“Wow, it looks like we can have extra food today.”

“Dried salted fish, my favorite.”

“As long as it fills my stomach,”

“Quick, give me one. I just ate some wild vegetable porridge this morning. I’m already hungry.”

A sneer flashed in Ivanov’s eyes as he looked at these people who were starving to death and reincarnated.

While everyone’s attention was on the salted fish, Ivanov winked at Vladimir and signaled for action.

Vladimir on the side nodded calmly and gently opened the zipper of his clothes, revealing rows of grenades inside.

Judging by the number, there were at least a dozen. If they all exploded, no one in the room would be able to escape.

The safety pins of these dozen grenades are all threaded on a rope. As long as the rope is pulled, the safety pins will fall off, and the grenades will explode in a few seconds.

Generally speaking, the safety catch of a grenade is not so easy to pull off. The scenes in movies and TV shows of tearing off the safety catch with teeth are even more ridiculous.

If the safety bolt is so easy to be torn off, it will easily fall off during transportation and cause an explosion.

Therefore, the general safety bolt is very difficult to pull out, and it requires two hands to pull it off.

Because the other end of the safety bolt has a bifurcated design, it can only be pulled out after being straightened with force.

But as long as the fork is straightened in advance and the safety bolt is inserted back, it can be easily removed. This method is also used when setting up booby traps.

“Ding ding…” After a few soft sounds, a series of safety bolts were pulled out by Vladimir.

Everyone looked at them subconsciously, and saw that this guy was smoking all over his body, and he was hurriedly dragging out his clothes.

Looking at what was in his clothes, everyone’s scalps were instantly numb with shock.

“Grenade!!!” someone yelled in horror.

The panicked people, some wanted to run away, and some wanted to lie down, but it was already too late.

Continuous explosions of “rumbling” resounded throughout the room.

Although it was just a simulated sound, it still frightened everyone so much that their faces turned pale.

Of course, it could also be because of anger.

Everyone in the room stared at Vladimir and Ivanov in shock and anger, with the anger in their eyes wishing to burn them to death.

“Ding! You have been eliminated. Please wait patiently for the staff to take you away from the scene.”

“Ding! You have been eliminated. Please wait patiently for the staff to take you away from the scene.”

“Ding! You have been eliminated. Please wait patiently for the staff to take you away from the scene.”

A series of beeps echoed throughout the room. Except for three members of the Hanscat team, who were only seriously injured because one of them was standing guard outside, the remaining 17 people were all eliminated.

The Polar Bears’ Ivanov and Vladimir were not eliminated because their teammates were still outside.

Although the explosion was enough to tear them apart, the game determined that it was not a direct death.

However, the two of them would rather be eliminated now, because in a seriously injured state, they cannot move, or can only move slowly.

However, the eliminated people have no restrictions and can move freely.

Looking at the people slowly coming around, with eyes that seemed to be eating people, Ivanov and Vladimir, who were lying on the ground, only felt the coldness of their chrysanthemums, and had a bad premonition.

Damn it, why didn’t you expect this situation at the beginning? You only thought that you would be eliminated too, but you forgot that you were seriously injured before you were eliminated.

“What do you want to do? Don’t come over…”


Lu Wei in the distance looked at the mechanical flying insects with great interest and kept clicking his tongue.

Peng Peng looked confused: “Brother Wei, what are you eating secretly?”

Lu Wei rolled her eyes at him angrily: “I’m so screwed up, I… uh, no, are you looking for a solution? Hurry up and get back to the camp before 12 o’clock.”

“Hehehe.” Pengpeng laughed evilly and quickly followed behind.

Half an hour later, the two finally rushed back to the camp.

When they returned to the foot of the camp, they happened to meet three people from the clock team.

As a result, several girls on the mountain refused to let Lu Wei do anything, and they wanted to solve it themselves.

Naturally, there will be no surprises in the ending. The three watch teams themselves have little fighting ability. How could they escape when they encounter four ferocious tigresses?

Almost instantly, they were sieved and eliminated.

After giving the three confused people a sympathetic look, Lu Wei and Pengpeng climbed up the hillside and returned to the camp.

When several girls saw Lu Wei coming back, they all came forward with joy on their faces.

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