eat it tomorrow morning.

It is easy to have diarrhea after eating seafood overnight. Diarrhea is a very dangerous thing in the wild.

In line with the principle of not wasting food, everyone decided to eat them all.

Lu Weiwei waved his hand and said proudly: “You can do whatever you want, I’ll tell you everything, and leave the rest to me.”

Everyone also knows that Lu Wei’s appetite is indeed a bottomless pit.

Every time no matter how much you make, there is nothing left.

Although I know that Lu Wei is very good at eating, as a man, he always has an inexplicable desire to win.

Besides, oysters are a good thing for men. They consume so much these days, so it’s time to eat more and replenish them.

“Then how do we determine the winner?” Since it is a competition, there is a winner and a loser.

Lu Wei thought for a while and suggested: “Let’s do this. Whoever has more oyster shells in front of him in the end will win.”

Chen Chichi objected again: “That’s not fair. Who doesn’t know that you have a big appetite, so I have to put some restrictions on you.”

Lu Wei smiled and said: “No problem, in the final calculation, can I only count half of the weight?”

“Okay, this is what you said, don’t go back on it.”

“I will never regret it.” Lu Wei replied forcefully.

But I laughed secretly in my heart, don’t tell me half of it, even if I let the four of you put together, I wouldn’t be able to eat it.

The reason why I say half is mainly because I am afraid that I will use my full strength to scare you. Another reason is that I am afraid that there will not be enough oysters.

Yang Xiaohu smiled and said: “Okay, then I will be the referee for you, and I announce that the Island Cup, the first showy rice eating competition has officially begun.

set time

Whoever eats the most in 1 hour wins.

The winner will be awarded a mysterious grand prize by me.

Listen to my command, 1, 2, 3, start! ”

As soon as the words fell, several people started to show off the food in their mouths frantically, fearing that they would eat too slowly and fall behind.

Pengpeng almost stuffed oysters into his nose.

Lu Wei was not in a hurry. Seeing them eating so fast, he persuaded them: “Why are you eating so fast? Eat slowly, don’t make your stomach full.”

Although Lu Wei looked calm and unhurried, he ate the fastest and the most.

Mainly because he had two assistants around him to help him. Yang Xiaohu and Mina flagged Lu Wei’s hand as injured and stayed behind to help him remove the shell and get the meat.

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