Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 926 Directors are very cunning

A leader is a leader. Although Huang Jianxin, the leader, has some positions but no power, such as Brother Chen Kai, Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang, they may not really be convinced by Director Huang Jianxin.

However, Director Huang is senior and is at the eldest brother level in the Directors Guild, so he became the president.

Of course, it was also the intention of the leaders above. This is the most critical point. Therefore, under such a good situation, Director Huang Jianxin still knocked on the table and said: "Xiaogang, don't be emotional. What are you dissatisfied with?" You can say directly that we can still accept opinions. If you have any opinions, I can report them to the leadership. Don’t get emotional, it’s not good.”

After saying this, Feng Xiaogang was really speechless. He said he knew why Huang Jianxin could become a director. In such a situation, being a director is one thing, but being able to understand the leader's meaning is another thing. . Although Zhang Yimou and Chen Kai are great directors, they fail to understand what the leader means. If the leader says he won't let you do it, then he won't let you do it. How can you still make a huge difference?

Therefore, what Huang Jianxin said is basically what the leader meant.

Seeing that the upstart director Feng Xiaogang didn't say anything, Huang Jianxin couldn't force him too much. After all, he was also a very popular director recently.

At this time, Huang Jianxin changed the target and said: "Since Xiaoye is here, let's talk about your views on this matter. Our country has joined the WTO. According to regulations, the number of imported films this year must be increased to twenty. This one is after joining the WTO. A promise, but now, we have reached this point. We have only introduced three movies. The gap between this and twenty movies is still very big. Therefore, some leaders above have said that we should come up with a charter as soon as possible. Two Ten parts cannot be left out at all, and we must complete the task this year.”

There is no room for change in these words. On this matter, Huang Jianxin said it very decisively. At this time, Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "I just came here, so I'd better listen to everyone's opinions first. As a young man, I still focus on learning."

At this time, Ye Ming knew it was not the time to be the first to take the lead. If he agreed to this matter, it would obviously offend directors such as Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige.

It's nothing to offend Brother Chen Kai. Anyway, the relationship between the two is so bad that there is no room for relaxation.

But Ye Ming's relationship with other directors is very good. Therefore, to offend his peers for this outstanding person, and to offend him for no reason, is definitely a heartless behavior.

Therefore, Ye Ming would never make such a mistake on such an issue. Huang Jianxin wanted him to agree, but he would never say these two words.

But if Ye Ming raises his own objection, from the director's point of view, the objection is not a big deal. This is also a key reason why the atmosphere in the conference room is so serious now. Directors are always against it.

But Ye Ming is also very clear in his heart that it is of no use if the director objects. Just like what Feng Xiaogang said, is it useful for us to object? It's useless, it's useless at all, because the leader has already agreed to such a thing.

Twenty imported films, there is no possibility of any change at all. This matter, the introduction of films has political significance. It was already promised when joining the WTO, and this must be done. Therefore, the leader has already set the tone. If he says there are twenty departments, then he means twenty.

If you oppose it, you are standing on the opposite side of the leadership.

Therefore, this time when faced with Chairman Huang Jianxin's questions, Ye Mingming was very polite.

At this moment, Ye Ming's answer gave Huang Jianxin the impression of a little fox. Ye Ming, a kid, has never had a very good temper. Huang Jianxin also knew this, and Ye Ming was in the limelight, so he should have rashly stood up. Yes. But this time, Ye Ming was not in a hurry to express what he meant.

He puts his position very low. As a junior, he is understandable in saying this.

Therefore, Huang Jianxin changed the subject with a smile and said: "Lao Zhang, what do you think about this issue? I saw you had some thoughts just now but didn't say them out. Now everyone is brainstorming. If you have any questions, you can speak out directly. This It’s no big deal. Those who speak are not guilty, and those who hear are warned.”

What he said was very high-sounding, and it was nothing more than letting Zhang Yimou express his position. Zhang Yimou pondered for a while and said: "Our country's film market has just been cultivated, not cultivated, but cultivated. We are all aware of the gap between how big our film market was in the early 1990s and how big it is now.

At this time, I think everyone knows whether the newly cultivated market can withstand the impact of foreign blockbusters.

What will happen if we cannot withstand such an impact? "

Zhang Yimou did not make this issue very clear, but in fact everyone is very clear. If foreign movies really impact the Chinese film market, have the leaders considered some of the consequences and are there any ways to save them? This defeat.

Anyway, if you want to expect these people from the Directors Guild to save it, it is simply impossible. On such a question, it will not make people feel at ease if the leader does not give an answer. Moreover, the directors on the scene were actually worried about this the most.

The Chinese film market has just begun to recover and has not yet fully entered a period of prosperity. Therefore, no one can guarantee whether the rash increase in the number of foreign blockbusters to twenty will cause market turmoil. In fact, even if you lead yourself, you cannot guarantee that.

Huang Jianxin thought for a while and said: "I can't answer this question for you. Under market economy conditions, we have to use market economy to speak. We have joined the WTO. Some things must be done. It's not like the leaders don't know that doing this will bring negative consequences." China's film market has had a certain impact, but under such circumstances, can we always protect our film market?

Twenty units, this is indispensable. We must be prepared to withstand the impact, so the road may be difficult, but we must persevere. "

At this time, Brother Chen Kai was silent for a moment and said: "How to face the impact of the market is a question before us. Now we should discuss how to deal with the impact of those movies, instead of saying that we should not introduce 20 movies." department."

It can be said that director Chen Kaige has not released any films recently. Therefore, whether Chinese films or foreign blockbusters have the advantage in this year's film market has nothing to do with Chen Kaige.

A thing like this fundamentally shows Brother Chen Kai's gloating expression in such a situation.

Anyway, no matter how lively your fight is, it has nothing to do with me this year.

Therefore, at this time, when Brother Chen Kai gave his speech, he had the courage to look at this issue from the perspective of the leaders.

But the other directors didn't agree. You, Director Chen Kai, don't want to play anymore. We still want to play. Our small-budget movies are inherently difficult to say whether they make money or not. With protection, we can still make money. Eat food.

But if we are talking about introducing twenty foreign blockbusters, then this is relatively unsuitable for such a matter.

By then, we may not even be able to drink soup. Especially when it comes to niche literary films, director Zhang Yuan is not afraid of offending people. Anyway, he has the mentality of "I am a gangster, who am I afraid of?"

Therefore, on such a question, Zhang Yuan said directly: "What Director Chen said is wrong. What should we discuss about how to deal with the impact of twenty blockbusters? This does not mean that the leader has no real decision-making Is that right? The scale of the current film market is only that big. If we increase the number of foreign blockbusters to twenty.

I don’t know about the movies made by big directors, but the movies made by us small directors will definitely be affected. If the movies we shot cannot be screened in the mainland, then the losses will be very huge. We, relatively young directors, hope that our leaders can also support us. "

This matter also gives Huang Jianxin a headache. Although some of the fifth-generation directors are said to be not very obedient, they are already recruited after all, and they will more or less obey the leadership's arrangements. After all, the fifth generation of directors come from within the system, and these procedures are relatively familiar.

Jiang Wen is not a thorny one. He is a fifth-generation director, but he is not an obedient director. Moreover, Jiang Wen can also be regarded as a sixth-generation director. It is hard to say. If a Japanese devil comes, what will happen? One, I was not firm in my stance and took it out to participate in international film festivals without any leadership at all. I was directly used by the leadership to scare the monkeys.

But this incident failed to scare everyone. Especially when it comes to the sixth generation of directors, things are still quite confusing right now.

Although it is said that the influence is not great, but now talking about the sixth generation director, what the hell is this? This is not something that can be easily changed.

In the eyes of current leaders, sixth-generation directors are treasonous and rebellious. For example, this guy Wang Xiaoshuai, who filmed the seventeen-year-old bicycle, is also a relatively talented director, but he was also banned from screening.

Not listening to the leadership is basically a common problem among sixth-generation directors.

Therefore, on such a question, the question raised by Zhang Yuan gave Huang Jianxin a very headache. He thought for a while and said: "You have to find your own reasons for this matter. You young directors, of course , you have your own talent, but making a movie is not something you can do just by having talent. In a situation like this, you have to be obedient and understand."

These two words almost mean that it can suppress everything. At least killing those disobedient sixth-generation directors is not a big deal. Zhang Yuan hesitated and said, "Didn't we say there was no chance?

If we have a chance and the leadership can support us, then we will have a very good start on such an issue. Basically, we need a market. If foreign blockbusters carve up some of the domestic market, us sixth-generation directors are basically doomed and have no hope at all. "

Whether this matter is as dangerous as Zhang Yuan said, Huang Jianxin naturally knew very well. He said with a smile: "You people are not very obedient. Some of the movies you shoot have no scripts." Once the film is approved, you dare to start filming. Moreover, once the filming is completed, quite a few people directly take it to foreign countries to participate in film exhibitions, and by the way, sell it to foreign countries. Could it be that this is what your sixth-generation directors do.

Now you can't complain about others. Do we all support Director Ye’s script? As the youngest director on the scene now, perhaps the youngest director in China, you should learn from it. "

In other words, you people are disobedient first, but if you are obedient, you will still be supported. At this time, Ye Ming was directly brought out to talk about the matter.

On this issue, Ye Ming has done a very good job. He is a sixth-generation director and can be regarded as the youngest sixth-generation director. His success shows that there is still a lot of potential among the sixth generation directors.

Regarding this issue, Ye Ming is a very good example. Why is Ye Ming able to do these things? You are all older than Ye Ming and have more experience than Ye Ming, but why are you not as successful as Ye Ming?

At this time, Huang Jianxin mentioned Ye Ming, just to bring hatred to Ye Ming. But Zhang Yuan really has nothing to say about this matter. Ye Ming is undoubtedly a sixth-generation director. Of course, Zhang Yuan also believes that Ye Ming is a special case.

And Zhang Yuan thought for a while and said: "Director Ye, that is not a professional director. He also makes movies, becomes an actor, a singer, and a TV show. What he can do is, to be honest, very admirable. But we Have you learned it?"

Ye Ming's experience itself is like telling a legendary story. In such a situation, there is no way to replicate Ye Ming's experience, and Ye Ming is indeed not a pure director. Can he learn it? How to learn. Ye Ming is also a very strange existence among the sixth generation directors.

Huang Jianxin shook his head and said: "We don't ask you all to learn from Ye Ming, but he is successful. Do you want to learn from other successful people?" (To be continued)

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