Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 983 Even big companies don’t have any surplus food.

Eisner was stunned immediately. Although he did not hear the specific details of the matter, he felt that he would be in trouble. This was an intuition. Ye Ming would not give in so easily.

For a person who becomes famous at a young age, he always has his own passion. This is an important reason why Eisner is unwilling to confront Ye Ming head-on. If the issue of the initial share of the film can be settled through the relevant departments, then Eisner feels there is no need to confront Ye Ming at this time. Conflict occurred.

However, it seemed that Eisner raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Do you believe Ye Ming's lawyer? Let me hear what this kid wants to do. Does he want to sue Disney?"

It seems, perhaps, that Ye Ming really has a plan, and the method used by Disney is actually not very glorious. If Ye Ming wants to fight back, he will definitely bring it up immediately.

Amy did not keep Eisner waiting. This was an example of the secretary's familiarity with her boss's habits. She knew that Eisner wanted to know the cause and outcome of the matter as soon as possible, so she said directly: "Ye Ming The lawyer's letter is asking for the same treatment as ours. When his movie Slumdog Millionaire is shown in American cinemas, he must have the same starting share as us, otherwise he will sue us for racial discrimination.

Moreover, he clearly stated in the lawyer's letter that if we disagree, he will directly sue us and the Film Association to court. I think people from the Film Association are not willing to wear this racial discrimination label, and there is no need for them to provoke Ye Ming. If Slumdog Millionaire enjoys the same start in the United States as our Pearl Harbor As for the share, then this matter is indeed a bit tricky. "

Eisner was suddenly stunned. Ye Ming's move was indeed vicious, and it was beyond his expectation. In Eisner's opinion, Chinese people have a reserved personality. Even if they suffer a loss, they usually He is also plotting against himself within his own country, stealing a box office or something. Then he will still have a chance to counterattack Ye Ming, provided that Ye Ming dares to steal the box office.

But he definitely didn't expect that Ye Ming would have the courage to come to the United States to compete with him at a time like this, and even roped in everyone from the Film Association. This is like a newborn calf not afraid of tigers.

The existence of this method is definitely the kind of method that makes people think of the old fox in Hollywood in an instant. Eisner was not confused, he just said he was a little upset. In such a situation, it was clear what Ye Ming wanted to do. Counterattack, this was Ye Ming's counterattack.

Eisner thought for a moment and said, "Is this legal?"

This is the concept of the United States. First of all, it is legal or illegal. Although sometimes Americans do some dark and dirty things, under such a situation, they at least have to hold up a sanctimonious flag to themselves. Action to find a chastity arch. Therefore, legality is the most important thing. In other words, is it possible for Ye Ming to succeed if he does this?

If it is a hype by Ye Ming, then Disney simply said that there is no need to pay attention to him on this matter. But Amy's words finally shattered Haesner's expectations.

Amy said unceremoniously: "On this matter, according to the WTO agreement, our films and Chinese films must enjoy the same treatment, provided that they can enter the mainstream film market in the United States, and Ye Ming has If Huihuang.com, with the help of Quantum Fund, wants to enter the mainstream market, there will definitely be no problem in this matter.

Moreover, film companies such as Universal, Fox, and Warner also maintain a supportive attitude towards Ye Ming. It can be said that there are basically no opponents of him in Hollywood now. "

Eisner couldn't believe this: "Why, why would a Chinese actor and a yellow man have such abilities? Could it be that his family is the leader of the relevant department?"

Amy shrugged her shoulders and said with certainty: "This is impossible. According to the data, Ye Ming is a real star in group performances. He started as a bit player and reached his current status. It can be said that he He didn't have any strong background to get to this point. Why Hollywood movie companies support him is because he has almost bought out the online copyrights of Hollywood's classic movies in the past century.

Moreover, the promotion capabilities of Huihuang.com are also developing rapidly. Movie stars promoted on Huihuang.com will be very successful. For example, Jackson was obviously heavily in debt, but after cooperating with Heming to promote his songs online, he has now turned around. Three banks including Citigroup said they could lend money to Jackson. "

It's not that Jackson couldn't borrow money in the past two years, but when banks lend money to Jackson, they must have collateral, such as the copyright of Beatles songs. Otherwise, no bank would be willing to deal with Jackson. It is no exaggeration to say that he is heavily in debt.

But now Jackson is making a comeback online.

Although he doesn't make as much money as before, everyone can see that Jackson's future online is very bright.

Therefore, banks are naturally willing to lend money to Jackson. Of course, there is still a mortgage, but it is the Internet copyright, the copyright of Jackson's Internet songs, and it is a low-interest loan. This, it is said, is something Jackson is still considering.

Now it was not Jackson begging the bank to borrow money, but the bank begging Jackson to lend them money. The host and guest immediately shifted. Anyway, everyone knows that if you have a good position on Huihuang.com, you will have the opportunity to make a fortune.

Therefore, at least the current Hollywood companies are not willing to break up with Ye Ming casually, at least it is impossible without sufficient benefits.

Eisner thought for a while and said, "Does the cooperation agreement that Disney signed with Huihuang.com last year also have the copyright for our movies?"

Amy didn't even need to read the memoirs, and said directly: "Not only do we have the film rights, but we also gave them the online rights to our previous cartoons, and the price was very cheap, because at that time we were discussing a cooperation with the Quantum Fund. As a result of the case, with the help of Quantum Fund, the cooperation with Huihuang.com was quickly approved by the board of directors. This was confirmed with your personal signature."

If it is not certified by the chairman's signature, no one would dare to sign the contract casually in such a matter. Eisner said with some regret: "Yes, I remember there was such a contract, but should we retain our own network copyright?"

Amy said with certainty: "Of course, but there is only one video website in the world, and that is Huihuang.com. The other websites reprint the videos of Huihuang.com, because now Huihuang.com owns the patent of the video website Technology, it’s ten, no, there are seventeen patented technologies in the hands of Huihuang.com now.

Therefore, if anyone wants to build a video website, they can only choose to cooperate with Huihui.com, otherwise they will be sued for bankruptcy by Huihui.com’s legal team. Disney’s own video website also cooperates with Huihui.com, and they are responsible for the construction and maintenance. of. "

Now Huihuang.com is not the only video website in the world, but almost all patented technologies are in the hands of Huihuang.com.

Therefore, although there are other websites, they all have the shadow of Huihuang.com.

Eisner took a breath at this time and said: "A young man in his twenties has actually reached this point. I really want to see what this guy thinks. If possible If I have the chance, I will meet him. Does it mean that the US government is currently in a lawsuit with Huihuang.com?"

This matter is no longer news. Almost everyone in the world who has anything to do with the Internet or who loves movies knows the news. Ye Ming has indeed been sued by the US government. It is said that he is currently litigating in the New York State Court, but it is said that it will definitely go to the federal court.

It is simply impossible for a New York State court to hear this case. Amy nodded and said: "The Federal Court has just announced that the case of Huihuang.com has reached the Federal Court. It is said that this is another suspected monopoly case. And it is said that a reporter saw Ye Ming visiting Mr. Bill Gates. There is reason to believe that they are all discussing their experiences in litigating with the government.”

Microsoft is also in a lawsuit with the US government. Bill Gates should be regarded as Ye Ming's predecessor. If two people get together, they will definitely talk about a monopoly case.

In such a situation, Eisner pondered for a moment and said, "What do the legal team say about this case?"

This lawyer's letter must be known to Disney's legal team. Otherwise, Eisner will be passive in such a matter. After all, he is not a legal professional, right?

Amy took out another document and said: "According to the preliminary opinions of the legal team, we should not have any direct conflict with Ye Ming. If we go to court, our chances of winning are very small. It is said that the Quantum Fund's legal team has been dispatched. Yes, relevant information is being collected.

Moreover, we still have to wait and see what the people from the Film Association do before choosing our own opinion. Now the opinion of the legal team is to wait and see. "

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, Eisner did this not once or twice. He looked at Michael Bay and said: "Dear, Mike, how do you view this kind of thing?"

As one of the parties involved in the matter, Michael Bay has enough say. After all, this matter also originated from his movie Pearl Harbor. If it were not for the initial share of China's treatment with Pearl Harbor, as for the Provoking Ye Ming, a guy who is just like a firecracker, is an unacceptable result.

If we talk about it in Hollywood, when people encounter this kind of thing, they first negotiate. Only when the negotiation fails, they will think about a big lawsuit.

Of course, generally in this situation, there are more private reconciliations in Hollywood. But Ye Ming had just received the same initial share treatment in China, and a lawyer's letter came right away. This simply means that there is a rhythm of starting to practice immediately.

This makes no sense at all. It seemed that this was the first time Michael Bay had encountered someone with this kind of personality. He thought for a while and said, "Ye Ming played a bandit in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I originally thought that this was just his own performance. But now I understand that in fact, the Luo Xiaohu on the screen at that time was Ye Ming's own performance. This is simply the logic of a gangster. It is not unreasonable at all and it is straightforward.

I dare say that if we refused, he would really dare to sue us.

This matter has nothing to do with us originally, but if it breaks out, it will be to promote Ye Ming's movie. No matter what, we will not take advantage of it. This guy has already planned this situation. .

However, I think it is better to follow the lawyer's idea and delay it. Anyway, in such a situation, no matter what it is, Ye Ming cannot be happy. I guess he is eager for us to refuse. Woolen cloth.

We don’t show our face when we win a lawsuit, but it’s even more embarrassing when we lose. It consumes our company’s reputation, and big companies don’t have enough money to spare. It's not worth going to court with Ye Ming. "

If Disney refuses, it is probably not impossible for Ye Ming to directly file a lawsuit. At this time, it will naturally be to promote Ye Ming's movie Slumdog Millionaire.

In this case, it would virtually put Pearl Harbor, a blockbuster that cost 1.4 billion US dollars, on the same level as Ye Ming's small production that cost several million US dollars. This is whether Michael Bay is No matter what, it's something I don't want to see.

Eisner thought for a while and said: "That's right, you can't let Ye Ming lead the way. Amy, please do this first, and then contact the people at Huihuang.com. I want to talk to Ye Ming face to face. Yes. Also, contact the people from the Film Association. In fact, the real protagonists of this matter are the people from the Film Association. I would like to see how they deal with Ye Ming's arrogant lawyer letter. "

In such a lawyer's letter, Disney can back down. After all, even if Ye Ming sues, Disney will be a foil at most, and the real main defendant is the Film Association.

Whether Ye Ming's movie Slumdog Millionaire can enjoy the same starting share as Pearl Harbor? In fact, this result is how people from the Film Association do it. If it is the Film Association's If people are willing to let Ye Ming go like this, the lawsuit will not start. If people from the Film Association are not willing to bow their heads in shame, then if this is the case, a lawsuit will probably become inevitable.

By then, it will be very clear how Disney faces Ye Ming. (To be continued)

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