Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 895: Fans gather at Tianchao Stage

Sun Nan's reluctance was not clear at all. The princess seemed a little distracted and said: "I know now why Ye Ming doesn't write songs for others. Such good songs, if you say you always give them If someone else writes it, it will be a loss.

I dare say that if this song "Let's Come Together" is sung by Ye Ming, it is not impossible for the album to win the title again. This is the kind of song that can awaken the surging blood in people's hearts. "

The princess's judgment on the quality of a song is whether it can move her under such circumstances. This time, the song written by Ye Ming really moved her.

Zhang Yimou is at Tianchao Station at this time. The station director's office is not the deputy director's office. There are not just one or two deputy directors of Tianchao Station. But the office of the director, Yang Weiguang, the office of Director Yang, the nominal leader of Tianchao Station.

At this time, Zhang Yimou, who had always been good-tempered, also said angrily: "Director Yang, you are just fooling around. With this million, you asked me to hold a party of such a big level and invited so many people." There are simply not enough celebrities. No one else can accomplish this task. The Spring Festival Gala also costs more than this."

Yang Weiguang smiled and said: "The Spring Festival Gala costs a lot, but people make money, and the advertising costs are quite surprising. If you can make money, of course you can spend it."

Zhang Yimou pondered for a while and said: "Then I dare say that this party advertisement will also be very profitable. The advertisements earned will subsidize us. This one million is indeed not enough. The leader asked you to let Tianchao TV You don’t understand the nature of this mission by supporting our party, right?”

This is a political task, so under such circumstances, Tianchao Taiwan must spare no effort to support the development of the party. At this time, Tianchaotai said that if you give it one million, it will be over. What kind of thing is this?

When it comes to a question like this, in fact, more people think that it is more than one million, but if you hold a party, people in the industry know that it is simply impossible to use it.

Yang Weiguang shook his head firmly and said: "This is impossible. Tianchao TV's advertising revenue must be handed over, and every penny cannot be touched casually."

Zhang Yimou immediately complained: "That's not possible. Under such a situation, our little money is not even enough to invite a few stars to the stage. Ye Ming's current market price starts at least 800,000. This It's still a friendly price. What do you think this million is enough for?

Of course, Tianchao Taiwan’s evening parties generally charge a relatively low fee, which is a bit symbolic. The singer’s fee is not much, but it’s a lot for people to eat. The cost of the lunch box, the actor’s fare, etc., This needs to be reimbursed. Anyway, I can't make it for one million. "

Yang Weiguang said with a smile: "One million can buy two nice houses in the capital. I know there are difficulties, but it is not your family that is in trouble. We support you in holding the party, but we in Tianchaotai are not rich either. Ah, like the variety show Grand View, the cost of one phase is less than 100,000. How about this one? It was just as successful.

Giving you one million already shows that we listened to the leaders and gave you the greatest support. It is impossible to give you more. "

At this time, Ye Ming dialed Zhang Yimou's phone number. Zhang Yimou looked at the phone number and didn't want to answer the call. He had to sort out the cost issue first.

However, after thinking about it later, Ye Ming seems to be the consultant of this party. If we find him, there will be no problem. Therefore, after thinking for less than two seconds, Zhang Yimou directly answered the call.

Ye Ming asked cheerfully: "Director Zhang, what are you busy with now? I have an important matter to ask you."

Zhang Yimou saw Yang Weiguang reading the newspaper, and obviously wanted to ignore him, so he said directly: "Yi Zi, you are also a consultant for the party, and I have given you the position of assistant director. You've reported it, so I guess there won't be much of a problem with the approval. Right now, I'm in Director Yang's office in Tianchao Tai. If you have time, come over. You can't rely on me to direct this matter, right?"

If Ye Ming can be pulled up, then at least he will have one more comrade in such a matter. Therefore, Zhang Yimou directly dug a hole for Ye Ming.

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, a little confused. Assistant director, when did he say that he wanted to be an assistant director? He thought for a while and said: "What's going on? Why did you confuse me?" Okay, does this matter have anything to do with me?"

Zhang Yimou didn't give Ye Ming any time to think and said: "You kid, don't worry about the relationship. Come directly here, I am also in a hurry, so hurry up."

When Ye Ming died, some Zhang Er monks were confused and said: "Old Zhang, what are you doing? When did I agree to be the assistant director? Isn't this deceiving?"

Zhao Wei smiled and said: "Yi Zi, just be satisfied. The assistant director of this party is not something just anyone can do if they want to. If you have such a resume, it will be a glory in the future."

Ye Ming relaxed his shoulders and said: "What's so honorable and disgraceful? I don't like to do it on the stage every day. At a time like this, isn't this giving me eye drops? Sure, I'm sure, such a thing There must be something wrong. Go to Tianchaotai,"

The car arrived at Tianchaotai and drove directly in. No one blocked it at all, and there was no intention to check the vehicle.

At this time, some of the other cars parked at the entrance of Tianchaotai didn't buy it. They went directly to a staff member at the door and said, "The Land Rover just went in without checking or registering it. , we may not be able to get in even if we register.”

The staff looked at him with disdain and said: "What kind of place is Tianchaotai? Can anyone enter?

If you have something to do, just go in alone and don't make it look so ugly. Do you know who the person who just went in is?

Land Rover, that Land Rover belongs to Ye Ming, you have always heard of Ye Ming, Berlin Best Actor, the first Asian winner of the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

Can you compare with others? The Emperor Superstar, that is the Emperor Superstar, and the key is that he is the spokesman for the Olympic bid. There are only five such people in the country. They can enter and leave the Tianchao Stage at will. He has an admission pass. Do you have one? "

Tianchao Terrace can be said to be heavily guarded. Not ordinary people can enter casually. In such a situation, if you can get in at this time, it is either a staff member of the Taiwanese staff or someone who has a close relationship with Tianchao Terrace. , with an admission pass issued by the General Administration.

Otherwise, the armed police on guard are really armed with live ammunition. Who dares to attack the Tianchao Tower casually, wouldn't he be uncomfortable with himself?

At this time, the fat man who was protesting suddenly became silent. After being silent for a long time, he said: "Ye Ming, if I had known it was this person, I would have asked him for an autograph. This is my idol. If he doesn't do it, I will smash the door." Wait."

Then the fat man really sat at the door and refused to leave, and called his daughter to tell her that Ye Ming was at Tianchao Terrace. It seems that both these women are fans of Ye Ming.

Moreover, Fatty did not lower his voice when he called. Many people knew that Ye Ming was at the Tianchao TV station. For a while, more than 200 fans gathered at the door and were waiting. At this time, even the armed police were alerted, and three people immediately An armed policeman came out to maintain order, and Director Zhang from the security department in charge of security came out and asked what happened. If someone was making trouble, it was a mass incident, which directly affected the image of Tianchaotai. .

After clarifying the matter at this time, the talkative staff member was severely criticized.

If you hadn't been such a talkative kid, would this have happened? Director Zhang was furious to death, but there was nothing he could do. Ye Ming's fans did not surround Tianchao Terrace, but waited directly at the door. Although Tianchao Terrace always believed that the door was also its own private space, but that was after all. Public places, including the Tianchao Terrace, cannot say that people will not be allowed to wait there, otherwise they will just wait to be scolded with their spines pointed at them.

Director Zhang couldn't make the decision on this matter, so he reported it directly to the leader, who finally asked for instructions from the director of the station, Yang Weiguang. Director Yang was letting Zhang Yimou and Ye Ming study, but he planned to ignore them anyway.

Especially Ye Ming, a guy with a eloquent tongue who could tell the dead to be alive. Therefore, at this time, Yang Weiguang made up his mind to ignore the two people and let them study for at least twenty minutes. It will be easier to talk until the two of them are a little impatient.

However, Yang Weiguang did not expect that things would turn out like this. After he put down the phone, he said: "It's outrageous. It's really outrageous. How do those people handle things? They can't handle these small things well. They're just freeloaders."

Seeing that Yang Weiguang was so angry, Zhang Yimou was also very surprised. Normally, regardless of whether Director Yang agreed to this matter, anyway, such a matter was a public matter, so he would not be half angry to death. ah.

What Zhang Yimou wanted to say just now, Yang Weiguang immediately said: "You two, I'm sorry, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the people in the security department, how do they do things, actually saying there are two There are more than a hundred fans waiting at the door, and they can't handle it at all. Ye Ming, these fans are all yours, and it is said that they are still increasing. This Tianchao Taiwan is not your fan meeting. Go and deal with this matter. Dealt with it.”

Even in the office, standing outside the window, you can see how many people are gathering outside the gate of Tianchaotai. Those who don't know think that some group incident is about to happen. Under such a situation, Ye Ming was also a little happy at this time: "Director Yang, it is not wrong for me to come here. I won't say whether these people are my fans, but they cannot know that I am coming. I came here as a last-minute decision, and I came here with Sister Weiwei. It can be said that no one in my company knows about this, how could they know about it."

Zhao Wei was reading the newspaper outside, because Zhao Wei knew very well that at this time, Ye Ming and Zhang Yimou were talking about relatively secret things with Yang Weiguang, and some things could not be known to outsiders casually.

Therefore, Zhao Wei waited outside very wisely.

This matter does not require too many words at all. Smart people need not say it, they can understand it at a glance. Zhao Wei is obviously such a smart person.

At this time, Ye Ming made some ridiculing words, which made Yang Weiguang feel helpless: "You guy, it's not your fault. It was a temporary worker at the gate of Tianchaotai who leaked your whereabouts. That Land Rover of yours It's too ostentatious. With the admission pass, it's not as conspicuous as usual. You can drive your car in directly, which means that many staff are familiar with your license plate. We are also responsible for this matter, but there are so many People gather together in one phase, this has a bad impact, please handle the matter quickly."

In fact, something like this does have a bad impact. Ye Ming knew this very well, so he didn't say anything more and left quickly.

This is the capital, so some jokes can be made, but some jokes cannot be made. Ye Ming knew that this was not the time to joke, and the fans' matters had to be dealt with.

Although it is not Ye Ming's responsibility, at this time, since he is a fan of Ye Ming, he naturally asks him to handle it. If he cannot handle it well, then in such a situation, this matter is with him. It matters.

Sometimes, there is no need to reason with the leader at all. If it is your responsibility, then it is your responsibility. If it is not your responsibility, it is also your responsibility. Who makes those fans all yours?

It was precisely because Ye Ming knew this that he hurriedly came down. The first thing Ye Ming said after coming down was to have the more than 200 people brought in and turn off everyone's mobile phones to prevent more people from gathering at Tianchao Terrace.

In fact, the guard at Tianchao Terrace does not have the qualifications to ask everyone to turn off their phones. Even if he stood up and asked everyone to turn off their phones, the guards at Tianchao Terrace would probably not do much.

But Ye Ming directly made this request at this time, asking everyone to turn off their mobile phones. The fans were really obedient and turned off their mobile phones directly.

This is the power of idols. Sometimes, the influence of an idol on a person is quite large. This kind of influence is difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

It took more than half an hour to get these more than 200 people signed and taking photos. At this time, not only Ye Ming breathed a sigh of relief, but also Director Yang Weiguang, who was secretly observing the matter, breathed a long sigh of relief. (To be continued)

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