Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 938: American Entertainment Media

This is explosive news. Even if the crew of "Minority Report" wants to cover it up, it is impossible. Nineteen important figures in the entire crew, including director Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise, directly Many people were admitted to the hospital, and their symptoms were all diarrhea. If there wasn't something fishy about this, it would really make the audience and readers think they were idiots.

This is a society with an explosion of information, so what happened to the crew spread quickly. USA Today is worthy of being the leader in the newspaper market. It sent reporters directly to the surroundings of the crew and secretly interviewed some crew members who were out for dinner. These people were actually in shock.

Because of what happened to the crew this time, the police took some of the people involved directly back for questioning, and many of them had just been released. Of course, this does not mean that anyone will be arrested, but that at this time, the entire crew is suspected.

These people need to be calmed down, and the reporter from USA Today calmed them down with a good thing, US dollars, which many people like. Under the offensive of money, Mr. Feres, a reporter from USA Today, soon After understanding the cause and effect of such an incident, I directly wrote a quick review and sent it out.

In fact, at this time, [USA Today] has already started printing. Just like other newspapers, [USA Today] finalizes its edition around twelve o'clock in the evening. It usually starts printing at two o'clock in the morning and starts distributing newspapers around five o'clock in the morning. , in this case, Americans can usually read the newspaper immediately.

This time was no exception, but the editor on duty called the editor-in-chief Brown directly when he discovered the news sent by Mr. Ferres and attached some internal photos. By this time Mr. Brown had gone to bed.

But listening to Mr. Brown's voice over there, there was no intention of getting angry at all: "Tony, why are you bothering me so late?"

As a newsman, Brown knew very well at this time that he was the chief writer and had more people than one person in the newspaper office and more than ten thousand people. Therefore, it was not a very important matter. No one dared to call him at this time. On the contrary, if someone calls you late at night, it must be that some big news has happened.

It's so important that the editor doesn't dare to make a decision.

Therefore, on such an issue, Old Brown would naturally not get angry casually. He has the keen sense of a journalist.

Tony said without hesitation: "Editor-in-Chief, you must be interested in this matter. We received insider information two hours ago. It was said that something abnormal happened to the crew of [Minority Report]. There were more than ten cars at that time. Ratchet visited the set, and sure enough, big news happened.

From Spielberg to Ye Ming, the Chinese actor who had just arrived in the United States, nineteen people were admitted to the hospital due to diarrhea, and the entire crew was paralyzed. This guy Feres has already sent over the news and photos.

You'd better take a look. I think this is quite good news. My suggestion is to take down the news on the second page of the entertainment section and put this one up. By the way, I've sent the stuff to you. "

There is a computer in Old Brown's bedroom that never shuts down. This is to prevent any breaking news from appearing and he can deal with it immediately. This time, Old Brown also opened the mailbox very quickly and browsed the news sent by Ferres, a veteran entertainment reporter.

Good news. After reading the news, Old Brown was very happy and said: "This is shocking news. Maybe someone will get in because of this. Forget it on the second page. The headline on the front page, just put this directly The news was published on the front page, and a photo of Spielberg being carried into an ambulance was used as the cover photo. This little guy has always been very proud, thinking that he has some talent, and does not put the old man in his eyes.

Tony, tell this guy Ferres that I will give him the right to use three reporters to keep an eye on the Minority Report crew at the hospital 24 hours a day and send me any news as soon as possible. Also pay attention to the news over there at the [New York Times]. "

At this time, Tony was very serious when he heard this. It seemed that Spielberg had refused an interview with Old Brown before. Such a thing was indeed not groundless.

Old Brown, this is suspected of revenge, but if you look at such an issue from the perspective of a journalist, what Old Brown did in such a matter was not wrong at all. Of course, [USA Today] is a comprehensive newspaper, and it is good to have entertainment industry issues on the headlines of the entertainment section.

If you want to be on the headlines of the comprehensive edition, it is still relatively difficult. At this time, they are not willing to give real front-page headlines, but there are people who are willing to give front-page headlines about this matter.

[The New York Times] is one of the three major newspapers in the United States, ranking third, with a circulation of one million, which is a pretty good number.

On the [New York Times] side, an interview team was also sent this time. Not only did the New York Times send a team to interview the crew, but there were also reporters to interview the police station and the hospital. Finally, [New York Times] The news provided by the Times is relatively detailed, more detailed than that of USA Today.

Anyway, in such a situation, they actually got a photo of Spielberg and Tom Cruise getting into an ambulance, which made the front page headline. At this time, the editor-in-chief of the New York Times immediately slammed the table and said : "Stone is indeed amazing. This matter can get such in-depth news, front page headlines, [USA Today] I heard that the one who went there is Old Brown, this guy is also quite powerful.

I think the information we have can be found out by Old Brown. But I can guarantee that Old Brown would not have the guts to put this news on the front page. In such a matter, we have to solve the matter unexpectedly. "

The editor-in-chief is the editor-in-chief, and he immediately determined such a thing.

The front page headlines are the [New York Times] and [USA Today] and [] In the United States, there are eight major newspapers, and the New York Post is one of them. Of course, there are some gaps between them and the [New York Times]. But the [Washington Post] has the capital to compete. The New York Times is the best at winning by surprise.

[New York Times] is a comprehensive newspaper, but they also have entertainment elements. As for another newspaper, [New York Post], it is the enemy of [New York Times]. In such a newspaper Under such circumstances, one can only imagine what the relationship between the [New York Post] and the [New York Times] is like.

That was in a matter like this. Qi Dan, the editor-in-chief of the New York Post, seemed quite generous.

Naturally, a reporter will do the interview. And Qi Dan made an arrangement that no one else had thought of. He found a guy named Song Zhongguo. Although this guy was called Song Zhongguo, he was a Korean, a Korean with a Chinese name. Of course, Song Zhongguo is now [New York Post] A reporter from a newspaper is, of course, a trainee reporter.

Song Zhongguo doesn't want to go back to South Korea. If he enters the [New York Post] this time, it will be because of his visa issue. At this time, Qi Dan came to Song Zhongguo and said, "Song, I know that the visa you just graduated from is about to expire, right?" Song Zhongguo nodded without hesitation and said, "There is still half a year. If it doesn't work, I will have to go back."

Qi Dan nodded with satisfaction and said: "If you can become a formal staff member of the [New York Post], instead of being an intern like you are now, then you will be eligible to get a work visa, and you can easily get it. Green card. Am I right about this?"

Every large company has a certain quota of work visas. As long as you are talented and have outstanding talents, it is very easy to stay in the United States.

A very common one is that if a person wins the Olympic champion, he can be imported into the United States as a talent. In this case, there will be discounts in getting a green card and so on.

Of course, if you have won many Olympic championships, three or five times or something.

This entry is not a difficult luxury for the United States at all. Anyway, if you have the ability, the United States will welcome you. This is basically the case for large companies in the United States. If your talents can bring benefits to the company, then your chances of staying will be great.

[New York Post] As a news media with a circulation of 7 to 8 million and is qualified to challenge the authority of the three major newspapers, they naturally have their own work visa. At this time, Song Zhongguo actually came for this purpose.

But it seems to Song Zhongguo that it is not easy for him to get this opportunity.

What does Editor-in-Chief Qi Dan mean when he says this? Song Zhongguo nodded and said, "Of course, I don't know what the editor-in-chief wants me to do."

Qi Dan is the number two figure in the entire newspaper office and has great power. Therefore, in such a situation, he would not come to him to ask this question for no reason and it would be over. Especially when you are on duty at eleven o'clock in the evening, it is impossible to be so busy.

Therefore, this can only be a transaction.

Qi Dan nodded and said: "Very good, I am very satisfied with your performance. You go to interview someone, Ye Ming from China. The only Chinese actor on the crew of [Minority Report] is also lying in the hospital at this time. , I want to know what happened to the crew at this time, and I want real exclusive news. If you can do a good job, then I can turn you into a formal employee at this time. "

Originally, it would have been easier to find a Chinese-American to handle this matter, but the Chinese-American reporter at the New York Post resigned last month. Although the newspaper still has a Japanese reporter, Qi Dan dare not use a Japanese reporter at this time.

In such a situation, he also knew very well that the Chinese and the Japanese were almost feuding. Not only were they inseparable from each other until death, but they were definitely not the kind of grudges that could be easily resolved.

Therefore, Koreans are a more suitable choice. There is absolutely no consideration for this matter. Koreans and Chinese. There is always a common enemy, the Japanese. Therefore, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. At this time, Song Zhongguo's luck came.

At this moment, Song Zhongguo felt a lot more relaxed. Recently, the visa issue had made him very worried. If he went back like this, he would be laughed at.

therefore. In a situation that caught his eye, he agreed without hesitation.

He understood what Qi Dan said, no matter what method he used, as long as he could get exclusive news, he would be able to stay, otherwise, he would just get out.

What Qi Dan wanted was results, and after Song Zhongguo left, Qi Dan called the photo studio and waited for the front page headlines to be cleared. He was also preparing to do a series of special topics for "Minority Report".

For a matter like this, Qi Dan was gambling, betting that Ye Ming would have exclusive news. If it fails, it will naturally be replaced by the original news printing.

Just saying that is not exciting enough. Why did Song Zhongguo agree to this matter so confidently? Because Song Zhongguo has his own trump card. His trump card is his cousin, and his aunt is Jun Ji-hyun's mother. Not many people know this, but with this relationship, Contacting Ye Ming should not be a problem.

After Song Zhongguo came out, he called Quan Jixian directly and briefly explained what happened. Then he begged: "Cousin, whether I can stay this time depends on whether you can help me. . If you can contact Ye Ming, then I have great hope."

Quan Zhixian hesitated for a moment, whether she wanted to help. She thought for a while and said: "I will contact Ye Ming for you, but I don't dare to ask whether Ye Ming will agree to your request for an interview." Guaranteed. He has his own ideas. If he has a contract with the crew, he may not agree to take over your interview."

Quan Zhixian calmed down her mood. At this time, she only understood one thing. The water in Hollywood was simply too deep. Even if Ye Ming, whom she always respected, went, it would be so troublesome. If others go, then One can imagine.

Quan Zhixian dialed Ye Ming's phone, greeted her first, and then talked about this matter. She did not hide Song Zhongguo's position at all, because she believed that concealment was unnecessary, just to see what kind of choice Ye Ming would make. , whether he agrees or not depends on his own will.

Otherwise, if Quan Zhixian has something to hide, he might offend Ye Ming in the future. (To be continued)

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