: More slanted, longer

The three little guys returned to the mushroom house.

Ye Mo and the others have also returned.

The three little guys saw Ye Mo and the others.

Immediately shouted loudly:

“Where there is something interesting, take us there quickly.”

Di Lieba laughed and said:

“Didn’t you just want to come back?”

The three little guys blinked and blinked their big eyes, and said with a milky voice:

“We really want to come back.”

Di Lieba and the others rolled their eyes at the three little guys.

The three little guys are trying to trick them into not watching the live broadcast.

26 Then they looked at the dirty clothes of the three little guys.


“Do you still want to change your clothes?”

The three little guys shook their heads and said:

“No more.”

Di Lieba thought for a while and said:

“Let’s change it into stronger clothes.”

I’m going to slide down the hill later.

It is possible that the pants will be slipped.

So it’s better to change into stronger clothes.

And also bring spare clothes.

Including Di Lieba, He Jiong and the others.

Although the possibility of their pants being torn is very small.

But I have to guard against it.

The three little guys let out an oh.

I have no opinion either.

Ye Mo and the others prepare things.

They don’t just use leather butts to slide down hills.

I also prepared wooden boards to slide on.

Similar to a snowboard.

One end is warped.

At that time, I will sit on the board and skate.

Ready to complete.

Ye Mo and the others came to the village chief’s house.

Then the village head took Ye Mo and the others to the sliding hillside.

walked for a while.

Ye Mo and the others have arrived.

Looking at the hillside that the village chief said.

It is more sloping and longer than the hill where the three little guys played before.

Very suitable for adults to play.

Children are also suitable.

But it needs to be a child of 8 or 9 years old.

And the three little guys are only one or two years old.

Di Lieba said to the three little guys:

“Dudu, you can’t play this.”

The three little guys immediately became unhappy.

Why can’t they play.

They also want to play.The 3 little guys took Di Lieba and the others’ hands.

She shook her little body and acted like a baby.

Di Lieba and the others looked at Ye Mo.

Ye Mo thought for a while and said:

“Dudu and the others can still play.

Playing on the hillside, and not on the same passage as us. ”

Di Lieba and the others thought about it.


The three little guys cheered immediately.

Ye Mo and the others came to the bottom of the hillside.

Then began to climb the hill.

3 little guys crawled to the other side.

Actually, for those who have played sandboarding.

Sliding downhill is much less fun.

Sandboarding is more interesting.

Di Lieba also said just now.

If you go to Xinjiang after 183. Just go sand boarding.

At that time, the three little guys yelled that they would also go.

Of course the three little guys are going.

Otherwise, if only Di Lieba and Ye Mo would go.

Then Di Lieba’s parents will dislike her.

Why didn’t Little Dudu come together.

Little Dudu is the most important thing.

However, you can also have fun on the slopes.

Anyway, there is no desert here.

Then we can only use hillsides instead.

Ye Mo and the others wanted to climb to the top of the hill.

The three little guys are halfway up the hill.

So the three little guys climbed up first.

They immediately slid down with giggles.

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