Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 974: Gift from Fans

People in various circles here are discussing Ye Ming's decision to go to Hollywood, and many media have reported on Ye Ming's matter. And Wa Wa, the president of Ye Ming's fan club, even called Ye Ming directly and suggested that Ye Ming hold a fan meeting. The reason is very simple. When filming Minority Report, many fans wanted to go to the United States. Look at Ye Ming filming.

After all, many of Ye Ming's fans are very rich and rich, at least on the side of President Wawa, who often go abroad to buy clothes. There are twenty or thirty people, plus Miaomiao and the small landowners in the village. There is absolutely no problem for hundreds of people to go abroad.

Therefore, if they fly directly to the United States, it will be just a trip to New York Fashion Week for them.

Therefore, this matter was very simple, but it was suppressed by Ye Ming.

It's too arrogant to do this. Ye Ming has not yet established a foothold in Hollywood. Therefore, if he shows the power of his fans in such an arrogant way, then there will always be something like this in such a thing. It's such an inconvenience.

What Ye Ming meant was that when he established himself in Hollywood, he would invite everyone to come over if he was filming a movie. Because of Ye Ming's persistence, he didn't go there this time.

But Wawa kept such a thing in mind. When Ye Ming came back, she naturally suggested that Ye Ming organize this fan meeting. Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed to the request.

Anyway, China is its own territory, not the United States, so it doesn't matter if it's arrogant. After all, in such a situation, Ye Ming's status is enough for him to be arrogant.

Also, his fans were very enthusiastic about him, and he couldn't hurt his fans' hearts too much. Therefore, Ye Ming thought about it and agreed to this request. Of course, Ye Ming also said something in the end, don’t do it on a large scale, just spread it among the fans who are more familiar with it.

If it was done on a large scale, it would be possible for as many as 70,000 to 80,000 people to come. This result was not what Ye Ming saw.

If there are too many people, it is easy to cause problems. Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming thought about it and limited the number of people. Wawa thought it was very rare for Ye Ming to agree to this matter, so he naturally agreed.

After putting down the phone, Wawa directly contacted the small landowner and Miaomiao in the village. After hearing the news, these two people were also very happy.

The small landowner in this village is naturally a relatively stable person. She raised a question, that is: "How many people do we want to come this time? Ye Ming has said to limit the number of people. Don't do it and the whole world will know. Then We can't publicize this matter in a big way. If there is no limit on this matter, it would be a bit unreasonable. I think five or six thousand people are more appropriate. Even if we are looking for a theater in the capital, those five or six thousand people Theaters and cinemas are also relatively easy to find.”

This proposal, of course, is very good. There are too many, it is indeed difficult to control, and it is opposite to Ye Ming's intention.

Miaomiao frowned and said: "This proposal is good, but how to allocate these quotas? If we ask everyone to sign up directly, my quota of five or six thousand people is not enough. I must think of a restriction. Regarding the number of people, even within our support club, not all kinds of people can go." The key point is how to limit the number of people. This is very critical. In a situation like this Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to choose between who should be allowed to go and who should not be allowed to go, even internally.

The baby thought for a while and said: "Let's give gifts. Let's raise funds to give gifts to Ye Ming. Anyway, there are many rich people in the fan club, so there are also many people who need to take action. Ye Ming likes courtyard houses, and I happen to know that there is such a courtyard house in the capital that I want to take action. I won’t say anything myself, but we will see how much the difference is in the end, and how our three presidents can make up for it, so that they can also raise a little bit of money, as a token of their appreciation, and ordinary fans can forget about it.

Rich people should take some. Those rich people who raised funds gave a certain quota, and in the end, the remaining two thousand were drawn among all the fans in the fan club, and whoever was drawn would be the one. "

Miaomiao nodded with a smile and said: "This is a good idea. Let's see how much the difference is in the end, and just divide it among the three of us. This is a good idea. Give Ye Ming a gift. We haven't had a party for a long time, and we haven't had one for a long time." What did you give Ye Mingsong? This time, it might as well give Ye Ming a surprise."

This matter originally meant that it would be very crazy to directly address such a problem. Buying a gift for your idol is definitely something that only die-hard fans can do. Of course, this means squeezing one's own fans, and celebrities would never do such a thing.

No matter how greedy this star is for money, he still knows how to make a profit. His fans are the foundation of his career. Therefore, on such an issue, it is best not to exploit his fans.

Of course, if you are talking about your fans spontaneously raising funds to give gifts, then the nature of such a problem is different.

Judging from the excitement level of Wawa and Miaomiao, for such an event, they plan to mobilize the rich fans, and four thousand people will be given to these rich fans. Of course, ordinary fans must also be taken into consideration. Giving two thousand places, not taking a penny, and getting a chance to meet Ye Ming for free, this is interesting enough for ordinary fans. Those who spend money and those who don’t spend money are naturally different.

As for whether they can win the lottery, this is not a matter for the three of them to worry about.

Anyway, I'll give you a spot.

In such a situation, the small landowner in the village hesitated and said: "Ye Ming himself is a big star who came from the grassroots. If he knows about this, he may not be very happy. In this case, we people will Three thousand, and the remaining three thousand quotas are given to ordinary fans to draw by themselves. If the quotas for both types of fans are the same, then even if Ye Ming knows, he can't say anything."

After all, the small landowner in this village is older, so when considering the problem, he will naturally be more clear-minded. In such a situation, she also noticed the problem with Ye Ming's character. After a proposal like this from the small landowner of the village, at this time, the matter was settled.

Although there are very few local tycoon fans, there are three thousand quotas, and one person can only have twenty or thirty, so they will benefit from it, but if they get money, they will naturally have certain privileges.

Among Ye Ming's support group, the only ones who are truly qualified to be called rich are Wawa, Miaomiao and the small landowners of the village. They are the real rich. In fact, even for the three of them, it would be easy to buy a courtyard house for Ye Ming. He is a rich second generation, rich and willful.

But Ye Ming would definitely not accept such a gift. The three of them were naturally very clear about this. Therefore, I gave Ye Ming such a gift in the name of the support club.

Therefore, if Ye Ming knew about a matter like this, he would not blame everyone. It would be difficult for Ye Ming to say anything in this situation.

I have to say that Wawa, Miaomiao and the small landowner of this village are very experienced in giving gifts.

And Wawa and the others seemed to have underestimated the power of Ye Ming's fans, especially how powerful those wealthy fans were. In this regard, it was completely beyond the expectations of the three of them. There are more than a hundred wealthy fans who all have a special chat group. Naturally, the three of them will explain that the group has grown.

At this time, Wawa had just announced the matter. In less than 20 minutes, 70 or 80 rich fans expressed their willingness to donate. The least one was 50,000 yuan, and the most was 200,000 yuan. This shows The power of rich fans is so great. Just talking about the fans who expressed donations, the final calculation amount is already 20 million, which is almost enough to buy a courtyard.

Wawa finally decided to exchange for a bigger one, a larger courtyard house, and the three of them would share the remaining money. In the end, all the rich fans knew about this, and the result was almost over 30 million. This was really a surprising result. Rich fans are different, they are rich and willful.

Wawa quickly took care of this matter and changed it to a large courtyard. In the end, the shortfall was five million, so the three presidents made up for it directly.

The accounts are made public, how much money is donated, and what kind of money is used where. There are certain accounts.

Therefore, we are not afraid that someone will spend money randomly after donating. And the three of them, Wa Wa, are actually the presidents who are not short of money.

After receiving the call from Wawa, Ye Ming said with a wry smile: "Siheyuan, that's right. I like Siheyuan, but do you know how much the price of my first Siheyuan was? Three million, if I remember correctly, it was Three million, this has only been a year or two, and the price cannot rise so fast. You should have bought it a little more expensive. Although you are not being cheated, the gain is not worth the loss."

Although it was not Ye Ming's own money that he lost, it was also the money of his fans. Therefore, in such a situation, fans' money is also a reason for Ye Ming's heartache. Although many of those rich fans are not short of money, Ye Ming is not willing to see them waste their calculated money.

When the baby heard this, he immediately became angry: "It's expensive, okay. I take this matter to heart myself, and I will definitely get it done. Good guy, if you dare to rip off my money, you'll be fine." I’m getting impatient.”

Although Wa Wa is a die-hard fan of Ye Ming, when it comes to Ye Ming's issues, Wa Wa is unconditionally on Ye Ming's side. In fact, there is no reason.

Just like talking about an idiot in reality, even if Ye Ming said that coal is white and snow is black, the doll would still believe it, but this does not mean that the doll itself has no IQ. In fact, in In such a situation, if Ye Ming Dengyan is not involved, your baby is a very smart little girl.

If you want to trick her, is it so easy for the eldest lady to be tricked? This is obviously impossible. The eldest lady is very angry, and the consequences will naturally be quite serious.

Moreover, Wawa is not fighting alone, Meow Meow. The small landowners in this village are all supporting Wawa, and those fans who donate money are also Wawa's backing. If they know that their money has been cheated, it is difficult to explain what kind of energy they will burst out in this situation.

Therefore, Ye Ming himself did not want to get too involved in such a problem. He thought for a while and said: "Don't be angry, baby. I mean the price you bought is a bit higher. Although the price of three million and thirty million is There is a difference. However, I have also seen photos of the courtyard house without yours. It is worth the money. It is indeed in the tens of millions. It means that you suffered a little loss in terms of price. In fact, the price should not be so high. But the difference is less than 10%, which is an acceptable loss in properties such as courtyard houses. Even if they make money at this price, it will not be too much. No need."

Siheyuan has its own characteristics. Ye Ming himself also saw the Siheyuan they bought. It is indeed a very good place. It has a large courtyard with two entrances. There are no disputes. The land certificate and real estate certificate are also complete. The procedures are complete, and if it is more expensive, it is reasonable.

Then Wawa said reluctantly: "Then you mean you don't need to go to them. This yard bought it for you. If you are satisfied, then we have nothing to say."

Giving yourself a courtyard house is not something that ordinary fans can do, but if you say you won't accept it, it seems a bit unkind. These rich fans are very enthusiastic.

Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming thought about it and nodded and said: "Okay, I will accept the things. However, your support group does not have a fixed place in the capital. This courtyard, Just treat it as the headquarters of your support group. When everyone comes to the capital in the future, you can come to the courtyard to have fun."

Ye Ming accepted the things, but in fact, he also neglected his fans without subordinates. However, Ye Ming did not use them for other purposes, but directly gave them to these fans to use them as the capital headquarters of the support group. This is A solution that offers the best of both worlds. (To be continued)

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