: We are very powerful

“Amazing, everyone caught the fish.”

“Beyond my expectations, I thought there would be at least 6 people who would not be able to catch fish.”

“Is it because there are so many fish in that river that everyone catches fish?”

“Judging from the situation of the river, there will definitely be plenty of fish.”

“For us fishermen, this river is simply a holy place.”

“People like Reba and the others who have never fished before can catch fish. An experienced fisherman like me must be able to catch a lot of fish.”

“Don’t get too excited, even experienced fishers may join the Air Force.”

“I’ve never been in the air force. Even if I don’t catch any fish, I’ll drink a sip of river water!”

“Sure enough, he is a senior fisherman, never in the air force.”

“There is no suspense in the competition. Dudu and the others must be in the top three.”

“Who knows exactly how many fish Dudu and the others have caught?”

“I always remember that Dodo is the first, Xixi is the second, and Dudu is the third” ”

“Damn, this is what Dudu said before. Could it be that Dudu and the others can control how many fish they catch?”

“I’m completely sure, Dudu and the others are all good at fishing.”

“It’s incredible. Dudu and the others are only one or two years old, yet they have very high fishing skills.”

“Dudu and the others started fishing when they were in the womb.”

“A born fisherman, awesome Plath.”

After Ye Mo and the others caught fish.

The state of mind has become very relaxed.

Anyway, they didn’t want to win.

And now each of them is no longer an Air Force.

So the mentality is naturally very relaxed.

The ranking of the competition was determined from the very beginning.

The top three are 3 little guys.

The situation is exactly the same now.

But they were also amazed at the fishing skills of the three little guys.

Although they all watched it on the live broadcast before.

The situation of the three little guys fishing the day before yesterday.

But now at close range.

And they have personally experienced fishing.

Only then did I realize how powerful the three little guys are.

This is not cheating.

The fishing rods of the three little guys are all the same as theirs.

And the fishing locations are all the same.

But the number of fish they caught.

The gap with the three little guys is too big.

The combined number of them is not as good as the three little guys.

Originally according to the normal situation.

It should be the other way around.

The three little guys are not as good as theirs.

Although most of them don’t know how to fish.

But there are also a few who can fish.

In the end, he was defeated by the three little guys.

Ye Mo took the lead in praising the three little guys.

The others followed suit.

This made the three little guys very happy.

The giggling didn’t stop.

Ye Mo and the others boasted for a few minutes and stopped.

It’s impossible (if you get it) to go down forever.

But the three little guys were not very happy.

I still want Ye Mo and the others to praise them.

Di Lieba and the others are funny.

pinched the fleshy faces of the three little guys.

“…you three naughty little ones, why do you like to praise so much?”

The 3 little ones have a milky voice, milky air, and benevolence:

“It’s not that I like to praise, it’s that we are very good.”


This time Di Lieba and the others have nothing to say.

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