Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 960: The Hidden Rules of Signatures

Did Jackson change the stage lighting? During the second rehearsal, I felt that this was indeed quite good. At least the feeling in the audience was greatly enhanced.

From Jackson's point of view, this is the most important thing. After all, the audience is the foundation of a star. The reason why Jackson is so successful is because he always looks at issues from the perspective of the audience and the fans. Even if it is a lighting problem, he very much hopes to make it perfect.

In the dressing room, Ma Su said excitedly: "This is Jackson, Michael Jackson, the King of Pop Music. If others knew that I saw Jackson, they would definitely scream in the same way."

At this time, Ma Su felt excited, even though it was not the first time he saw Jackson up close.

After all, not everyone can see Jackson. Ye Ming had a good relationship with Jackson. He was able to see Jackson and discuss the lighting issue on the stage with Jackson. Blackwater Security Company also knew about Ye Ming's existence, so it had nothing to do with him going on stage in the past.

But three people like Ma Su, Wang Baoqiang and Li Yapeng cannot do it.

He just stayed obediently in the dressing room that Jackson gave Ye Ming. But even so, Ma Su felt very happy, and it was really worth it this time.

At this moment, Ma Su was calling Sun Li: "Lili, do you know? I saw Jackson on the stage with my own eyes. Although I saw it while sitting under the stage, the king's elegance was already visible at a glance. There is nothing left.

I heard privately that it seemed possible that Fan Binbin would come this time, but the final result was that I came, and I could really wake up from my dreaming with a smile. "

At this time, Sun Li was lying on the bed and said a little jealously: "You are a person who behaves well when you get an advantage, right? We all wanted to go, but in the end we let you go. Remember to ask for Jackson's autograph for me then." .”

Ma Su said very boldly: "Don't worry, don't worry, I remember such things. In fact, Tang Wei also talked to me about this matter when he came here, and I also agreed to ask Sister Tang Wei for her autograph." .

Don’t worry, yours is indispensable too. It's a pity that the boss went alone just now, and I couldn't go with him. Otherwise, I would have asked Jackson directly for his autograph. "

Wang Baoqiang was also sitting in the dressing room playing Russia Unleashed. Ever since Wang Baoqiang discovered this game, he has been very enthusiastic about this game. Even though this guy is not good at playing, no matter what he is. In the beginning, it took less than five minutes to reach the limit, and now it only lasts for seven or eight minutes.

But he still enjoys it and thinks it is a pretty good game, at least it is a pretty good game for killing time. Ma Su called Wang Baoqiang's behavior childish, but Wang Baoqiang didn't care at all.

I'm naive. I'm not familiar with the United States, and it's impossible to find too many things to do. I don't speak English. If I don't want to find a game to entertain myself, then in this case One thing is like going crazy.

Therefore, under such a situation, Ma Su wanted to persuade Wang Baoqiang to change a game, such as Contra or something. Wang Baoqiang did not do this at all, thinking that it was a child's game.

The two had a heated debate over which of the two games was more childish, but in the end neither could convince the other. But Wang Baoqiang thought about it and finally said he gave up because, in a matter like this, he believed that good men would not fight with women.

Seeing Wang Baoqiang playing the game unambiguously and seriously, Ma Su walked over and said angrily: "Baby, what's going on? You haven't spent ten minutes like this."

This means that Wang Baoqiang has no talent at all in this game. But Wang Baoqiang said without being angry at all: "Well, this entertainment comes first, and games come second. It doesn't matter what the results are, the key is that I have played it."

Although this statement is somewhat commonplace, it cannot be said to be completely unreasonable.

Winning or losing a game like this may seem unimportant to some people. The most important thing is the process of the game.

Ma Su immediately countered, "The final result of the game is victory. Forget it. I can't explain it to you. How about we find a chance to go out and see if it's possible to get on the stage?"

At this time, Ma Su actually wanted to see Jackson's rehearsal again. Just now, she just followed Ye Ming and took a look from a distance. This time, she wanted to get closer.

Women's curiosity will always be very powerful in matters like this.

Wang Baoqiang said with great certainty: "No, haven't you seen the security guards outside? These people are masters. I can deal with three or five, but if there are more than ten, it will be troublesome. People There are also guns, are we just looking for trouble?"

Wang Baoqiang had great faith in his own skills, but in a situation like this, he knew that he had many guns and guns, and he had to keep a low profile on his territory.

Wang Baoqiang is very clear about these basic principles. Li Yapeng also put down the newspaper and said: "I think so, those people are from Blackwater Security Company, which has a background in the US military.

Therefore, it is best not to offend them, otherwise we will suffer. "

After all, Li Yapeng is a little older, and he sees some things more openly. He knows when to keep a low profile. At least in a situation like this, it needs to be low-key. Low-key, low-key is the way to go. Ma Su is a little unconvinced. Said: "We are guests, and guests should have certain privileges."

Li Yapeng actually didn't say anything, because if we talk about it carefully, if Ma Su is a guest, then Li Yapeng is a guest among guests. In such a situation, Li Yapeng naturally couldn't say anything more.

Ye Ming opened the door and came in slowly at this time, then turned around and said to Bryant: "You go back first. If anything happens, I will call you. When the time comes, if you need me If you go on stage, just call me."

After closing the door, Ye Ming looked at the three people here who seemed to be arguing about something. Looking at Ma Su's furious look, he said: "Ma Su, tell me, what is going on? If they dare to bully If you say so, then I will make the decision for you, boss."

This time, Ma Su is brought here as a girl, so she will naturally receive special care. Therefore, it is inevitable to support Ma Su. It was hard for Li Yapeng to say anything, otherwise it would be to sow discord.

As for Wang Baoqiang, Wang Baoqiang doesn't care about this at all. What is the point of arguing with Ma Su about this? Arguing with a woman is the most boring thing.

Under such a situation, Ma Su was still a little unconvinced and said: "I just said that I wanted to go out and have a look. It would be great if I could watch Jackson's rehearsal again. At least I could show off with Lili and the others, but Wang Baoqiang They say this is someone else’s territory and they want us to keep a low profile. As guests, don’t we even have the chance to watch the rehearsal?”

Speaking of this, Ma Su also felt very aggrieved.

Ye Ming said calmly: "Wang Baoqiang did the right thing in this matter. This place is indeed his territory. Therefore, we cannot be so arrogant on such an issue. But , if you are talking about going to watch the rehearsal, this is still not a big deal.

Take this, this is your work permit. With this, you can move freely here. Except for Jackson's dressing room, there is basically no place in this stadium that you cannot go. "

As he said that, Ye Ming took out three work passes. In such a situation, the security guards only said that they recognized the work passes, the work passes for the infield.

Ye Ming specifically asked Bryant for this thing. If Ma Su and the three of them wanted to stay in the gym without this thing, it would be almost impossible.

After all, they came with me. In such a situation, they can't let their three subordinates stay directly in their dressing room without any freedom to go out.

Ma Su excitedly held up his work permit and said: "This is good. I was worried just now that if we were to eat, would we go to Chinatown outside? I am not used to the box lunches they have here.

Of course, it would be even better if there was a chance to ask Jackson for an autograph. "

On the crew of Minority Report, Ma Su often went out to eat. After all, the lunch boxes provided by the crew were not very good. Sometimes Ma Su and Wang Baoqiang were said to go out to eat together in Chinatown.

Of course, Ye Ming can cook himself. The investment at this time means that Ye Ming can cook, so he doesn't have to go out to improve his life. But what we are in now is not a crew, but a stadium. If Ye Ming wants to cook his own food under such a situation, then such an idea is obviously unrealistic.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is very necessary to obtain a work permit. Otherwise, it would be impossible for these three people, especially Ma Su's character, to stay in the dressing room.

At this moment, Ma Su's words made Ye Ming think of something, so he asked her: "You should take charge of this matter yourself. Sign autographs and take photos. Look for opportunities, and don't do it when others are busy. Jackson is actually more He is someone who is easy to talk to, not the aloof character that people say he is."

In fact, Jackson's character is often misunderstood by people. In such a situation, it is difficult to say clearly whether the news reports about Jackson that everyone sees are expressions of his true character.

Therefore, it is very important to understand Jackson.

Jackson's true character recognition was only slowly known and understood by everyone after his death. Therefore, it can be said that Ye Ming is the only person who truly understands Jackson's inner world, except for a few acquaintances of Jackson.

Later, it was even said that someone had written not one or two books specifically on the formation of Jackson’s psychological character, and they were very popular. I wonder if this is another kind of consumption of Jackson?

Ma Su had no such understanding. Although Ye Ming said that Jackson was not that difficult to get along with, Ma Su was equally worried. She knew from the news what kind of person Jackson was. In such a situation, Next, she didn't dare to say how to approach Jackson: "What if I ask him for an autograph and he refuses?" Big-name stars have the airs of big-name stars. Even in China, the airs of big-name stars are not the same. Generally large.

Therefore, in Ma Su's opinion, the bigger a star is, the more arrogant he is.

As a singer, who dares to say that he is more famous than Jackson?

It's really hard to say, the King of Pop Music. There is a saying in the West that after Elvis Presley, the most famous singer in pop music, his achievements are even said to surpass Elvis Presley.

Therefore, in Ma Su's opinion, a superstar among superstars like Jackson must have a very big shelf. Even if there are not two superstars in Hollywood's 20 million salary club, only Jackson can have the King of Pop Music.

Therefore, Ma Su had no idea what kind of behavior a person like this had.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "No, if you ask him to sign autographs, then in such a situation, you are his fan. If it is at any time, then in such a thing , they also rejected you for the same reason, by the way. Do you have any of Jackson’s records?”

Ma Su was stunned for a moment and said, "Yes, as a fan of Jackson, I naturally have his records.

But I forgot to bring it at home. But I have a signed copy with me. "Ye Ming patted his forehead and said helplessly: "Miss, please, we only use signature books in China. Under such a situation, we can use it ourselves, but in the West, it is impossible. .

At least, if you ask a singer to sign, you should have someone else's album. If you don't have someone else's album, how can you make people believe in you if you say you are their fan? This is an unspoken rule at least in the West. As a fan, when asking a singer to sign an autograph, you need to use his or her own album. If you are talking about a movie star, then use the other person's work. This way, you can get the autograph more smoothly.

Generally speaking, whether you are a singer or a movie star, it is difficult to refuse to sign your own works. (To be continued)

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