Without thinking too much, the remaining two people rushed to treat their teammates.

Lu Wei took this opportunity to keep walking and continued to approach them unhurriedly.

The leisurely look seemed like he was not fighting, but shopping.

The audience in the live broadcast room kept making complaints.

“Bah, if you’re a pretentious person, you’ll get fucked sooner or later.”


“Use Sophie Night Tablets for side leakage.”

“I usually use a nurse.”

“Nima, although it looks very annoying, it would be nice if it were me.”

“It has to be my Lu Wei giegie, so handsome.”

“Stepmom, get out of here!”

“What the hell is a stepmother?”

“Stepmother = fake mother.”

Beibang had just rescued his teammates, and Lu Wei was already within a hundred meters of them, still looking like he was giving priority.

Leaving the two injured sprayers behind, the two intact ones hurriedly crawled out and prepared to fire back.

However, even if the two of them came out together, they were still no match for Lu Wei.

With two bang bang shots, the two people who had just popped up were shot in the head and fell back.

The two of them, who had just finished taking the medicine and were replenishing their health, were shocked when they saw their teammates fall and rushed to treat them.

However, at this time, Lu Wei was already within 50 meters of them, and they had no chance.

Lu Wei took out two grenades, unhurriedly pulled the tabs, and threw them towards Beibang’s position.

The two people who were treating their teammates saw a flash of despair in their eyes when they saw the grenade falling in front of them.

boom! boom!

With two loud noises, the North Baseball team, which had dragged Yang Xiaohu and others for more than two hours, was eliminated.

Back and forth, in less than a minute, Lu Wei easily solved the problem without even peeing.

Seeing this, Wu Jing smiled bitterly and shook his head. The gap was too big. Compared with this pervert, he was simply making himself uncomfortable.

“It’s finally solved. Being a waste is too boring.” Bai Xiaolu said with a relaxed look.

This guy is completely messed up, and he doesn’t shy away from being a waste at all.

Mina is obviously not willing to be a waste, but she has no choice. She is really not very good at this kind of game. In addition, she is pregnant and does not dare to make some exaggerated actions. Even if she wants to kill the thief, she can’t save her life.

Some people may think that even if their bodies have been transformed by their souls, can they still beat a few ordinary people who have not been transformed?

First of all, the four people on the opposite side are really not ordinary people. The North Baseball Team has also been professionally trained.

Secondly, good physical fitness is an advantage in this hot weapons battlefield, but it is not an important factor. On this point, we ourselves should have the most say.

When the North Baseball team competed, our equipment was worse than others and our physical fitness was not as good as others, but we still won.

Wu Jing, Yang Xiaohu and the others are at best ordinary people with strong physical fitness. Of course, it is easy to deal with ordinary people.

However, it is different when you meet someone with professional training.

Of course, if it were a real battlefield, Yang Xiaohu and the others might be able to win.

After all, her and Zhang Xiaoai’s marksmanship are still very good.

The key is this game mechanism, which can save teammates infinitely, which is equivalent to infinite resurrection.

Both sides can be resurrected. How can we win? We can only waste our lives.

“How did you find this place?” Yang Xiaohu asked with a smile as he looked at Lu Wei walking over with a sullen face.

Realizing that Lu Wei was unhappy, her thoughts changed quickly and she began to think of ways to coax him.

Lu Wei said angrily: “What’s more, I returned to the base after the fight. When I saw that you haven’t come back yet, I knew that you didn’t listen to me and must have continued deeper.

I’ve been looking for you all the way, do you know how anxious I am? ”

Seeing that Lu Wei was angry, Wu Jing was worried that they would quarrel, so he decisively stood up and took the blame.

“I’m the one blaming me for this. I thought I still had plenty of time, so I just wanted to earn more points, and accidentally went too far.

As a result, we encountered a strong team and dragged everyone here. It was all because of my failure as the team leader. ”

When Lu Wei saw this, he was not polite and reprimanded directly: “Brother Jing, I handed them over to you at the beginning, and you did this. Are you worthy of me?”

Hearing this, Wu Jing looked ashamed and turned red: “Brother, I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I accept the punishment and will never complain.”

Lu Wei had no expression on his face and said coldly: “You are the big brother. I have always trusted you. I didn’t expect you to really disappoint me. Okay, stop talking. There’s no need to punish me. I won’t do it either.” If we don’t have that right, let’s go back.”

The words were very hurtful. It could be said that it was the first time since they met that Lu Wei had criticized someone so mercilessly.

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