Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 915: Hype is the way to go

After sending Mazi Sum away, Rodman naturally went back to report the situation to Ai Qiuhua. As the president of Time Warner's Asia Pacific region, Ai Qiuhua took the lead in the whole matter.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Ai Qiuhua thought for a while before making up his mind and said: "Rodman, you have to pick yourself out for this matter. From now on, just find someone to do it. You don't want to show up by yourself." .”

Rodman is very unexpected. He is very arrogant when doing things in the Asia-Pacific region, and he is basically invincible.

Therefore, Rodman said with some surprise: "Why, we at Time Warner have not done anything illegal. What we have done is within the scope of the law. Even if Ye Ming wants to sue us, then It has nothing to do with us, right?"

Ai Qiuhua said with absolute certainty: "It's not the same time I've worked with Ye Ming. Therefore, a person like this always makes me feel frightened. In such a situation, I feel , it is not that easy to deal with him.

This time, although the lawyers have said that we are sure to win, we don't know what means Ye Ming has to fight back. Everything is focused on safety now.

Don't let Ye Ming catch the actual evidence. Even if he wants to doubt us, at this time, there is still no evidence.

If you are also trapped, it may trap us at Time Warner. We are here for the copyright of Harry Potter in Ye Ming's hands, not to break up with Ye Ming. "

If Ye Ming was an ordinary star, even if he was an ordinary superstar in the Asia-Pacific region, Time Warner would not be so constrained at this time. But Ye Ming is not a simple star like this. Huaxia has an official identity, and it also has its own connections and reputation in the world. The key is that Huihuang.com is still firmly in Ye Ming's hands, and the importance of Huaxia.com can only be realized when you think about the actions of the US government. It's very clear.

The U.S. government is studying whether Huihuang.com constitutes a monopoly. There are two very famous consortiums that have been cared for by the US government, one is called the Rockefeller Group, and the other is called Microsoft Corporation.

These two giant companies were ruled to be monopolies by the U.S. government and therefore were divided. As for the video website, it is also due to its increasingly prominent importance that the monopoly position of Huihuang.com is clearly visible.

Therefore, the American conquest has to face the reality of whether Huihuang.com has a monopoly on the Internet video industry. Therefore, although Time Warner is a giant in Hollywood, it is not willing to fall out with this guy Ye Ming easily, because doing so is not good for anyone.

What they actually want to do is to say that under such a situation, everything will be fine if they can get the copyright of Harry Potter back.

Even with such a result, Ai Qiuhua thought that it might not be accomplished so smoothly. Therefore, for this result, she even said that she would join forces with Huaxia's Huayi Brothers Company to do this.

Rodman was still a little unconvinced and said: "Isn't this too cautious? I think Chinese people don't like lawsuits. I think even if Ye Ming has evidence, he will not litigate with us." It’s hard to say.”

At this time, Ai Qiuhua said with great certainty: "You don't know about this matter. In such a situation, other Chinese people may choose to make peace with the matter, but Ye Ming will definitely take matters into his own hands." When it comes to court, Ye Ming is a fighter, a fighter in the entertainment industry. Once he seizes the enemy's leverage, he will not compromise casually. On this point, on an issue like this, I start from his This can be seen in the past style.

Moreover, Ye Ming is not a Chinese who follows the rules. Zhao Wei's military flag uniform incident is an example. If he follows the rules, such a matter will not be easy to solve. But Ye Ming can solve it smoothly. Don't make your own decisions and fight with Ye Ming, otherwise you will be completely defeated. Don't blame me for not reminding you. "

Rodman's subordinate is capable, but also ambitious. The biggest shortcoming of a person like this is that he refuses to admit defeat, but if a person like this encounters a strong opponent, a complete defeat is almost certain.

Ai Qiuhua will not allow himself to fail because of his subordinates. Because of Ai Qiuhua's always strong style, Rodman had no choice but to say: "Okay, I will handle this matter and get me out."

At this moment, Wang Baoqiang was sitting in the car and said: "Brother Huang, I just don't understand why we are looking for extras in Beijing. It's not like there are no extras in Shanghai. Just go there and find people." If you come here to look for it, there will be an extra fare."

Huang Bo said meaningfully: "Baoqiang, you still have to learn this matter. The boss does this, of course he has his own deep meaning. He is trying to build a good reputation for our brilliant film and television. After all, our company is the headquarters It was in the capital. In the future, most of the filming will be in the capital.

If we hire extras from Beijing this time when filming in other places, we will definitely have a good reputation among the extras in Beijing in the future. By that time, in such a matter, even if The boss has gone to Hollywood. As long as our brilliant film and television reputation remains, our filming will go smoothly in the capital.

The boss said that you can not pay attention to the extras when filming, but you can never disrespect the extras. Therefore, when our company is filming, we must eat meat when it is due, and pay when it is due, in order to gain a good reputation. "

For Huihuang Film and Television, there is no shortage of money, so reputation is still very important. Wang Baoqiang thought for a moment and said, "If this is the case, wouldn't it be an offense if we take down Su Mazi and the others?"

Huang Bo snorted and said: "We are Huihuang Film and Television. We have our own bottom line. Anyone who dares to offend us will not end well.

Giving both kindness and power is the way for a company to survive. We have nothing to say to the extras, but if the extras dare to provoke, they will definitely be killed directly.

No matter what kind of thing it is, if Su Mazi goes back on his word, they must be punished. "

A company that is blindly weak is definitely not a great company. This is what Ye Ming did, establishing a reputation for his company that is tough but not tough.

Wang Baoqiang knew what he was here to do this time, to recruit extras, so he quickly said: "What should we do at this time? If we don't bring the extras back, will it affect Shooting.”

If it affects the filming, then this matter is Wang Baoqiang's dereliction of duty. Therefore, as the person in charge of recruiting this group performance, he is very dedicated.

Huang Bo said with a smile: "Don't worry about this. It's not easy to find extras. What time is it now? The art exam is coming soon. There are many candidates outside the Beijing Film Academy. Some even say they will come half a year in advance. Now that we are ready, let’s contact them. I think they will be happy to join our crew. Moreover, we can contact those students who are about to take the drama school entrance examination. They can also do group performances, and the price is a little higher, but You get what you pay for.”

Anyway, in Huang Bo's opinion, if you are looking for extras, there won't be too many in the capital. It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 and nearly 20,000 candidates for the film academy and drama academy. There are at least 2,000 to 3,000 candidates in the capital now. They can have the experience of being on the set at this time and prepare themselves for the exam. , that is also very useful.

It was precisely because of this confidence that Huang Bo directly captured Su Mazi.

At this time, Sister Fang Fang called and said, "Brother Huang, how are things going? We are waiting for your good news. The boss has asked me several times."

Huang Bo immediately said with confidence: "Teacher Fang, don't worry, I have already taken care of this matter. This guy Su Mazi really wants to break the contract as the boss thought. I have installed a listening device on him." With me on my body, I guarantee that I can catch the man behind the scenes."

In fact, when the group performers over there were causing trouble, Ye Ming felt that someone was behind this problem, and it couldn't be Wang Jinghua. Although the Hua Yi brothers must have said that they were involved in this matter, this was not their fault. If it was Wang Jinghua or even Wang Zhongjun who took action, it should be a red-blooded attack on the bayonet.

Therefore, Ye Ming determined that this was done by people from Time Warner. What he wanted was to find out the mastermind through Mazi Su. What kind of people from Time Warner dared to go against him?

So he asked Huang Bo to handle the matter, and installed a bug on Su Mazi's body. The paparazzi bugs produced by Entertainment Empire Systems are very professional in recording and video recording and are directly connected to the system. Therefore, after Mazi Su found Rodman, everything was under Ye Ming's control.

Even after finding out that it was Rodman, at a time like this, Ye Ming used the system's privileges to directly find Ai Qiuhua.

It turns out that Time Warner is behind this. Ye Ming directly called Sister Fang Fang over, showed her the two videos, and then said: "This matter is organized by Time Warner. This guy Su Mazi will also sue us. You tell the company immediately The lawyers are prepared to deal with this matter, and I don’t want the company’s lawyers to be caught off guard.”

Seeing this, Sister Fang Fang said angrily: "Boss, people are bullying us. You can tolerate this matter. If it were me, I would just post the video online and tell the times directly." Warner has been wiped out, let’s see if they are still arrogant.”

Ye Ming laughed and said, "What you are doing is the most barbaric way. Not all things must be solved in such a barbaric way. If they want to play, then we will play with them the same way." .

Anyway, this time we are sure of winning, so in such a situation, we have to consider how to get the maximum benefit from this matter. "

Seeing Ye Ming's cunning eyes, Sister Fang Fang was stunned for a moment before saying, "Boss, what do you want to do?"

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Propaganda, don't you think this is a good publicity topic? Litigation is not terrible, we will win anyway, a lawsuit like this is just a hot spot for speculation. This hot spot can Time Warner is involved. Think about it, a small group leader has directly involved Time Warner. In such a situation, what we want is this kind of effect.

It is even said that this case can cause international effects and attract international attention. In this case, we will save a lot of publicity expenses. It is rare that people from Time Warner are so cooperative with our publicity work, and we should thank them. We will definitely release these two videos, but not at this time, but at the most critical time of the lawsuit, to directly slap them in the face. "

Since Time Warner is unkind, then don’t blame Ye Ming for being unjust at this time. The cooperation was originally good, but Time Warner itself insisted on making so many mistakes. This matter is even more unforgivable.

In such a situation, Sister Fang's imagination suddenly opened up. In fact, sometimes, it is not that there is a lack of smart people, but that there is a lack of vision for discovery. For example, now, Ye Ming just wants to provide a very good idea, and Sister Fang can basically take care of the rest. The lawyer has done his job.

Anyway, this time is a very good opportunity for hype.

In such a situation, Ye Ming also believes that it will teach Time Warner a very profound lesson and let Time Warner know that some things, if it is a good cooperation, it will be nothing, but if it is Speaking of those who are playing dirty tricks, Ye Ming is also not afraid of them.

When cooperating with international companies, if you insist on being patient, you will definitely be eaten to the core without leaving any bones.

At this moment, the Slumdog Millionaire crew is filming in an intense and orderly manner. They have no idea that stormy news will come in the near future.

At this time, everyone is paying attention to one thing, that is, Andy is here. Andy, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, will join the crew and start his two-day guest appearance.

This is what the crew is most excited about right now. That is the immortal king, a legendary existence in the entertainment industry. Many people grew up watching Andy's movies and listening to Andy's songs. (To be continued)

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