Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 970 What a big pit

Because this incident has just come out, it is not just one media that is smearing Jackson. It does not mean that every media will wait until Jackson accepts an interview with Oprah before launching an attack. In order to gain sales, some media directly They published some news that was unfavorable to Jackson, and even said that some people were using the Chandler incident to settle old scores, thinking that Jackson was repeating his old habits.

Therefore, it is normal for these media outlets to wait to receive Jackson's lawyer's letter.

After all, Oprah is someone who has seen the world, so she quickly regained the composure that a host should have. At this time, she still showed a kind smile and said: "If this is true, , then can we be lucky enough to listen to these things? I think I am definitely not the only one who wants to know what the inside story of this matter is?"

This is where Oprah is smart. Although Oprah herself very much hopes to hear Jackson's so-called audio and video recordings, at this time, she is the reporter on the scene and the audience in front of the TV. They all regard it as people on their own united front, and want to listen to it under everyone's banner.

Therefore, in this case, if Jackson wanted to suppress and refuse, he would not be able to speak casually.

Of course, Jackson had no intention of refusing at all. He nodded and said, "Of course, this matter is also one of the reasons why I came to you. I want to use the Oprah Talk Show, a very influential program, to tell the world To all the fans who like me and all the people who support me, I am innocent."

These words of praise made Oprah very happy. Although the Oprah Talk Show is indeed a very excellent program and many celebrities have praised this program, this is the first time that Jackson has praised this program. It is a great honor to be praised by the King of Pop.

What's more, after this incident, the purpose of Oprah's talk show will be further enhanced, that is, to tell everyone the truth. This is what Oprah has been emphasizing in the show, and it has been the show's focus for more than ten years. What she has been doing, why everyone likes to watch the Oprah talk show, is that she has not fooled the audience.

This point is the most important.

Jackson asked his lawyer Obama to bring over a lawyer and introduced him: "This is my latest private lawyer, Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama is a very professional and dedicated lawyer."

The first thing I listened to was a recording. Because it was in the lobby of the airport, it sounded a bit noisy, but you could still tell that it was a man and a woman talking. Janet said with some frustration in her tone: "Come on Wen is so young and has encountered such a misfortune. I really don’t know how I should tell him the news and whether he can bear it. Doctor, are you sure this news is true? "

The doctor also pondered for a while and said: "I don't dare to say this, because the final result still needs to be reviewed. You know, you only said that you made a preliminary diagnosis in my clinic. To really confirm the diagnosis, further tests are needed." Proof, but, I dare say, this thing is probably true.

Judging from my many years of medical experience, your son Gavin’s condition is indeed, how should I put it, a large sum of money is needed, and it may not be able to be treated well. It is initially determined that a few million is the minimum. "

Hearing this number, Janet almost collapsed: "How can I, a waiter in a restaurant, get so much money? God, please save me."

The doctor seemed to be silent for three to five seconds, and then said: "Actually, it's not that there is no way. You know what happened to Chandler when Jackson spoke out last time. Chandler is my neighbor. In fact, Jackson is a molester. I gave him some ideas. Anyway, his son lived with Jackson, so I told him that he could sue Jackson for sexually molesting his son, so that he could get a sum of money. Sure enough, he got 20 million in one go. .

You can do the same thing. Jackson likes charity very much and likes children very much. You can find someone to contact Neverland and tell them that your son is a fan of Jackson.

I have a terminal illness and hope to see Jackson. I think Jackson’s character will not refuse. When the time comes, you can sue him for sexually harassing Gavin at the appropriate opportunity.

This time, I think you don’t have to give up if you don’t get 100 million. What celebrities don’t like the most is litigation. "

Now that the recording is here, the truth is revealed. No one will think that Jackson faked the recording. In front of so many people, he did not have the courage to forge the recording, because it is too easy to determine whether the recording is true or false. .

What's more, there is a video. The video that is played next is the video that Jackson got in the restaurant, Shanshuiju Restaurant. At this time, there are pictures and the truth. Janet shows up. It is indeed the same as last time. Framing Jackson.

After the audio and video ended, Oprah said with rare anger: "What do some parents think today? Don't they know how to set a good example for their children? Don't they know how to do it themselves?" , will it leave a bad impression on your child? Moreover, in such a situation, the doctor's approach was even more despicable and violated the basic morals of a human being."

At this time, with the evidence in hand, Oprah naturally said that she was firmly on Jackson's side. Now all fools know that Jackson will definitely fight back. Janet, the personal doctor named Hill, and some For this reason, any media that reports negatively on this incident will be severely punished.

At this moment, Janet was also watching this episode of Oprah's talk show in front of the TV. In fact, she paid more attention to this matter than the average person. Jackson said that he was going to participate in Oprah's talk show, and she felt it in her heart. There were bouts of uneasiness, and I even got angry at Dr. Hill.

But in the end, Jackson was sued in court because this matter could bring a lot of profits to her and her children. The result of Jackson's Chandler incident is a good example.

Therefore, at this time Janet finally filed a lawsuit in court.

At this time, the court called and the judge said unceremoniously: "Ms. Janet, I solemnly inform you that you are suspected of frame-up and false testimony. Please wait for a letter from Jackson's lawyer. Moreover, If you are in contempt of court, you will be punished as you should, whether Jackson sues you or not, you will be punished the same."

The judge is not a fool. He knows that under such a situation, the case does not need to be reviewed at all, and even if he dares to accept it, then in such a matter, Jackson fans all over the United States and even the world can One man drowned him with spit.

Originally, the judge also believed that in such a situation, being able to interrogate Jackson, the King of Pop Music, was something worthy of showing off. However, at this time, he also saw the Oprah talk show. Yes, even people who don’t understand the law at all can see that Jackson is innocent. Even at this time, in the last Chandler incident, Chandler might have to be punished by the law. punish.

After all, Dr. Xiwen also made it clear that it was his attention to Chandler that caused this matter.

In such a situation, as a professional judge, how could he not know that he was being tricked by Janet, so he called Janet directly to warn her.

Contempt of court is a serious or minor crime in the United States.

At the scene, all the reporters were shocked. They knew that Jackson would have evidence, but they did not expect that Jackson would have such favorable evidence.

At this time, Oprah was also curious and said: "Mr. Jackson, it seems that many people have misunderstood you. I think after this incident, more people will understand what kind of person you are.

However, if you are willing to share how you obtained this evidence, it is not easy to obtain evidence that is more covert than the intelligence of CIA agents. "

Of course, these words were inquiring words, without the aggressiveness and hiddenness just now.

Because everyone now knows that Jackson is innocent, therefore, at this time, at least the most basic respect for the King must be maintained.

At this time, Jackson could answer if he wanted to. If he meant not to answer, no one would force him to answer.

This was a discussion tone, and everyone wanted to see how Jackson was feeling at this time.

There is another point about teasing the outline, that is, the current Jackson seems to be more insidious, even very insidious. Even among the politicians in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, there are very few people with such insidious methods. of.

Jackson has always been the kind of person who goes straight to the point. Why did he dig a hole this time to almost let everyone jump in? Fortunately, many reporters had the patience to wait until the Oprah talk show ended before reporting. Otherwise, At this time, almost everyone is in Jackson's trap.

Why did Jackson become so sinister? A rich man, a rich star, and a sinister and rich star. That is quite scary in the United States. At times like this, everyone feels a moment of silence for the media that offended Jackson.

And Obama walked over directly and said: "Mr. Jackson, this question involves your privacy. You can refuse to answer. Even in court, if no one proves that your evidence was obtained illegally, You don’t have to answer this question either.”

A lawyer's profession is to protect the rights and interests of his client to the greatest extent. Obviously, Obama felt that Jackson's rights and interests were harmed at this time. As Jackson's personal lawyer, Obama believed that he had an obligation to provide this advice.

Jackson was very happy. In such a situation, he said very happily: "Don't worry, Mr. Obama, this is not something hidden. To be precise, my friends and I are sometimes decent people. Well, obviously, you don't think about this matter." It's strange but not impossible. These were all provided to me by my friend Mr. Ye Ming. I think I just said that it was a recording that Ye Ming accidentally made at the airport."

Jackson did say this just now, but the person Jackson was talking about about him and his friends was obviously referring to Ye Ming. These two people would be gentlemen. God, are there such insidious gentlemen?

Do you know how many people you tricked this time?

Oprah saw that Jackson had nothing against chatting about this, so she took the opportunity to continue the chat directly: "Of course, we know that the recording was provided by your friend, but what about the video, if there is no There is no way to obtain this video using certain means.”

At this time, Jackson glanced at Ye Ming and said, "As for this question, I think Ye Ming will answer you very well."

This was something Ye Ming had discussed with Jackson in advance, because Ye Ming knew that Oprah and the audience would definitely care about the origin of the evidence.

Therefore, Ye Ming said very calmly: "Because Jackson and I had dinner in this restaurant, and we also met Mr. Jackson's fans here. Of course, I won't say who the fans are. This is to ensure the legitimacy of the witness." Legitimate rights and interests will not be harmed. Anyway, it was Jackson's fans who saw that Jackson was being framed, so they provided this evidence to us.

I think it’s time for more people to know what kind of person Janet is.

Mr. Jackson has brought us many good songs, but what we have brought him is endless slander and insult. If a country cannot cherish its own artists, then I wonder if Mr. Jackson should consider immigrating to Others can protect his country.

Is it because Mr. Jackson is a black man? "This last sentence was so vicious that Oprah felt a chill in her back after hearing it. This was directed at US President George W. Bush. If Jackson really immigrated at this time.

He slapped President George W. Bush directly in the face, making a loud slap.

The United States has always claimed that it is a liberal democracy and that everyone is equal. They discriminate against black people, but they will never say it openly. Ye Ming, as an outsider and a Chinese, here questions Jackson because black people have been treated unfairly. , Shenzhen is talking about immigration, which is definitely something the US government does not want to see. This is simply the most lethal sentence in this talk show.

It seems that the person who is more sinister than Jackson is his friend Ye Ming. (To be continued)

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