Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 899: Easter eggs in the movie

The first people to know such news were the princess and Na Ying, because at this time, the princess Na Ying and Ye Ming were having dinner together, and Ye Ming was treating them because Ye Ming planned to invite the princess and Na Ying as well. Make a cameo in your own movie.

But the princess was the first to refuse. A queen is a queen, and she is a maverick queen. Her reason is very simple, because after filming 2046, the princess felt that filming movies was very boring. Therefore, I have no intention of making another movie at all.

The princess was more direct. After raising the issue, she continued: "Making movies is simply not a job for humans. Therefore, I plan to stop making movies. It is very boring. At least I can't think of making any movies now." The reason for the movie.”

The princess has enough confidence to say such things. As a diva-level singer, she only needs to say that she has managed her singing career well. Even under such a situation, her own singing career does not need to be managed at all. Even if she retires now, her comeback after ten or eight years will still be popular in the entire entertainment industry.

In fact, this is how the princess does her forehead. A diva with personality, a diva who is unique in her own way, only a princess can be so perfect in such a thing or that.

Because Na Ying knew the princess's character very well. If she didn't understand her, then it would be impossible for the two of them to become good best friends on such a question.

Therefore, seeing this situation, Na Ying seemed to feel that the princess's speech was a bit direct. What does it mean to make a movie? It is not a job for people to do. This would have a huge impact.

Therefore, Na Ying immediately said: "Don't mind Ye Zi. Last time we made a movie, I made my concubine so tired that it took more than three months to recover. Therefore, in such a situation, she just He refused to say anything about making a movie.

It’s done, when the time comes, that sister will support you and give me a guest role. "

Na Ying always has the image of a generous elder sister. When her friends have trouble, she will definitely support her, especially when she sees that the princess is a little offended, she will immediately come forward directly.

Fortunately, Ye Ming was also a friend of the two of them and did not take this matter seriously. He said with a smile: "This is understandable. Sister Wangfei is not familiar with making movies. Sometimes making movies is very interesting. This movie of mine is also a relatively sincere work."

Anyway, Ye Ming didn't take this matter seriously. He only wanted Na Ying and the princess to join in the fun. In such a situation, the princess seems to feel that she is a little rude. At least Ye Ming is an actor. The princess said that movies are not a human being's job. In such a situation, things become more difficult to let people know. Accepted.

Therefore, the princess thought for a while before saying: "Yi Zi, I really don't want to stay up late. That matter is really difficult for me. Maybe I will find a reason to convince myself to make a movie in the future. I will definitely support you then." .”

Ye Ming said with a smile: "It's nothing. Sister Wangfei, you are right. Being an actor is indeed a very hard job. It looks glamorous on the surface, but who can understand the hard work of being an actor? I've actually said this more than once, but some people just don't believe it, and some people are trying their best to be in movies and think it's interesting to make movies. A princess is like this. If you say she's a princess, why is she interfering with this? "

These words immediately shocked Na Ying and the princess. Princess, of course, they knew who the princess Ye Ming was talking about was very clear. The princess who can make Ye Ming feel so helpless is naturally the princess in the entertainment industry. She is a real princess.

And this princess is also quite interesting. She not only runs a club, but also talks about records, which makes her family mad to death. As a princess, you can just go to the entertainment industry to get tickets, directly release records, and become a singer. You Is this interesting? Just because of this, I had a cold war with my family for half a year, hiding in Hong Kong City and never coming back.

At this time, Na Ying said in disbelief: "Ye Zi, don't joke with me about such a thing.

The princess came to us a while ago and mentioned that she wanted to make a movie and work against their family. Wouldn't this be your movie? "

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "If the princess said it herself, then it is correct. It is my movie Slumdog Millionaire. To be honest, the princess has booked one of the roles long ago. .”

When he said this, Ye Ming actually seemed very helpless. Isn't it that he could be the master of some things? If the princess must play a cameo role, would he have the courage to refuse at this time? Does he dare to refuse?

Moreover, the princess is also very kind to herself. She really does not regard herself as an outsider. Although she may not necessarily regard herself as a true friend, at least she is an acquaintance with whom she can talk, right?

Na Ying and Wang Fei are also people who have seen the big market, but when they heard this, their expressions changed at the same time. There are rules in the entertainment industry. There are some things that people in the entertainment industry can do by themselves, but they are definitely not able to surpass them. It's online, otherwise it's just waiting to be dealt with. Why would the princess go to Japan to release a record? In China, who would have the guts to release a record for the princess? They would be punished immediately.

Therefore, it can be seen that the people in the princess's family do not want the princess to get involved in the entertainment industry.

Na Ying said in surprise: "Yi Zi, now I realize that you are not an ordinary person. You dare to do such a thing. You are not afraid of the princess's family looking for you. This matter can definitely lead you to Such a thing as banning comes from above.”

If the princess's family took action, they would definitely be banned without negotiation. Ye Ming said helplessly: "Sister, do you think I don't know about this? Some things cannot be done, but the princess cannot be offended. If I say no, then do you think the princess will remember it?" Live with me? How can I get around in the entertainment industry then?"

Ye Ming also said this matter quite reasonably. The princess cannot be offended. If you offend the princess, you will know the consequences if you think about it.

But Na Ying still said: "That's not possible. If you dare to let the princess act, the movie will not be shown. I don't think anyone in the country will dare to show your movie."

Regarding such a matter, Ye Ming said with certainty at this moment: "I have also thought about this matter. Princess, I am the most courageous, otherwise I would not have to play in the entertainment industry. But I will not offend you. I have already thought of a very good solution for the princess’s family. I guarantee that the princess’s family will not be able to say anything, but the princess will also be allowed to play a role on the big screen.”

In this case, it is a bit mysterious. Regarding such a matter, Ye Ming was a little confused and half-explained the matter, but there were still some things that he didn't say directly. However, this is shocking enough. Does Ye Ming really have a way to escape Chencang secretly?

It seems that at this time, the only person who knows the answer to this matter is Ye Ming.

Na Ying said without mercy at this moment: "According to what you said, you are also playing with fire in this matter. The princess is not someone you can offend. But the princess's family, to be honest, you can't Able to offend.

Banning you is just like playing games. Don't think you are the Berlin Best Actor, you are the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. At a time like this, saying I'm blocking you is just a matter of words.

Therefore, the princess cannot be provoked, otherwise she will be in trouble.

But Ye Ming didn't mean to give in at all. Instead, he said seriously: "This is an Easter egg in the movie, so I won't tell it. Don't worry, you will understand when the time comes."

Maybe Ye Ming said this, and this matter came directly to his door.

The princess called Ye Ming and said: "Little Ye Zi, you can do it. I don't look for you, and you have no intention of looking for me at all. You haven't given me an answer until now for the things I asked you to do for me. What do you mean, if you are not capable of taking pictures, how about I find someone to take pictures of this princess?"

On such a question, Ye Ming's own thoughts on such a question were completely different from those of the princess and even Princess Na Ying at the scene. This is the princess's anger. Now the princess is unhappy.

In fact, people in the entertainment industry know very well that if the princess is unhappy, then someone is in trouble at a time like this. At this time, Ye Ming happened to say: "Princess, you can't do this just because I told you to do it. Have you done what I asked you to do?"

The princess seemed to be unhappy with Ye Ming's slow movements at such a time. The princess boasted that she was going to shoot a big movie in Haikou. If it can't be done at this time, then if you try to do something cool, it will be embarrassing.

If you don't act in movies, you can't do anything about it.

The key is that you can't afford to lose this person. In fact, the princess just wanted to raise an army to investigate the crime. At this time, after Ye Ming's interference, it became even more chaotic.

Hearing Ye Ming's question, the princess hesitated and said proudly: "Do you have to say this? I have already done this well. What do you think, let me act in a movie? If it doesn't work, , then I won’t finish it off.”

After Ye Ming heard this, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "Princess, just do it well. I will let you go on the big screen when the time comes, but your family can't tell you anything."

This is why the princess has tolerated Ye Ming until he is like this today.

Regarding such a problem, Ye Ming did a very good job. He slapped him and rubbed him three times. After hearing Ye Ming's assurance, the princess reluctantly let Ye Ming pass: "Then I'm waiting for your news. If you dare to deceive me, you should know the consequences, right?"

Ye Ming certainly knew the serious consequences of this matter.

On such a question, the princess' call ended. Na Ying and the princess took a deep breath and felt like they were sweating profusely.

The princess puts too much pressure on people.

In the entertainment industry, everyone is a member of the circle, and it doesn’t matter much what you say. But even if the princess is not from the entertainment industry, the pressure she brings to people does require a high level of psychological quality.

After Ye Ming saw the expressions of the two people, he said with a smile: "You two, this matter is actually not a big deal. Don't worry, you two. I have already talked about the next thing and have a certain plan. , to ensure that all aspects of such a thing are satisfied. And what I am thinking about now is, what is the princess like? Why does she need to be in a movie? Could it be that she made a bet with someone? Bar?"

It was really hard for Ye Ming to talk about this matter, and at this time, some things were actually so helpless. At this time, Ye Ming just said something like this. This thing is to directly appease the princess. As long as it satisfies the princess, it is not a problem at the same time. If the princess is not satisfied, it means that someone will be unlucky.

At this time, no one would think of Ye Ming's own thoughts, and Ye Ming also refused to tell the matter. If he said it this way, it would not work.

Moreover, Ye Ming planned not to tell this secret until the second before the movie started playing. If you are interested in this matter, just go to the cinema directly.

You can know the answer to such a question by going to the cinema and watching a movie.

This is also what Ye Mingyi hopes for. If he can fool everyone into going to the cinema, then this will be his skill. At this time, Ye Ming wanted to see if this secret would trick a few people into going to the cinema.

This is actually a type of mystery marketing. The participation of the princess is an Easter egg, a very deep Easter egg. In fact, even if you have watched the movie, generally speaking, you have to think about what happened before and after, then you will feel that the arrangement of this Easter egg is very interesting.

Even when the princess asked about this matter just now, Ye Ming did not directly tell the question. Na Ying and the princess also wanted to know this secret, but Ye Ming was even more reluctant to tell it. This secret must be kept until the end. (To be continued)

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